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bash autocomplete for rake with cache
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Complete rake tasks script for bash
# Save it somewhere and then add
# complete -C path/to/script -o default rake
# to your ~/.bashrc
# Xavier Shay (, combining work from
# Francis Hwang ( ) -
# Nicholas Seckar <> -
# Saimon Moore <>
require 'fileutils'
RAKEFILES = ['rakefile', 'Rakefile', 'rakefile.rb', 'Rakefile.rb']
exit 0 unless RAKEFILES.any? { |rf| File.file?(File.join(Dir.pwd, rf)) }
exit 0 unless /^rake\b/ =~ ENV["COMP_LINE"]
after_match = $'
task_match = (after_match.empty? || after_match =~ /\s$/) ? nil : after_match.split.last
cache_dir = File.join( ENV['HOME'], '.rake', 'tc_cache' )
FileUtils.mkdir_p cache_dir
rakefile = RAKEFILES.detect { |rf| File.file?(File.join(Dir.pwd, rf)) }
rakefile_path = File.join( Dir.pwd, rakefile )
cache_file = File.join( cache_dir, rakefile_path.gsub( %r{/}, '_' ) )
if File.exist?( cache_file ) &&
File.mtime( cache_file ) >= (Dir['lib/tasks/*.rake'] << rakefile).collect {|x| File.mtime(x) }.max
task_lines = cache_file )
task_lines = `rake --silent --tasks 2>/dev/null` cache_file, 'w' ) do |f| f << task_lines; end
tasks = task_lines.split("\n")[1..-1].collect {|line| line.split[1]}
tasks = {|t| /^#{Regexp.escape task_match}/ =~ t} if task_match
# handle namespaces
if task_match =~ /^([-\w:]+:)/
upto_last_colon = $1
after_match = $'
tasks = tasks.collect { |t| (t =~ /^#{Regexp.escape upto_last_colon}([-\w:]+)$/) ? "#{$1}" : t }
puts tasks
exit 0
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grosser commented Jul 22, 2012

very useful, thanks!

I had to remove [1..-1] as you can see here to make it work with newer rake versions that do no longer print an useless first line

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