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Last active September 16, 2020 06:36
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### A Pluto.jl notebook ###
# v0.11.14
using Markdown
using InteractiveUtils
# This Pluto notebook uses @bind for interactivity. When running this notebook outside of Pluto, the following 'mock version' of @bind gives bound variables a default value (instead of an error).
macro bind(def, element)
local el = $(esc(element))
global $(esc(def)) = Core.applicable(Base.get, el) ? Base.get(el) : missing
# ╔═╡ afcb23ea-f189-11ea-3b4c-1bcd4dc1e1cb
using DiffEqOperators, DifferentialEquations, Plots, PlutoUI, LinearAlgebra, Statistics, Measurements
# ╔═╡ c1975882-f19a-11ea-3ac1-b32fd1b87d2d
ICbounds = [-5.0, 0.0]
ICregion(x) = (ICbounds[1] ≤ x < ICbounds[2])
nx = 1000
t0 = 0.0
tf = 5.0
T(difo, advo, DIFF, ADV) = -advo * ADV + difo * DIFF
dt = 0.01
md"IC/BC region and other shared parameters"
# ╔═╡ 90a08d04-f196-11ea-3d0c-77c2e58f093c
# Transition snapshot or equilibrium?
This notebook is about comparing the typical "spread" of a tracer coming from (but equivalently going to) a given region, with two distinct approaches:
- The first more "standard" approach is to **step a tracer in time** with a given initial condition (IC) and let it move around (and maybe decay) until a given time $\color{red}t$.
- The second approach, often adopted by OCIM users, is to impose the initial condition as a boundary condition instead (BC), let the tracer decay with a timescale $\color{blue}\tau$ everywhere else, and **directly solve for the steady-state**.
This is what this notebook simulates. In the plot below, you can see the result of using both approaches (and a few other things). Use the sliders to change the parameters, the time *t* when the snapshot is taken, the decay timescale τ, and the advection and diffusion parameters.
#### Q: If $\color{red}t \color{black}= \color{blue}\tau$, which approach shows more "travel"?
# ╔═╡ 6b64381e-f18d-11ea-05ae-19c6205e3999
t $(@bind t Slider(t0:dt:tf, default=0.0, show_value=true))\
τ $(@bind τ Slider(t0:dt:tf, default=1.0, show_value=true))
advection $(@bind advo Slider(0:100, default=25.0, show_value=true)) | diffusion $(@bind difo Slider(0.5:0.5:50, default=10.0, show_value=true))
show: advection $(@bind showadvo CheckBox()) | diffusion $(@bind showdifo CheckBox())
# ╔═╡ 4074da66-f189-11ea-0018-bd624fcd0bc6
xbounds = (-10.0, 100.0)
x1 = range(xbounds..., length=nx)
h1 = step(x1)
# Initial condition
IC1 = ICregion.(x1)
# transport (with BC)
DIFF1 = CenteredDifference(2, 2, h1, nx)
ADV1 = CenteredDifference(1, 2, h1, nx)
BC1 = RobinBC((0.0,1.0,0.0), (0.0,1.0,0.0), h1, 1)
transport1 = T(difo, advo, DIFF1, ADV1) * BC1
# decay
decay = DiffEqScalar(-1/τ)
# Full operator, problem, and solution
OP0 = AffineDiffEqOperator{Float64}((transport1,), (), 1.0IC1)
OP1 = AffineDiffEqOperator{Float64}((transport1 + decay,), (), 1.0IC1)
prob0 = ODEProblem(OP0, IC1, (t0, tf))
prob1 = ODEProblem(OP1, IC1, (t0, tf))
sol0 = solve(prob0, Tsit5())
#sol1 = solve(prob1, Tsit5())
