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Created April 23, 2013 02:15
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Springfield Reloaded
/* Springfield Reloaded */
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<header data-status="No Alerts">
<h1>City of Springfield</h1>
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<article> Welcome to the City of Springfield
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<article class=twitter data-source="@springfield_il">
Mayor Delivers State-of-the-City Address
<a href="//"></a>
<article class=facebook>
Sheriff&rsquo;s Office to Participate in basic Disaster Preparedness
<a href="">Sign up &rarr;</a>
<time>Apr 22</time>
<article class=twitter data-source="@EPAgov">
On average, Americans create over 4lbs of trash every day!
What do you do to #reduce waste?
<a href="//">//</a>
<section id=services>
<ul title=DOT>
<li> Renew your license
<li> Vehicle registration
<ul title></ul>
<ul title></ul>
<section id=events></section>
<section id=directory></section>
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