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Last active February 25, 2016 20:34
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Save brikeats/53664f4534c455f5d969 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Demo of Tkinter's widgets. Can be used as a template / skeleton for a simple GUI application.
import sys
import Tkinter as tk
from tkFileDialog import askopenfilename, asksaveasfilename
class App(tk.Tk):
A simple demo of the basic Tkinter widgets. This can be used as a skeleton for a simple GUI applications.
Unfortunately, on my system (Ubuntu) it looks like shit.
def __init__(self):
button_box = tk.Frame(self)
tk.Button(button_box, text='OK', command=self.on_ok_clicked).grid(pady=15)
def center_on_screen(toplevel):
w = toplevel.winfo_screenwidth()
h = toplevel.winfo_screenheight()
size = tuple(int(_) for _ in toplevel.geometry().split('+')[0].split('x'))
x = w/2 - size[0]/2
y = h/2 - size[1]/2
toplevel.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (size + (x, y)))
def create_widget_frame(self):
label_config = {'sticky': tk.E, 'column': 0, 'padx': 5, 'pady': 5}
widget_config = {'sticky': tk.W, 'column': 1, 'padx': 5, 'pady': 5}
widget_frame = tk.Frame(self)
current_row = 0
tk.Label(widget_frame, text='Entry (text): ').grid(label_config, row=current_row)
self.entry = tk.Entry(widget_frame)
self.entry.grid(row=current_row, column=1, sticky=tk.E)
current_row += 1
tk.Label(widget_frame, text='Scale (number): ').grid(label_config, row=current_row)
self.scale = tk.Scale(widget_frame, from_=0, to=10, resolution=0.1, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL)
self.scale.grid(widget_config, row=current_row)
current_row += 1
tk.Label(widget_frame, text='Checkbox (boolean): ').grid(label_config, row=current_row)
self.checkbox_val = tk.IntVar()
self.checkbox = tk.Checkbutton(widget_frame, variable=self.checkbox_val)
self.checkbox.grid(widget_config, row=current_row)
current_row += 1
tk.Label(widget_frame, text='Spinbox (number): ').grid(label_config, row=current_row)
self.spinbox = tk.Spinbox(widget_frame, from_=0, to=10)
self.spinbox.grid(widget_config, row=current_row)
current_row += 1
self.enum_val = tk.StringVar(widget_frame)
self.enum_val.set('one') # default value
tk.Label(widget_frame, text='OptionMenu (enum): ').grid(label_config, row=current_row)
self.combobox = tk.OptionMenu(widget_frame, self.enum_val, 'one', 'two', 'three')
self.combobox.grid(widget_config, row=current_row)
current_row += 1
def set_keybindings(self):
self.bind_all('<Control-o>', lambda event: self.open_file())
self.bind_all('<Control-s>', lambda event: self.save_file())
self.bind_all('<Control-q>', self.quit_app)
self.bind_all('<Control-h>', lambda event: self.show_help())
self.bind_all('<Return>', lambda event: self.on_ok_clicked())
def on_ok_clicked(self):
print 'Entry text: %s' % self.entry.get()
print 'Scale value: %.1f' % self.scale.get()
print 'Checkbutton value: %i' % self.checkbox_val.get()
print 'Spinbox value: %i' % int(self.spinbox.get())
print 'OptionMenu value: %s' % self.enum_val.get()
def create_menu(self):
menubar = tk.Menu(self)
fileMenu = tk.Menu(menubar, tearoff=False)
menubar.add_cascade(label="File", underline=0, menu=fileMenu)
fileMenu.add_command(label="Open", underline=1, command=self.open_file, accelerator="Ctrl+O")
fileMenu.add_command(label="Save", underline=1, command=self.save_file, accelerator="Ctrl+S")
fileMenu.add_command(label="Quit", underline=1, command=self.quit_app, accelerator="Ctrl+Q")
helpMenu = tk.Menu(menubar, tearoff=False)
menubar.add_cascade(label="Help", underline=0, menu=helpMenu)
helpMenu.add_command(label="Help", underline=1, command=self.show_help, accelerator="Ctrl+H")
helpMenu.add_command(label="About", underline=1, command=self.about_app)
def open_file(self):
"""Options are explained here:"""
filename = askopenfilename(title='Open a file')
if filename:
print 'Open and do something with %s' % filename
def save_file(self):
"""Options are explained here:"""
filename = asksaveasfilename()
if filename:
print 'Save something to %s' % filename
def quit_app(self, event):
def show_help(self):
print 'Open a link to online help/wiki here'
def about_app(self):
# FIXME: pressing return correctly closes dialog, but also incorrectly fires the main window's 'on_click' method
about_text = """
Put info about the application here, e.g., name, author(s), version,
license, etc. This text will appear in the \"about\" dialog."""
about_dialog = tk.Toplevel(self)
about_dialog.title('About App')
about_dialog.bind('<Escape>', lambda event: about_dialog.destroy())
about_dialog.bind('<Return>', lambda event: about_dialog.destroy())
tk.Message(about_dialog, text=about_text).pack()
button = tk.Button(about_dialog, text='Close', command=about_dialog.destroy).pack()
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = App()
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