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Last active February 13, 2019 05:20
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Learning how to use iterators in Julia

I will use this gist as training grounds to play around and learn about iterators in Julia. This was motivated by reading this blog post by Lorenzo Stella.

Disclaimer: At this stage I have a tiny example that sort-of works 😃

# Example function to find the root of
f(x) = [(x[1] + x[2] + 1)^3, (x[1] - x[2] - 1)^3]
function f_Jac!(J, x)
J[1, 1] = 3(x[1] + x[2] + 1)^2
J[2, 1] = 3(x[1] - x[2] - 1)^2
J[1, 2] = 3(x[1] + x[2] + 1)^2
J[2, 2] = -3(x[1] - x[2] - 1)^2
return J
# Check that my Jacobian is correct
using ForwardDiff
xtest = rand(2)
Jbuf = zeros(2, 2)
f_Jac!(Jbuf, xtest) # updates Jbuf
ForwardDiff.jacobian(f, xtest) ≈ Jbuf
# Now define the iterable
# I think it must contain the exact minimum of things
# that excatly defines the whole iteration:
# - x₀, the starting point
# - f, the function
# - f_Jac!, the Jacobian function
struct NewtonIterable{Tx, Tf, TJac}
x::Tx # the iterate
f::Tf # the function
f_Jac!::TJac # The Jacobian function
# Now define the state,
# which is a mutable struct to contain everything that may be needed for efficiency
mutable struct NewtonState{Tx, TJ, TJf}
x::Tx # current x
fx::Tx # current f(x)
Jx::TJ # current J(x)
Jfx::TJf # current factors of J(x)
using LinearAlgebra
import Base: iterate
function iterate(iter::NewtonIterable)
fx = iter.f(iter.x)
Jx = iter.f_Jac!(zeros(2, 2), iter.x)
state = NewtonState(iter.x, fx, Jx, lu(Jx))
return state, state
function iterate(iter::NewtonIterable, state)
state.x .-= state.Jfx \ state.fx
state.fx = iter.f(state.x)
state.Jx = iter.f_Jac!(state.Jx, state.x)
state.Jfx = lu(state.Jx)
return state, state
for state in NewtonIterable(zeros(2), f, f_Jac!)
if norm(state.fx) < 1e-20 break end
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