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Last active March 26, 2018 14:43
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#SpringBoot #Questions
  • Advantages of SpringBoot
    • Convention over configuration; makes development faster
    • Embedded containers (tomcat or jetty server); dont have to deploy them
    • lots of starter project; easy maven intergration, no version mismatch
    • reduces boilerplate code
    • create sample application quickly using sprint boot initializer
  • How can you spring boot application on custom port?
    • Mention server.port in configuration file. Default port is 8080.
  • How can you override default properties in spring boot?
    • Default properties can be overridden using configuration file. Like server.port
  • What are the disadvantages of using SpringBoot?
  • What is actuator in spring boot?
    • Helps to access current state of running application in production.
    • Provides REST endpoints to access various metrices like free memory, processors, uptime.
      • /metrics: includes free memory, processors
      • /health
      • /info
  • How can you implement spring security in spring application?
    • add spring-boot-starter-security in pom.xml
    • create a spring config class that extends WebSecurityConfigureAdapter and overrides methods in it.
  • What is @SpringBootApplication annotation?
    • was introduced in Springboot 1.2
    • needs to be added in main class
    • replaces 3 annotations used earlier: @Configuration, @ComponentScan, @EnableAutoConfiguration
  • Why to use sprig cloud?
    • Spring cloud provides tool to developers to develop distributed system (eg: configuration management, service registration, fault tolerance using circuit breaker, distributed tracing etc.)
    • Leverage Netflix OSS
  • Which version of spring boot have u used?
    • version 1.3
  • How can u enable logging in sprig boot application?
    • Spring boot come with support Log4J2, log back and is pre-configured as Console output
    • To enable logging add logging.level in
      • logging.level.spring.framework=Debug
  • What are starters?
    • we can add starters in pom.xml dependency section
    • all dependent jar gets downloaded, no version issues
    • A few starters
      • spring-boot-starter-web
      • spring-boot-starter-test
      • spring-boot-starter-security
      • spring-boot-starter-jdbc
      • spring-boot-starter-logging
  • What is the use of spring-boot-maven-plugin?
    • this plugin provides commands to run springboot application
      • spring-boot:run
      • spring-boot:start
      • spring-boot:stop
      • spring-boot:repackage
  • How can we enable auto reload of spring boot application?
    • By using Spring Boot Development Tools; add dependency(spring-boot-devtools) in pom.xml
    • when files changes in classpath, application using spring-boot-devtools will get restarted
  • How can we use jetty instead of tomcat?
    Remove the existing dependency on spring-boot-starter-web and add these in.
  • What is transitive dependency resolution management?
    • If "A" is dependent on "B" and "B" is dependent on "C". Then "A" is also dependent on "C"
    • Build tool like maven downloads all 3 jars to application classpath
    • Spring boot uses this to resolve dependencies
  • What is the use of profiles?
    • Way to handle different environments (DEV, QA, PROD)
    • We can have different properties for diff env. For example, use different DB for each environment
    • Mention active profile using in
  • What is the best way to expose custom configuration in Spring boot?
    • define a configuration component using @ConfigurationProperties
          public class BasicConfiguration {
              private boolean value;
              private String message;
              private int number;
    • The values can then be configured in
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