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Created February 15, 2017 09:55
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// 1. Declare outside class definition (or in its own file).
// 2. UIKit must be included in file where this code is added.
// 3. Extends UIDevice class, thus is available anywhere in app.
// Usage example:
// if UIDevice().type == .simulator {
// print("You're running on the simulator... boring!")
// } else {
// print("Wow! Running on a \(UIDevice().type.rawValue)")
// }
public enum Model : String {
case simulator = "simulator/sandbox",
iPod1 = "iPod 1",
iPod2 = "iPod 2",
iPod3 = "iPod 3",
iPod4 = "iPod 4",
iPod5 = "iPod 5",
iPad2 = "iPad 2",
iPad3 = "iPad 3",
iPad4 = "iPad 4",
iPhone4 = "iPhone 4",
iPhone4S = "iPhone 4S",
iPhone5 = "iPhone 5",
iPhone5S = "iPhone 5S",
iPhone5C = "iPhone 5C",
iPadMini1 = "iPad Mini 1",
iPadMini2 = "iPad Mini 2",
iPadMini3 = "iPad Mini 3",
iPadAir1 = "iPad Air 1",
iPadAir2 = "iPad Air 2",
iPhone6 = "iPhone 6",
iPhone6plus = "iPhone 6 Plus",
iPhone6S = "iPhone 6S",
iPhone6Splus = "iPhone 6S Plus",
unrecognized = "?unrecognized?"
public extension UIDevice {
public var type: Model {
var systemInfo = utsname()
let modelCode = withUnsafePointer(to: &systemInfo.machine) {
$0.withMemoryRebound(to: CChar.self, capacity: 1) {
ptr in String.init(validatingUTF8: ptr)
var modelMap : [ String : Model ] = [
"i386" : .simulator,
"x86_64" : .simulator,
"iPod1,1" : .iPod1,
"iPod2,1" : .iPod2,
"iPod3,1" : .iPod3,
"iPod4,1" : .iPod4,
"iPod5,1" : .iPod5,
"iPad2,1" : .iPad2,
"iPad2,2" : .iPad2,
"iPad2,3" : .iPad2,
"iPad2,4" : .iPad2,
"iPad2,5" : .iPadMini1,
"iPad2,6" : .iPadMini1,
"iPad2,7" : .iPadMini1,
"iPhone3,1" : .iPhone4,
"iPhone3,2" : .iPhone4,
"iPhone3,3" : .iPhone4,
"iPhone4,1" : .iPhone4S,
"iPhone5,1" : .iPhone5,
"iPhone5,2" : .iPhone5,
"iPhone5,3" : .iPhone5C,
"iPhone5,4" : .iPhone5C,
"iPad3,1" : .iPad3,
"iPad3,2" : .iPad3,
"iPad3,3" : .iPad3,
"iPad3,4" : .iPad4,
"iPad3,5" : .iPad4,
"iPad3,6" : .iPad4,
"iPhone6,1" : .iPhone5S,
"iPhone6,2" : .iPhone5S,
"iPad4,1" : .iPadAir1,
"iPad4,2" : .iPadAir2,
"iPad4,4" : .iPadMini2,
"iPad4,5" : .iPadMini2,
"iPad4,6" : .iPadMini2,
"iPad4,7" : .iPadMini3,
"iPad4,8" : .iPadMini3,
"iPad4,9" : .iPadMini3,
"iPhone7,1" : .iPhone6plus,
"iPhone7,2" : .iPhone6,
"iPhone8,1" : .iPhone6S,
"iPhone8,2" : .iPhone6Splus
if let model = modelMap[String.fromCString(modelCode!)!] {
return model
return Model.unrecognized
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