# fast relaxation in IC region
A_relax = DiffEqArrayOperator(-Diagonal(IC1/0.01))
b_relax = IC1/0.01
# Full operator, problem, and solution
OP3 = AffineDiffEqOperator{Float64}((transport1 + decay, A_relax), (b_relax,), 1.0IC1)
prob3 = ODEProblem(OP3, IC1, (t0, tf))
#sol3 = solve(prob3, Tsit5())
prob3SS = SteadyStateProblem(prob3)
sol3SS = solve(prob3SS)
md"Setup and solve the time-stepped problem"
# ╔═╡ 8c9a0a9c-f19a-11ea-045e-93340744a138
x2bounds = (0.0, 100.0)
x2 = range(x2bounds..., length=nx)
h2 = step(x2)
# Initial condition 2 (because the x grid is different)
IC2 = ICregion.(x2)
# transport (with BC)
DIFF2 = CenteredDifference(2, 2, h2, nx)
ADV2 = CenteredDifference(1, 2, h2, nx)
BC2 = RobinBC((1.0,0.0,1.0), (0.0,1.0,0.0), h2, 1)
transport2 = T(difo, advo, DIFF2, ADV2) * BC2
OP2 = AffineDiffEqOperator{Float64}((transport2 + decay,), (), 1.0IC2)
prob2 = ODEProblem(OP2, IC2, (t0, tf))
#sol2 = solve(prob2, Tsit5())
prob2SS = SteadyStateProblem(prob2)
#sol2SS = solve(prob2SS)
md"Setup and solve the steady-state problem"
# ╔═╡ 9197d9d2-f18d-11ea-218e-ef1e770b0d76
# IC and BC
xlims = (-10,110)
plt = plot(x1, IC1, lab="Initial condition (IC)", c=:black, ylims=(-0.25,1.25), xlims=xlims, lw=1, yl="s(x, t=$t)", xl="x")
#scatter!(plt, [x2[1]], [1.0], lab="Boundary condition (BC)", c=:black, m=:circle, ms=5)
vspan!(plt, collect(ICbounds), α=0.1, c=:black, lab="IC region")
# Annotations (t, τ, adv, and diff)
#annotate!(plt, 70, 0.55, "t=$t")
annotate!(plt, 25, 1, text("τ=$τ", 10))
#annotate!(plt, 90, 0.55, "adv=$advo")
#annotate!(plt, 90, 0.4, "diff=$difo")
# Solution plots
plot!(plt, x1, sol0(t), lab="s(t) (time-stepped solution)", lw=5, c=1)
#plot!(plt, x1, sol1(t), lab="", lw=1, c=1, α=0.5)
plot!(plt, x1, sol3SS, lab="s* (Steady-state solution)", c=2, lw=5)
#plot!(plt, x2, sol2(t), lab="IC with BC (thick) or fast relaxation (thin)", α=0.5, lw=5, c=3)
#plot!(plt, x1, sol3(t), lab="", lw=2, c=3)
# t and τ * adv
#vspan!(plt, advo * t .+ [0, -5], lab="(t = $t) × (adv = $advo)", c=1, α=0.1)
#vspan!(plt, advo * τ .+ [0, -5], lab="(τ = $τ) × (adv = $advo)", c=2, α=0.1)
showadvo && plot!(plt, mean(ICbounds) .+ [0, advo * t], 0.25/3 * [1,1], arrow=true, c=3, lab="advection displacement")
showdifo && plot!(plt, [mean(ICbounds)+ advo * t ± sqrt(2 * t * difo)], [2*0.25/3], lab="diffusion, √(2Dt)", c=5, msc=5)
plt2 = heatmap(x1, [0,1], (sol0(t) * [1, 1]')', axis=nothing, yl="s(t)", colorbar=false, xlims=xlims)
plt3 = heatmap(x1, [0,1], (sol3SS.u * [1, 1]')', axis=nothing, yl="s*", yaxis=nothing, colorbar=false, xlims=xlims)
showadvo && plot!(plt3, mean(ICbounds) .+ [0, advo * t], [1,1]/2, arrow=true, c=:white, lw=2, lab="")
l = @layout [a{0.1h}
c{0.8h} ]
plot(plt2, plt3, plt, layout=l, link=:x)
# ╔═╡ Cell order:
# ╟─afcb23ea-f189-11ea-3b4c-1bcd4dc1e1cb
# ╟─c1975882-f19a-11ea-3ac1-b32fd1b87d2d
# ╟─4074da66-f189-11ea-0018-bd624fcd0bc6
# ╟─8c9a0a9c-f19a-11ea-045e-93340744a138
# ╟─90a08d04-f196-11ea-3d0c-77c2e58f093c
# ╟─9197d9d2-f18d-11ea-218e-ef1e770b0d76
# ╟─6b64381e-f18d-11ea-05ae-19c6205e3999
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