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Created February 27, 2014 07:47
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"use strict"
@ticTacToe = angular.module 'TicTacToe', []
ticTacToe.constant 'WIN_PATTERNS',
class BoardCtrl
constructor: (@$scope, @WIN_PATTERNS) ->
@$scope.mark = @mark
getPatterns: =>
@patternsToTest = @WIN_PATTERNS.filter -> true
getRow: (pattern) =>
c = @cells
c0 = c[pattern[0]] || pattern[0]
c1 = c[pattern[1]] || pattern[1]
c2 = c[pattern[2]] || pattern[2]
someoneWon: (row) ->
'xxx' == row || 'ooo' == row
resetBoard: =>
@cells = @$scope.cells = {}
numberOfMoves: =>
movesRemaining: (player) =>
totalMoves = 9 - @numberOfMoves()
if player == 'x'
Math.ceil(totalMoves / 2)
else if player == 'o'
Math.floor(totalMoves / 2)
player: (options) =>
options ||= whoMovedLast: false
moves = @numberOfMoves() - (if options.whoMovedLast then 1 else 0)
if moves % 2 == 0 then 'x' else 'o'
isMixedRow: (row) ->
hasOneX: (row) ->
hasTwoXs: (row) ->
hasOneO: (row) ->
hasTwoOs: (row) ->
isEmptyRow: (row) ->
gameUnwinnable: =>
@patternsToTest.length < 1
announceWinner: =>
winner = @player(whoMovedLast: true)
alert "#{winner} wins!"
announceTie: =>
alert "It's a tie!"
rowStillWinnable: (row) =>
not (@isMixedRow(row) or
(@hasOneX(row) and @movesRemaining('x') < 2) or
(@hasTwoXs(row) and @movesRemaining('x') < 1) or
(@hasOneO(row) and @movesRemaining('o') < 2) or
(@hasTwoOs(row) and @movesRemaining('o') < 1) or
(@isEmptyRow(row) and @movesRemaining() < 5))
parseBoard: =>
won = false
@patternsToTest = @patternsToTest.filter (pattern) =>
row = @getRow(pattern)
won ||= @someoneWon(row)
if won
else if @gameUnwinnable()
mark: (@$event) =>
cell = @$
@cells[cell] = @player()
BoardCtrl.$inject = ["$scope", "WIN_PATTERNS"]
ticTacToe.controller "BoardCtrl", BoardCtrl
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" data-ng-app="TicTacToe">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/application.css" media="all">
<header role="banner">
<span class="tic">Tic</span><span class="tac">Tac</span><span class="toe">Toe</span>
<main role="main" data-ng-controller="BoardCtrl">
<section id="gameboard" class="board">
<div id="row-0" class="board-row">
<div id="cell-0" data-index="0" data-ng-click="mark($event)" class="board-cell top left {{cells.0}}">{{cells.0}}</div>
<div id="cell-1" data-index="1" data-ng-click="mark($event)" class="board-cell top center {{cells.1}}">{{cells.1}}</div>
<div id="cell-2" data-index="2" data-ng-click="mark($event)" class="board-cell top right {{cells.2}}">{{cells.2}}</div>
<div id="row-1" class="board-row">
<div id="cell-3" data-index="3" data-ng-click="mark($event)" class="board-cell middle left {{cells.3}}">{{cells.3}}</div>
<div id="cell-4" data-index="4" data-ng-click="mark($event)" class="board-cell middle center {{cells.4}}">{{cells.4}}</div>
<div id="cell-5" data-index="5" data-ng-click="mark($event)" class="board-cell middle right {{cells.5}}">{{cells.5}}</div>
<div id="row-2" class="board-row">
<div id="cell-6" data-index="6" data-ng-click="mark($event)" class="board-cell bottom left {{cells.6}}">{{cells.6}}</div>
<div id="cell-7" data-index="7" data-ng-click="mark($event)" class="board-cell bottom center {{cells.7}}">{{cells.7}}</div>
<div id="cell-8" data-index="8" data-ng-click="mark($event)" class="board-cell bottom right {{cells.8}}">{{cells.8}}</div>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="/js/application.js"></script>
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