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Last active June 12, 2018 18:05
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#NoSQL #Notes
  • Challenges with traditional database
    • Not a good fit for large data volume(petabyte of data) with varying data types(images, video, text etc.)
    • Cann't scale for large data volume
    • Scale up is limited by memory and processing (CPU) capabilities
    • Scale out is difficult to achieve
    • Sharding causes operational problems; eg- managing shard failure
    • Consistency is a bottleneck for scalability in RDBMS
  • In case of NoSQL consistency is relaxed.

Types of NoSQL

  • Key/Value store: Redis, Couchbase
  • Column store
  • Graph store
  • Document store
  • Multi-model databases

CAP Theorem

  • CAP theorem states that there are 3 basic requirements for distributed architecture
    • Consistency: Data in database should remain consistent after execution of an operation. For example after an update operation all clients should see the same data.
    • Availability: System is always on; no downtime.
    • Partition Tolerance: System continues to funtion even if communication among servers is unreliable.The system continues to function and upholds its consistency guarantees in spite of network partitions.
  • Theoratically it is not possible to meet all 3 requirements.
  • Following combinations are possible
    • CA: Single site cluster, all nodes are always in contact. Example: All RDBMS
    • CP: A category of systems where availability is sacrificed in the case of a network partition. Example: MongoDB, Redis, HBase
    • AP: Systems that are available and partition tolerant but cannot guarantee consistency. Example: Cassandra, DynamoDB, CouchDB

NoSQL to rescue

  • Features of NoSQL
    • Scale-out, shared-nothing architecture, capable of running on a number of nodes.
    • Non-locking concurrency control mechanism so real-time reads will not conflict with writes
    • Scaled across thousands of nodes with distributed data
    • Schema less data model
    • Mostly query and few updates


  • Basically Available, Soft State, Eventual Consistency
  • Basically available indicates that the system does guarantee availability
  • Soft State means that the system state may change over time, even without input. This is because of eventual consistency.
  • Eventual Consistency means the system will eventually become consistent, given that it doesn't receive input during that time.
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