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Last active October 24, 2016 20:17
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Use ipython notebook widgets to experiment with image processing parameters.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import inspect
from ipywidgets import *
from IPython.display import display
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'gray'
plt.rcParams['image.interpolation'] = 'none'
def tweak_parameters(ims, image_processing_function, param_dict):
Interactively manipulate image processing parameters and see their effect on
a set of images. This function is appropriate for running in a jupyter notebook.
ims (list of arrays): the images or videos that you wish to analyze & display
image_processing_function (callable): a function that accepts elements of
`ims` as input, and returns images (i.e., 2- or 3D arrays). The first
argument is the input image/image sequence, and the other arguments must
be specified in `param_dict` and/or have a default value.
param_dict (dict): string as keys, length-4 tuples as values. Each value
must be of the form (minval, maxval, step, default). You can fix a
parameter by using functools.partial, or by defining a default value.
>> # A function with several arguments, the first of which is an image
>> # It also returns an image (a 2D array in this case.)
>> def image_analysis_function(im, sigma, low_thresh=2, high_thresh=40):
>> ....gray = img_as_ubyte(rgb2gray(im))
>> ....return canny(gray, sigma=sigma, low_threshold=low_thresh, high_threshold=high_thresh)
>> # Parameter dict
>> param_dict = {'low_thresh': (0, 255, 1, 2),
>> 'high_thresh': (0, 255, 1, 40),
>> 'sigma': (0.5, 15., 0.1, 1.0)}
>> from skimage import data
>> tweak_parameters([data.astronaut(), data.rocket()], image_analysis_function, param_dict)
image_num_label = 'Image Number'
default_kwargs = {argname: argspec[-1] for argname, argspec in param_dict.iteritems()}
widget_args = {argname: argspec[:-1] for argname, argspec in param_dict.iteritems()}
widget_dict = {}
widget_dict[image_num_label] = IntSlider(min=1, max=len(ims),
step=1, value=1,
description='Image number',
for argname, argspec in param_dict.iteritems():
min_, max_, step, val = argspec
if isinstance(argspec[0], int):
WidgetClass = FloatSlider
elif isinstance(argspec[0], float):
WidgetClass = IntSlider
raise NotImplementedError
widget_dict[argname] = WidgetClass(min=min_, max=max_,
step=step, value=val,
def analyze_and_plot(**kwargs):
im_num = int(kwargs[image_num_label])
del kwargs[image_num_label] # delete it so you don't pass it to image_processing_function
image = ims[im_num-1]
processed = image_processing_function(image, **kwargs)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
image = ims[0]
interact(analyze_and_plot, **widget_dict)
##### Example Usage #####
from skimage.color import rgb2gray
from skimage.util import img_as_ubyte
from skimage.feature import canny
from import astronaut, rocket
# Your function. Must accept an numpy array as the first argument and return an image
def image_analysis_function(im, sigma, low_thresh=2, high_thresh=40):
gray = img_as_ubyte(rgb2gray(im))
edges = canny(gray, sigma=sigma, low_threshold=low_thresh, high_threshold=high_thresh)
return edges
# Dictionary of non-image parameters for the function. Values should be length-4 tuples
# (minval, maxval, step, default)
param_dict = {'low_thresh': (0, 255, 1, 2),
'high_thresh': (0, 255, 1, 40),
'sigma': (0.5, 15., 0.1, 1.0)}
tweak_parameters([astronaut(), rocket()], image_analysis_function, param_dict)
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