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Last active December 23, 2017 09:04
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#AWS #Putty #WinSCP

Connect to EC2 instance using putty

Convert .pem to .ppk (only first time)

  • To connect to ec2 instance from putty we need to convert .pem file to .ppk
  • Start puttygen.exe
  • Type of key to gen- te: RSA
  • Click "load" and sel- the .pem file
  • Click "save private key", give same name as .pem file

Use putty

  • Category> Session
    • Host name : ec2-user@public_dns_name or ec2-user@elastic ip address
      • ec2-user: user name for Amazon Linux AMI
      • ubuntu: user name for Amazon Ubuntu AMI
    • Port: 22
    • Connection type: SSH
  • Category> Connection> SSH> Auth
    • Browse .ppk file

Update package

  • sudo yum update [for linunx AMI]

Connect to EC2 instance using WinSCP

  • Select SFTP protocol
  • Host Name is public ip; port number is 22
  • Use name is ec2-user
  • Advanced > SSH > authentication > private key file > .ppk file
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