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Last active May 23, 2018 17:58
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Neural Network - Under Construction
import json
import numpy as np
from scipy.misc import imread, imresize
import os
import random
from math import exp
#Takes input of the path for image data, the final width and
#height to which the image needs to be resized
#Gives the output as numpy array. Images are converted to Grayscale.
def image_data(path="", width=150, height=150, grey=True):
files = os.listdir(path)
if grey==True:
images = [imread(path+i, mode='L') for i in files]
images = [imread(path+i) for i in files]
resized = [imresize(i, (width, height)) for i in images]
return resized
#Class neuron is a basic structure of any normal neuron
class neuron:
#Default value gives the initial values of the neuron output
#kernel gives the kernel associated with the neuron
def __init__(self, default=0, kernel=lambda x:x):
self.z_value = default
self.kernel = kernel
self.a_value = self.kernel(default)
self.inputs = []
self.outputs = []
self.theta = [random.random()]
self.grad = [0]
self.alpha = []
#Updates before and after activation outputs. Adds bias unit by
#itself. Assumes theta and inputs be row and column matrix.
def update_value(self, network):
inputs = [1]
for i in self.inputs:
if i[0] ==0:
self.z_value = np.matmul(self.theta, inputs)
self.a_value = self.kernel(self.z_value)
#Converts the given structure data into neuron network.
#Theta is generated with random values between positive and
#negative epsilon. Outputs a nested list for network structure.
def init_structure(structure, default=0, epsilon=1, kernel=lambda x:x):
network = []
for layer_i in structure[1:]:
layer = []
for neuron_i in layer_i:
neur = neuron(default=default,kernel=kernel)
neur.inputs = neuron_i
for k in neuron_i:
for layer_i in range(1,len(network)):
for neuron_i in range(len(network[layer_i])):
for con in network[layer_i][neuron_i].inputs:
if (con[0] != 0) and ([layer_i, neuron_i] not in network[con[0]][con[1]].outputs):
network[con[0]][con[1]].outputs.append((layer_i, neuron_i))
return network
#Takes in the network and input layer and updates all neurons.
def forward_prop(network, input_layer):
network[0] = input_layer
for layer in network[1:]:
for neuron in layer:
return network
#Converts matrix to vector
def mat2vec(matrix):
for i in matrix:
for j in i:
return vec
#Convert layer neuron data to vector form
def layer_conv_vec(layer, column):
for neuron in layer:
for address_i in range(len(neuron)):
neuron[address_i][1] = neuron[address_i][1][0]*column+neuron[address_i][1][1]
return layer
#Converts a number to the hot one form
def hot1(i, l):
s = (i-1)*'0' +'1'+(l-i)*'0'
s = [int(j) for j in s]
return s
#Converts a number to cold one form
def cold1(i, l):
s = (i-1)*'1' +'0'+(l-i)*'1'
s = [int(j) for j in s]
return s
#The function takes in network and Dkernel which gives the derivative
#function for the kernel. It only gives the gradient value for one
#test case. For each test case, this needs to be rerun.
#This can be used with feedback type netwroks also.
def back_prop(network, factor, Dkernel=lambda x:1):
#Excludes the first and last layer of network
layer_range = range(len(network)-2,0,-1)
#Calculation for the last layer
for neuron_i in range(len(network[-1])):
neuron = network[-1][neuron_i]
input_list = [1]
for inp in neuron.inputs:
if inp[0] == 0:
neuron.grad = factor[neuron_i]*Dkernel(neuron.z_value)*np.array(input_list)
#Calculation for other layers
for layer_i in layer_range:
neuron_range = range(len(network[layer_i]))
for neuron_i in neuron_range:
neuron = network[layer_i][neuron_i]
#For finding changes in next layer due to its own change
gradient_sum = 0
#This part takes into consideration where the neuron is
#affecting the output.
for output in neuron.outputs:
in_list = network[output[0]][output[1]].inputs
index = in_list.index([layer_i,neuron_i])
gradient_sum+= network[output[0]][output[1]].grad[index]*network[output[0]][output[1]].theta[index]
input_list = [1]
for inp in neuron.inputs:
if inp[0] == 0:
neuron.grad = gradient_sum*Dkernel(neuron.z_value)*np.array(input_list)
return network
#Adam Algorithm for obtaining learning rates for inidividual
#weight parameters.
