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Last active April 5, 2017 15:24
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Partition a big image into equally-size overlapping tiles. Reassemble the tiles.
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
# im_fn = 'images/copperopolis_quarry_google_17_cropped.tif'
# im = plt.imread(im_fn)
def tile_image(im, tile_size, overlap=0):
Partition a large image into equally-sized overlapping tiles.
im (array): image with spatial dimensions first.
tile_size (length-2 tuple): desired size of tiles
overlap (int): the amount the tiles overlap.
OrderDict with tiles as values. The dict's keys are
(row_sta, col_sta, row_crop, col_crop) and are used
for reassembly.
# FIXME: explain the key-tuples
if tile_size[0] <= 2*overlap or tile_size[1] <= 2*overlap:
raise ValueError('Overlap must be less than half the tile size.')
num_chans = im.shape[2]
num_tile_rows = int(np.ceil(float(im.shape[0]) / (tile_size[0]-2*overlap)))
num_tile_cols = int(np.ceil(float(im.shape[1]) / (tile_size[1]-2*overlap)))
num_rows = num_tile_rows * (tile_size[0]-2*overlap) + 2*overlap
num_cols = num_tile_cols * (tile_size[1]-2*overlap) + 2*overlap
# zero pad exactly 'overlap' above and to left; pad below/to right as need
# to fit an integer number of tiles
padded_im = np.zeros((num_rows, num_cols, num_chans), dtype=im.dtype)
padded_im[overlap:(overlap+im.shape[0]), overlap:(overlap+im.shape[1]), :] = im
tile_dict = OrderedDict()
for row in range(num_tile_rows):
row_sta = row * (tile_size[0] - 2*overlap)
row_end = row_sta + tile_size[0]
for col in range(num_tile_cols):
col_sta = col * (tile_size[1] - 2*overlap)
col_end = col_sta + tile_size[1]
col_crop = max([col_end - im.shape[1] - overlap, 0])
row_crop = max([row_end - im.shape[0] - overlap, 0])
tile = padded_im[row_sta:row_end, col_sta:col_end,...]
tile_dict[(row_sta, col_sta, row_crop, col_crop)] = tile
return tile_dict
def assemble_tiles(tile_dict):
Crop and assemble image tiles into a big mosaic image.
tile_dict (dict): A dict as produced by `tile_image`. Keys are
(row_sta, col_sta, row_crop, col_crop) and values are arrays
with 3 dimensions -- (channels, height, width)
array. The tiles assembled into a big image. Output is of shape
(channels, big_im_height, big_im_width).
tile = tile_dict.values()[0]
tile_sz = tile.shape
print 'tile size', tile_sz
# Figure out the spatial size of the original image
for (row_sta, col_sta, row_crop, col_crop) in tile_dict.keys():
if row_crop:
num_rows = row_sta + tile_sz[1] - row_crop - overlap
if col_crop:
num_cols = col_sta + tile_sz[2] - col_crop - overlap
# Allocate
recon_im = np.zeros((num_rows, num_cols, tile_sz[0]), tile.dtype)
print 'original image size?', recon_im.shape
# Crop the tiles and put them in place
for (row_sta, col_sta, row_crop, col_crop), tile in tile_dict.iteritems():
tile = np.transpose(tile, (1,2,0))
tile = tile[overlap:-overlap, overlap:-overlap, :]
row_end = row_sta + tile.shape[0]
col_end = col_sta + tile.shape[1]
if col_crop:
tile = tile[:,:-col_crop+overlap,:]
if row_crop:
tile = tile[:-row_crop+overlap,:,:]
recon_im[row_sta:row_end, col_sta:col_end] = tile
return recon_im
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i tried the new version again, you have changes something. but it didn't work. can you give me a demo how to execute it, first slice it into image and afterwards assemble it together to get the original input image.

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