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Forked from eduhcastro/xxtea.cs
Created January 3, 2023 15:48
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XXTEA Class Encry/Decrypt
using System;
namespace Skillerm.Controller
* XXTEA_Decrypt
* @author Skillerm<CastroMS>
* @discord CastroMS#3430
* @mail
* 2022/12/18
internal class XXTEA_Decrypt
uint DELTA = 0x9e3779B9;
* InicializationDecrypt
public byte[] InicializationDecrypt(byte[] data, uint data_len, byte[] key, uint key_len, out uint ret_length)
// Initialize the return length to 0
ret_length = 0;
// If the key length is less than 0x10 (16), fix the key length by adding 0s to the end of the key
// Otherwise, use the original key
byte[] fixed_key = (key_len < 0x10) ? this.fix_key_length(key, key_len) : key;
// Decrypt the data using the fixed key and return the decrypted data
// Also, set the return length to the length of the decrypted data
byte[] decryptedData = this.XXTEA_Decry(data, data_len, fixed_key, out ret_length);
return decryptedData;
private byte[] XXTEA_Decry(byte[] data, uint len, byte[] key, out uint ret_len)
// Convert the data and key into arrays of unsigned integers
uint[] v = this.XXTEA_LongArray(data, len, 0, out uint num);
uint[] k = this.XXTEA_LongArray(key, 0x10, 0, out _);
// Decrypt the data using the key
this.XXTEA_Decry_Long(ref v, num, ref k);
// Convert the decrypted data back into a byte array and set the return length to the length of the decrypted data
return this.XXTEA_ByteArray(v, num, 1, out ret_len);
// This function creates a new array (fixed_key) of 16 bytes (0x10) and copies the contents of the input array (key)
// into it, up to a maximum of "key_len" bytes.
private byte[] fix_key_length(byte[] key, uint key_len)
// Initialize a new array of 16 bytes
byte[] fixed_key = new byte[0x10];
// Copy the contents of the input array (key) into the new array (fixed_key), up to a maximum of "key_len" bytes
Array.Copy(key, fixed_key, (long)key_len);
// Return the new array
return fixed_key;
// This function decrypts an array of 32-bit unsigned integers (v) of length "len"
// using the key (k) provided.
private void XXTEA_Decry_Long(ref uint[] v, uint len, ref uint[] k)
// Initialize the index to the last element in the array
uint index = len - 1;
// Initialize num2 to the last element in the array
uint num2 = v[index];
// Initialize num3 to the first element in the array
uint num3 = v[0];
// Initialize num6 to a constant value that is used in the decryption process
uint num6 = (uint)((6 + (0x34 / (index + 1))) * -1_640_531_527);
// Continue decrypting until num6 is 0
while (num6 != 0)
// Calculate the value of num7, which is used in the decryption process
uint num7 = (num6 >> 2) & 3;
// Initialize num4 to the value of index
uint num4 = index;
// Continue decrypting until num4 is 0
while (num4 != 0)
// Set num2 to the element in the array at the previous index
num2 = v[((int)num4) - 1];
// Decrypt the current element in the array (num4) by using the previous element (num2)
// and the current element (num3) in the decryption process
num3 = v[num4] -= (((num2 >> 5) ^ (num3 << 2)) + ((num3 >> 3) ^ (num2 << 4))) ^ ((num6 ^ num3) + (k[(num4 & 3) ^ num7] ^ num2));
// Decrement num4
// Set num2 to the last element in the array
num2 = v[index];
// Decrypt the first element in the array by using the last element (num2)
// and the current element (num3) in the decryption process
num3 = v[0] -= (((num2 >> 5) ^ (num3 << 2)) + ((num3 >> 3) ^ (num2 << 4))) ^ ((num6 ^ num3) + (k[(num4 & 3) ^ num7] ^ num2));
// Decrement num6
num6 -= this.DELTA; //0x9e3779b9 //0x464C457F
// This function converts an array of 32-bit unsigned integers (data) of length "len"
// into an array of bytes, and returns the resulting array.
// If "include_length" is set to 1, the length of the input array is included in the output.
