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Last active March 9, 2021 12:48
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Authors: Chantal Amrhein and Mathias Müller
# University of Zurich
# imported modules
import argparse # for argument handling
import codecs # for opening files
from nltk import ngrams # for creating ngrams
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize # for tokenization
import numpy as np # for exp function
from collections import Counter # for counting ngrams
from typing import List, Tuple
Token = str
Sentence = List[Token]
Sentences = List[Sentence]
def parse_args() -> argparse.Namespace:
""" Parse arguments given via command lines
Keyword arguments: None
Returns: args - object of class argparse.Namespace
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# required arguments: a target file, the source file translated into the target language
parser.add_argument("-trg", "--target", required=True, action="store", dest="trg", help="target text")
parser.add_argument("-trans", "--translation", required=True, action="store", dest="trans", help="source translation")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", required=False, action="store_true", help="Print more verbose statistics")
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
def tokenize_file(filename: str) -> Sentences:
""" Open a file, read and tokenize content
Keyword arguments: filename - string, name of a file
Returns: text - list, tokenized text of file
sentences = []
with,"r","utf-8") as infile:
for line in infile:
tokenized = tokenize(line)
return sentences
def tokenize(sentence: str) -> Sentence:
""" Tokenize a given sentence
Keyword arguments: sentence - string, a sentence
Returns: sentence - list of tokens
# tokenize sentence with nltk tokenizer
tokenized = word_tokenize(sentence)
return tokenized
def compute_ngram_counts_per_sentence(hypothesis: Sentence, reference: Sentence, n: int) -> Tuple[int, int]:
:param hypothesis:
:param reference:
:param n:
# create ngrams of size n, initialise frequency dictionary for clipping
ngrams_ref = ngrams(reference, n)
ngrams_sent = ngrams(hypothesis, n)
clip_dictionary = Counter(ngrams_ref)
# initialise counters
total = 0
correct = 0
# check how many ngrams in the sentence also occur in the reference (includes clipping)
for ngram in ngrams_sent:
total += 1
if clip_dictionary[ngram] > 0:
correct += 1
clip_dictionary[ngram] -= 1
return correct, total
def compute_ngram_counts(hypothesis: Sentences, reference: Sentences, n: int) -> Tuple[int, int]:
""" Compute the ngram precision for a given sentence and ngram size
Keyword arguments: hypothesis - list of tokens, a translated sentence
reference - list of tokens, reference translation of sentences
n - integer, number of n-grams considered
Returns: precision - float, ngram precision for given sentence and ngram size
correct, total = 0, 0
for hyp_sentence, ref_sentence in zip(hypothesis, reference):
correct_per_sentence, total_per_sentence = compute_ngram_counts_per_sentence(hyp_sentence, ref_sentence, n)
correct += correct_per_sentence
total += total_per_sentence
return correct, total
def compute_length(sentences: Sentences) -> int:
:param sentences:
length = 0
for sentence in sentences:
length += len(sentence)
return length
def compute_bleu_score(hypothesis: Sentences,
reference: Sentences,
n: int=4) -> Tuple[float, List[Tuple[int, int]], List[float], List[int], float]:
""" Compute the BLEU score for a given sentence
Keyword arguments: hypothesis - list of tokens, a translated sentence
reference - list of tokens, reference translation of sentences
n - integer, number of n-grams considered (default = 4)
Returns: score - float, BLEU score for given sentence
counts = []
precisions = []
for ngram_order in range(1, n+1):
correct, total = compute_ngram_counts(hypothesis, reference, ngram_order)
# keep counts for verbose output
counts.append((correct, total))
# compute precision for this ngram order
precision = correct / float(total)
# compute brevity penalty
hyp_length = compute_length(hypothesis)
ref_length = compute_length(reference)
lengths = [ref_length, hyp_length]
bp = min(1.0,np.exp(1 - ref_length/hyp_length))
# compute geometric mean of ngram precisions
combined_precision =
p = combined_precision**(1/n)
# compute final bleu score
score = bp * p
return score, counts, precisions, lengths, bp
def main(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
""" Main function to compute BLEU score of a given file and a reference translation
Keyword arguments: args - object of class argparse.Namespace
Returns: None
# read target and translation files and tokenize text
trg = tokenize_file(args.trg)
trans = tokenize_file(args.trans)
# compute bleu score
bleu_score, counts, precisions, lengths, bp = compute_bleu_score(trans,trg)
# print information
print("BLEU score for {0:s}:".format(args.trans))
if args.verbose:
print("BLEU={score} COUNTS={counts} PRECISIONS={precisions} LENGTHS={lengths} BP={bp}".format(
score="%.4f" % bleu_score,
counts=["%d/%d" % (correct, total) for correct, total in counts],
precisions=["%.4f" % p for p in precisions],
print("\t","%.4f" % bleu_score)
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = parse_args()
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