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Created February 6, 2012 08:03
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Save brikis98/1750650 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Seven Languages in Seven Weeks: Io, Day 3
OperatorTable addAssignOperator(":", "atParseHash")
Builder := Object clone do (
indent := ""
atParseHash := method(
key := call evalArgAt(0) asMutable removePrefix("\"") removeSuffix("\"")
value := call evalArgAt(1)
" #{key}=\"#{value}\"" interpolate
curlyBrackets := method(
call message arguments map(arg, self doMessage(arg)) join("")
forward := method(
arguments := call message arguments
name := call message name
attrs := ""
if(arguments size > 0 and arguments at(0) name == "curlyBrackets",
attrs = doMessage(arguments removeFirst)
writeln(indent, "<", name, attrs, ">")
arguments foreach(index, arg,
indent = indent .. " "
content := self doMessage(arg)
if (content type == "Sequence", writeln(indent, content))
indent = indent exclusiveSlice(2)
writeln(indent, "</", name, ">")
Test webpage
Welcome to my test webpage!
<div class="content" id="main">
Lots of fun to be had!
Don't forget to sign the guest book
Builder html(
title("Test webpage")
h1("Welcome to my test webpage!"),
div({"class": "content", "id": "main"},
p("Lots of fun to be had!"),
p("Don't forget to sign the guest book")
Builder := Object clone do (
forward := method(
writeln("<", call message name, ">")
call message arguments foreach(arg,
content := self doMessage(arg)
if (content type == "Sequence", writeln(content))
writeln("</", call message name, ">")
Test webpage
Welcome to my test webpage!
Lots of fun to be had!
Don't forget to sign the guest book
Builder html(
title("Test webpage")
h1("Welcome to my test webpage!"),
p("Lots of fun to be had!"),
p("Don't forget to sign the guest book")
squareBrackets := method(
call message arguments
test := [1, 2, 3, 4]
test println // list(1, 2, 3, 4)
doInTransaction := Object clone do(
curlyBrackets := method(
"Starting transaction" println
call evalArgs
"Ending transaction" println
doInTransaction {
"do some first thing" println
"do some second thing" println
"do a third thing" println
Starting transaction
do some first thing
do some second thing
do a third thing
Ending transaction
Copy link

brikis98 commented Feb 7, 2012

See Seven Languages in Seven Weeks: Io, Day 3 for more information.

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