// The length of the returned array is stored in the "ret_len" output parameter.
private byte[] XXTEA_ByteArray(uint[] data, uint len, int include_length, out uint ret_len)
// Initialize ret_len to 0
ret_len = 0;
// Calculate the length of the output array in bytes
uint num2 = len << 2;
// If include_length is set to 1, check if the last element in the input array
// contains the length of the array, and if so, set num2 to that value
if (include_length == 1)
uint num3 = data[((int)len) - 1];
if ((num3 >= (num2 - 7)) && (num3 <= (num2 - 4)))
num2 = num3;
// Return null if the last element in the input array does not contain the length of the array
return null;
// Initialize a new array of bytes with a length of num2
byte[] buffer = new byte[num2];
// Initialize the index to 0
uint index = 0;
// Continue converting the input array to bytes until the index is equal to num2
while (index < num2)
// Convert the current element in the input array to a byte and store it in the output array
buffer[index] = (byte)((data[index >> 2] >> (((int)(index & 3) << 3) & 0x1f)) & 0xff);
// Increment the index
// Store the length of the output array in ret_len
ret_len = num2;
// Return the output array
return buffer;
// This function converts an array of bytes (data) of length "len"
// into an array of 32-bit unsigned integers, and returns the resulting array.
// If "include_length" is set to 1, the length of the input array is included in the output.
// The length of the returned array is stored in the "ret_len" output parameter.
private uint[] XXTEA_LongArray(byte[] data, uint len, int include_length, out uint ret_len)
// Initialize an array of 32-bit unsigned integers
uint[] numArray;
// Calculate the number of 32-bit unsigned integers in the input array
uint index = len >> 2;
index = ((len & 3) == 0) ? index : (index + 1);
// If include_length is set to 1, initialize the array with an additional element to store the length of the input array
if (include_length != 1)
numArray = new uint[index << 2];
ret_len = index;
numArray = new uint[(index + 1) << 2];
numArray[index] = len;
ret_len = index + 1;
// Convert the input array to 32-bit unsigned integers and store them in the output array
for (uint i = 0; i < len; i += 4)
numArray[i >> 2] = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, (int)i);
// Return the output array
return numArray;
* Encode Area
* ============================================================================
public byte[] InicializationEncrypt(byte[] data, uint data_len, byte[] key, uint key_len, out uint ret_length)
ret_length = 0;
byte[] fixed_key = (key_len < 0x10) ? this.fix_key_length(key, key_len) : key;
return this.XXTEAA_Encrypt(data, data_len, fixed_key, out ret_length);
private byte[] XXTEAA_Encrypt(byte[] data, uint len, byte[] key, out uint ret_len)
uint[] v = this.XXTEA_LongArray(data, len, 1, out uint num);
uint[] k = this.XXTEA_LongArray(key, 0x10, 0, out _);
this.XXTEA_Encrypt_Long(ref v, num, ref k);
return this.XXTEA_ByteArray(v, num, 0, out ret_len);
// This function encrypts an array of 32-bit unsigned integers (v) of length "len"
// using the key (k) provided.
private void XXTEA_Encrypt_Long(ref uint[] v, uint len, ref uint[] k)
// Initialize the index to the last element in the array
uint index = len - 1;
// Initialize num2 to the last element in the array
uint num2 = v[index];
// Initialize num3 to the first element in the array
uint num3 = v[0];
// Initialize num5 to a constant value that is used in the encryption process
uint num5 = 6 + (0x34 / (index + 1));
// Initialize num6 to 0
uint num6 = 0;
// If the length of the array is greater than or equal to 1, perform the encryption
if (index >= 1)
// Encrypt the array num5 times
for (uint i = 0; i < num5; i++)
// Increment num6
num6 += this.DELTA;
// Encrypt each element in the array, except for the last element
for (uint j = 0; j < index; j++)
// Set num3 to the element in the array at the next index
num3 = v[j + 1];
// Encrypt the current element in the array (j) by using the next element (num3)
// and the current element (num2) in the encryption process
num2 = v[j] += (((num2 >> 5) ^ (num3 << 2)) + ((num3 >> 3) ^ (num2 << 4))) ^ ((num6 ^ num3) + (k[j & 3] ^ num2));
// Set num3 to the first element in the array
num3 = v[0];
// Encrypt the last element in the array by using the first element (num3)
// and the current element (num2) in the encryption process
num2 = v[index] += (((num2 >> 5) ^ (num3 << 2)) + ((num3 >> 3) ^ (num2 << 4))) ^ ((num6 ^ num3) + (k[index & 3] ^ num2));
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