#Need to create a timestep variable and update it manually.
def adam_algo(alpha, B1, B2, e, t, network):
Pseudo Algorithm as published in arXiv paper
Require: α: Stepsize
Require: β1,β2 ∈ [0,1): Exponential decay rates for the moment estimates
Require: f(θ): Stochastic objective function with parameters θ
Require: θ0: Initial parameter vector
m0 ← 0 (Initialize 1st moment vector)
v0 ← 0 (Initialize 2nd moment vector)
t ← 0 (Initialize timestep)
while θt not converged do
t ← t + 1
gt ←∇θft(θt−1) (Get gradients w.r.t. stochastic objective at timestep t)
mt ← β1 ·mt−1 + (1−β1)·gt (Update biased first moment estimate)
vt ← β2 ·vt−1 + (1−β2)·gt^2 (Update biased second raw moment estimate)
bmt ← mt/(1−β1^t) (Compute bias-corrected first moment estimate)
bvt ← vt/(1−β2^t) (Compute bias-corrected second raw moment estimate)
θt ← θt−1 −α·b mt/(√bvt + e) (Update parameters)
return θt (Resulting parameters)
We will have B1 and B2 in place of β1,β2. We get gradients from back_prop.
for layer in network[1:]:
for neuron in layer:
if t==1:
neuron.alpha[0] = B1*neuron.alpha[0] + (1-B1)*np.array(neuron.grad)
neuron.alpha[1] = B2*neuron.alpha[1]
bmt = neuron.alpha[0]/(1-(B1)**t)
bvt = neuron.alpha[1]/(1-(B2)**t)
neuron.theta = np.array(neuron.theta)
neuron.theta = neuron.theta - alpha*bmt/((bvt)**(0.5) + e)
neuron.theta = list(neuron.theta)
return (network, t)
#Fixed learning rate algorithm
def flr_algo(alpha, network):
for layer in network[1:]:
for neuron in layer:
neuron.theta = np.array(neuron.theta)
neuron.theta = neuron.theta - alpha*np.array(neuron.grad)
neuron.theta = list(neuron.theta)
return network
#def train(trainData, network, epoch, batch, costFunction,
# kernel=lambda x:x, Dkernel=lambda x:1, method, *args):
# batches = np.array_split(trainData, batch)
# for epoc in range(epoch):
# for bat in batches:
import numpy as np
from math import exp
from nn_s import *
structure = [[],
A0 = np.array([1,0])
kernel = lambda x:1/(1+exp(-x))
Dkernel = lambda x: kernel(x)*(1-kernel(x))
network = init_structure(structure, kernel=kernel)
network = forward_prop(network, [0.34,0.56])
network = back_prop(network, Dkernel=Dkernel, factor=T)
h = (0.1)**8
thets = []
for layer_i in range(1,4):
for neuron_i in range(2):
for grad_i in range(3):
network = forward_prop(network, [0.34,0.56])
Jt = np.matmul(T,T)/2
network = forward_prop(network, [0.34,0.56])
print('Actual \t \t \t Expected')
for layer_i in range(1,4):
for neuron_i in range(2):
for grad_i in range(3):
print(str(network[layer_i][neuron_i].grad[grad_i])+' \t '+str(thets[(layer_i-1)*3+neuron_i*2+grad_i])+'\t'+str(network[layer_i][neuron_i].grad[grad_i]/thets[(layer_i-1)*3+neuron_i*2+grad_i]))
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