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Last active May 31, 2024 17:30
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What is most important to each executive? How can we build shared language? How can it be unambiguously tracked?
In an ontology, there are entities (nouns).
A specific ontology uses the actual entity nouns in a database schema, for example.
Business Ontology Tables:
For each executive, we use specific jargon;
for example, executive, product, technology, innovation, data, sales, marketing, operations.
Despite the varied jargon, there is one common language
that allows a company to align vision and values,
which could be ROI, LOE+cost, or any other form of value
that Product determines in its user experience schema design.
Executive-Specific Table Names:
For each executive, find a small set of table names that represent their focus area.
Then, add an abstraction from which these tables can inherit, ensuring alignment with core values.
General Business Question:
"What is most important to me?"
These are foundational principles, with corresponding core values and a guiding star
such as customer, patient, monthly active user, subscriber, guest.
This file was hand-crafted after looking at a verbose GPT output for the above prompt.
create schema ontology;
set search_path = ontology;
create table entity (
name name primary key,
description text,
oid oid,
created timestamp) partition by list (name);
General speaking in stocks and flows, or entities and connections,
each area describes one core noun and one core connective.
Vision is connected by strategies,
initiatives are connected by prototypes,
leads connect through opportunities,
features merge using roadmaps,
infrastructure integrates for applications,
datasets join into reports,
resources participate in processes
create table executive partition of entity for values in ('vision','strategy');
comment on table executive is 'Lead with clarity of vision and dynamic strategies';
create table innovation partition of entity for values in ('initiative','prototype');
comment on table innovation is 'Trickling streams becoming raging rivers of creativity';
create table sales partition of entity for values in ('lead','opportunity');
comment on table sales is 'Leads turning into opportunities, turning into even more leads';
create table product partition of entity for values in ('feature','roadmap');
comment on table product is 'Rich features await in vast roadmaps';
create table technology partition of entity for values in ('infrastructure','application');
comment on table technology is 'Limitless applications thrive on flexible infrastructure';
create table data partition of entity for values in ('dataset','report');
comment on table data is 'See around corners with the language of change';
create table operations partition of entity for values in ('resource','process');
comment on table operations is 'Optimized processes to multiply resources';
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