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Last active June 9, 2016 11:53
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Loading EC2 instance and CFN stack metadata from AWS and into JSON files.
# Put all the extracted data into one directory.
/bin/mkdir -p $datadir
curl="/usr/bin/curl --retry 3 --silent --show-error --fail"
# Use the HTTP reflection interface to determine which instance we are.
instanceid=$($curl $instance_data_url/meta-data/instance-id | /usr/bin/tee $datadir/instanceid)
# Use the AWS CLI to grab the instance data.
/usr/local/bin/aws ec2 describe-instances |
/usr/bin/jq '.Reservations[].Instances[] | select(.InstanceId == "'$instanceid'")' |
/usr/bin/tee $instancedatafile > /dev/null
# This is the pattern to extract data from the instance data JSON file.
zone=$(/usr/bin/jq '.Placement.AvailabilityZone' $instancedatafile)
stackid=$(/usr/bin/jq '.Tags[] | select(.Key == "aws:cloudformation:stack-id") | .Value' $instancedatafile)
logicalid=$(/usr/bin/jq '.Tags[] | select(.Key == "aws:cloudformation:logical-id") | .Value' $instancedatafile)
# Need the evals to remove the extra quoting. This assumes that the
# region is the availability zone with the last character truncated.
zlen=$(eval /bin/echo $zone | /usr/bin/wc -c)
rend=$(expr $zlen - 2)
region=$(eval /bin/echo $zone | /usr/bin/cut -c -$rend)
# Store off the region as it comes in handy and is not in the metadata.
/bin/echo $region > $datadir/region
# Be chatty.
/bin/echo "Zone: $zone"
/bin/echo "Region: $region"
/bin/echo "Stack: $(eval echo $stackid)"
/bin/echo "Instance: $(eval echo $logicalid)"
# cfn-get-metadata needs to run priviledged.
sudo /usr/local/bin/cfn-get-metadata -s $(eval echo $stackid) -r $(eval echo $logicalid) --region=$region | /usr/bin/tee $stackdatafile > /dev/null
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