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Created March 6, 2024 14:48
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membranorama-like with rastering
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import napari
import mrcfile
from morphosamplers.sampler import (
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
from rich.progress import track
from rich import print
# vert = np.load("simple_vert.npy")
# faces = np.load("simple_faces.npy")
# vol = np.load("simple_label.npy").astype(np.float32)
# obj_path = 'TS_004_dose-filt_lp50_bin8_membrain_model_28885faces.obj'
# mesh_px_size = 1
# tomo_path = 'TS_004_dose-filt_lp50_bin8.rec'
obj_path = "T17S1C3M4.obj"
mesh_px_size = 14.08
tomo_path = "tomo17_load1G5L3_bin4_denoised_ctfcorr_scaled3.rec"
# obj_path = 'tomo_17_M10_grow1_1_mesh_data.obj'
# mesh_px_size = 1
# tomo_path = 'tomo_17_M10_grow1_1_mesh_data.mrc'
df = pd.read_csv(obj_path, sep=" ", names=["type", "a", "b", "c"])
vert = df[df["type"] == "v"][["a", "b", "c"]].to_numpy() / mesh_px_size
faces = df[df["type"] == "f"][["a", "b", "c"]].to_numpy().astype(int) - 1
with, permissive=True) as mrc:
vol =
v = napari.Viewer(ndisplay=3)
v.add_image(vol, blending="translucent", name="volume")
# v.add_points(
# vert,
# face_color="red",
# size=0.2,
# features={"idx": np.arange(len(vert))},
# text={"string": "idx", "color": "white", "size": 20},
# name='vertices'
# )
# v.add_surface((vert, faces), name='surface')
edges = vert[faces] - np.roll(vert[faces], 1, axis=1)
edge_length = np.linalg.norm(edges, axis=2).mean().round().astype(int)
edge_length = max(edge_length, 2) # fails with 1x1 texture
thickness = 5
tex_shape = (edge_length, edge_length)
base_grid = generate_1d_grid(thickness, grid_spacing=1)
raster = np.empty((len(faces), *tex_shape, 3))
raster_flat = raster.reshape(-1, 3)
tex_full_width = np.ceil(np.sqrt(len(faces))).astype(int)
tex_full_shape = np.array(tex_shape) * tex_full_width
texture = np.full(tex_full_shape, np.nan, dtype=np.float32)
texcoords = []
orientations = []
for f_idx, face in track(list(enumerate(faces)), description="Processing face coords"):
pts = vert[face]
istep = (pts[1] - pts[0]) / (edge_length - 1)
jstep = (pts[2] - pts[0]) / (edge_length - 1)
raster[f_idx, :] = pts[0]
for i in range(edge_length):
for j in range(edge_length):
raster[f_idx, i, j] += i * istep + j * jstep
# v.add_points(raster_flat, size=0.2, face_color='yellow')
normal = np.cross(istep, jstep)
normal /= np.linalg.norm(normal)
z = [0, 0, 1]
ori = Rotation.align_vectors(normal, z)[0]
# norm_computed = ori.apply([0, 0, 1])
# norm_vecs = np.array([np.mean(pts, axis=0), norm_computed])
# v.add_vectors(norm_vecs, edge_width=0.1)
# sampled = sample_volume_at_coordinates(vol, grids).astype(np.float32)
# texel = sampled.mean(axis=1).reshape(tex_shape)
I = f_idx // tex_full_width
J = f_idx % tex_full_width
i, j = np.array(tex_shape) * (I, J)
# texture[i:i+edge_length, j:j+edge_length] = texel
texcoords_face = np.array(
[i, j],
[i + edge_length - 1, j],
[i, j + edge_length - 1],
# +0.5 cause uv coords are "corner based" and not centered on voxel
texcoords_face = (texcoords_face + 0.5) / tex_shape / tex_full_width
# print(f"======== {f_idx=} ========")
# print(f"{I=}, {J=}, {i=}, {j=}")
# print(f"{texcoords_face=}")
# currently place_sampling_grids is not handling stacked dims
print("Generating full sample grid")
grids = place_sampling_grids(
base_grid, raster_flat, np.repeat(orientations,
sampled = sample_volume_at_coordinates(vol, grids, interpolation_order=1)
# v3 = napari.Viewer()
# v3.add_image(sampled)
# v.add_points(
# grids.reshape(-1, 3),
# size=0.05,
# face_color="blue",
# antialiasing=0,
# features={"idx": np.arange(len(grids.reshape(-1, 3)))},
# text={"string": "idx", "color": "white", "size": 20},
# )
sampled = sampled.mean(axis=-1)
for f_idx, face_sample in track(
list(enumerate(np.split(sampled, len(faces)))), description="Generating texture"
texel = face_sample.reshape(tex_shape)
I = f_idx // tex_full_width
J = f_idx % tex_full_width
i, j = np.array(tex_shape) * (I, J)
texture[i : i + edge_length, j : j + edge_length] = texel
texture -= np.nanmin(texture)
texture /= np.nanmax(texture)
texcoords = np.concatenate(texcoords)
v2 = napari.Viewer()
v2.add_image(texture, name="texture atlas").bounding_box.visible = True
# -0.5 cause in napari (unlike opengl uv coords) we're pixel centered
# v2.add_points(
# (texcoords * tex_full_shape) - 0.5,
# size=1,
# face_color="red",
# features={"idx": faces.reshape(-1)},
# text={"string": "idx", "color": "white", "size": 20},
# name='texcoords',
# )
vert_unwrapped = vert[faces].reshape(-1, 3)
faces_unwrapped = np.arange(len(vert_unwrapped)).reshape(-1, 3)
# TODO: why the .T[::-1] ???
(vert_unwrapped, faces_unwrapped),
name="textured surface",
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