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Auto-Expiring cache keys in Rails - easy, but what about performance?

Auto-Expiring cache keys in Rails - easy, but what about performance?

September 7th, 2012

This was sparked by this post by DHH:

At first I was excited to read about a new method I hadn't seen before, ActiveRecord's cache_key. It seemed like I was going to restructure our entire cache strategy to take advantage of this cool technique.

However, I realized that, although much easier to maintain, it's much less performant than manually expiring cache keys. Also, it seems to only work okay with a very specific data structure (the one DHH is using in his post, for example).

I would very much like to use this technique and just be able to forget about manually expiring cache fragments for the most part. But there are a few things that are keeping me from moving in this direction. I want someone to read this and tell me why I'm wrong, and why auto expiring keys is definitely the best way to go.

A little context: The website I work for gets an average of about 30,000 visits per day - not a ton but definitely enough that little things make a big difference in performance.


This technique requires too many queries and too many renders. Manually expiring gives us the ability to cache larger chunks of data. I am looking for opinions, thoughts, and especially arguments on this.

Auto-Expiring cache keys: What really goes down

Consider this example, where I'd like to display a list of blogs and each blog's 5 most recent posts:

<%# views/blogs/index.html.erb %>

<% @blogs.each do |blog| %>
  <% cache blog do %>
    <%= render partial: "posts/post", collection: blog.posts.recent.limit(5) %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>
<%# views/posts/_post.html.erb %>

<% cache post do %>
  <h2><%= post.title %></h2>
  <p><%= post.body %></p>
<% end %>

Right off the bat - @blogs.each will perform a database query no matter what, on every page load. It also requires several hits to the cache database to check for every blog's cache_key. Who knows - this could be hundreds of blogs, depending on the site.

If any post in a blog is updated, that block will be required to render the post partial 5 times, no matter what. It will also have to fire off a query to the database to retrieve those 5 posts. At this point - with the 5 posts loaded in to memory, and the partials being rendered anyways - what is really the performance difference between fetching the HTML fragment for that post from cache, or just rendering the partial as usual? My guess is that it's negligible, but I hope that I am wrong.

What if you can't group the objects inside of another object's cache?

Consider this example. I want to simply render the 5 most recent posts made, regardless of which blog:

<%# views/posts/_recent.html.erb %>

<% @posts = Post.recent.limit(5) %>
<% cache @posts do %>
  <%= render @posts %>
<% end %>

Same situation here: By calling cache @posts, we're firing off that query, therefore defeating one of the awesome advantages of an ActiveRecord::Relation - lazily performing queries. And then we have to render the post partial 5 times, and at that point, with the Post ready to go, is caching really going to help that much?

Arbitrary view fragments

Auto-expiring keys doesn't support arbitrary view fragments - i.e., fragments of HTML that aren't tied to any model object:

<%# views/posts/_recent.html.erb %>

<% cache "recent_posts" do %>
  <% @posts = Post.recent.limit(5) %>
  <%= render @posts %>
<% end %>

This method (on cache hit):

  • Will not perform any database queries
  • Doesn't need to instantiate an ActiveRecord::Relation object (you wouldn't be doing that in the partial though)
  • Doesn't render any partials
  • Only needs to check the cache for a single key

Manual expiration - really not that bad

The only downside, of course, is that the cache needs to be manually expired - but that's, what, 5 lines in an observer?

# models/post_observer.rb

class PostObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer
  def after_save(post) "views/recent_posts"

Of course, if you have a lot of places where this object is being represented, you'd have to expire several fragments. But, with redis, you can take advantage of sets and smembers to do that. Another option is to treat view fragments as polymorphic ActiveRecord objects, store their keys in the database, and associate them with objects, expiring them in an observer:

# models/post.rb

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :cache_fragments, as: :cacheable
# models/cache_fragment.rb

class CacheFragment < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :cacheable, polymorphic: true
# models/post_observer.rb

class PostObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer
  def after_save(post)
	post.cache_fragments.each do |fragment| fragment.key

So - thoughts?

Tags: rails, redis, cache, "cache strategy"
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stratmm commented Jan 29, 2013


I recently had the same question when trying to come up with an easily maintainable caching strategy based on the 37signals post.

I came up with this strategy and though I agree that it still means that the DB is used a lot but I guess it is a trade off between easy of maintenance and raw performance.

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