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Created February 5, 2020 17:12
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Autoit3 script: Set legacy Outlook Calendar Reminders to Always On Top
Copyright (C) February 05, 2020, Andrew Domaszek
(MIT License)
This script finds the calendar reminders dialog and sets the always on top attribute
without stealing focus. It checks every 2 seconds.
This fixes the problem where Outlook calendar reminders do not appear over other
windows in Windows 10 anymore (it pops under existing windows).
Tested with Office 2013, but should work with other versions. Office 365 users can
use the always on top setting and do not need this script.
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <Process.au3>
#include <AutoItConstants.au3>
;TraySetIcon ("Shell32.dll", 28)
TraySetToolTip ("RaiseOutlookRmdrs" _
& @CRLF & "Periodically force Outlook 2013 reminder window on top." _
& @CRLF & "Version 2020-02-05")
While 1
Local $iSuccess = 0, $mbrv
Local $sWindowSelector = "[CLASS:#32770; REGEXPTITLE:.*Reminder\(s\)]"
Local $hWnd = WinGetHandle($sWindowSelector)
Local $iPID = WinGetProcess($hWnd)
Local $sProcName = _ProcessGetName ( $iPID )
If 0 = StringCompare($sProcName, "OUTLOOK.EXE") Then
$iSuccess = WinSetOnTop($sWindowSelector, "", $WINDOWS_ONTOP)
If 1 = $DEBUG_MODE Then
$mbrc = MsgBox($MB_OKCANCEL, "OnTop Result", StringFormat("WinSetOnTop() -> %d, %d, %s", $iSuccess, $hWnd, $sProcName))
If $mbrc = $IDCANCEL Then
Exit 0
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