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Last active January 29, 2019 21:54
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Script to slurp blog posts from blogger
#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Slurp all Images and text from the blog into a folder."""
from urllib.request import urlopen, urlretrieve
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from datetime import datetime
import os
import re
import os.path
def getPostsByYear(blogUrl, year, month):
"""Get url for each post by month and year return as list.
Defaults to returning empty list if no posts are found.
url = blogUrl + str(year) + '/' + str(month).zfill(2)
f = urlopen(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(f, 'html.parser')
archiveList = soup.find(attrs={'id': 'BlogArchive1_ArchiveList'})
uls = archiveList.findChildren('ul', recursive=False)
pattern = re.compile(
r"^(\w|\:|\/|\.)+" +
str(year) + "/" +
str(month).zfill(2) +
for ul in uls:
children = ul.findChildren(recursive=False)
for child in children:
a = child.find(
attrs={'class', 'post-count-link'},
linkYear = int(a.text.strip())
if(linkYear == year):
# ml = child.find(
# 'a',
# attrs={'class', 'post-count-link'},
# recursive=False
# )
monthLinks = ul.find_all('a')
elinks = [ml.get('href') for ml in monthLinks
if pattern.match(ml.get('href'))]
return elinks
def getPostInfo(url):
"""Get post text and list of images and return as tuple.
Defaults to returning empty tuple if post is not found.
f = urlopen(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(f, 'html.parser')
postDateStr = soup.find(attrs={'class': 'date-header'}).text.strip()
postDateTime = datetime.strptime(postDateStr, '%A, %B %d, %Y')
postDate = postDateTime.strftime("%Y%m%d")
postTitle = soup.find(attrs={'class': 'post-title'}).text.strip()
cleanPostTitle = ''.join(
e for e in postTitle if e.isalnum() or e == ' ')
postBody = soup.find(attrs={'class': 'post-body'})
# lines = postBody.text.strip().splitlines()
postBodyClean = "\n\n".join(
[s.strip() for s in postBody.text.strip().splitlines() if s])
postImages = postBody.find_all('img')
postBodyClean = postBodyClean + "\n\n"
for img in postImages:
imgNameParts = img.get('src').split('/')
postBodyClean = postBodyClean + imgNameParts[-1] + "\n"
return (postDate + "-" + cleanPostTitle + ".txt", postBodyClean)
except ConnectionResetError:
print("Connection closed .. .try again.")
return True, "Connection Closed for " + url
def savePostInfo(post):
"""Save post data to a file."""
subdirectory = post[0].split('.')[0]
fileName = post[0]
postText = post[1]
folderName = os.path.join("Posts", subdirectory)
print("Making folder: " + folderName)
except Exception:
print("Failed to make folder " + folderName)
fullFileName = os.path.join(folderName, fileName)
with open(
'w', encoding='utf8'
) as file:
except Exception:
print("Failed to save file " + fullFileName)
def savePostImages(url):
"""Download post images and save to folder."""
f = urlopen(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(f, 'html.parser')
postDateStr = soup.find(attrs={'class': 'date-header'}).text.strip()
postDateTime = datetime.strptime(postDateStr, '%A, %B %d, %Y')
postDate = postDateTime.strftime("%Y%m%d")
postTitle = soup.find(attrs={'class': 'post-title'}).text.strip()
cleanPostTitle = ''.join(
e for e in postTitle if e.isalnum() or e == ' ')
subDirectory = postDate + "-" + cleanPostTitle
postBody = soup.find(attrs={'class': 'post-body'})
postImages = postBody.find_all('img')
os.mkdir(os.path.join("Posts", subDirectory))
except Exception:
for img in postImages:
imgParts = img.get('src').split('/')
imgParts[-2] = 's2400'
imgUrl = '/'.join(imgParts)
urlretrieve(imgUrl, os.path.join(
"Posts", subDirectory, os.path.basename(imgUrl)))
except Exception:
print("Failed to download for " + subDirectory + " " + imgUrl)
except ConnectionResetError:
print("Connection closed .. .try again.")
return True, "Connection Closed for " + url
def slurpBlog(blogUrl, year, month):
"""Fetch text and images for a given blog year and month.
Creates a post folder with a subfolder for each post.
postLinks = getPostsByYear(blogUrl, year, month)
folderName = os.path.join("Posts")
print("Making folder: " + folderName)
except Exception:
print("Failed to make folder " + folderName)
for postLink in postLinks:
post = getPostInfo(postLink)
def main():
"""Run the script."""
blogUrl = ''
year = 2018
for i in range(12):
slurpBlog(blogUrl, year, i+1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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