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Created March 9, 2011 18:19
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<!doctype html>
<input id=name />
<select id=type>
<option selected value=Car>Car</option>
<option value=Motorcycle>Motorcycle</option>
<button id=create>Create!</button>
<ul id=list></ul>
var Scopely = {
Abstract: {
Vehicle: function(properties){
for (var p in properties){
if (p == 'name') this.setName(properties[p]);
else this[p] = properties[p];
Instances: {}
Scopely.Abstract.Vehicle.prototype.getName = function(){ return };
Scopely.Abstract.Vehicle.prototype.setName = function(name){ = name };
Scopely.Abstract.Vehicle.prototype.__defineGetter__.seats = function(){ return this.seats };
Scopely.Abstract.Vehicle.prototype.__defineSetter__.seats = function(seats){ this.seats = seats };
Scopely.Abstract.Vehicle.prototype.__defineGetter__.wheels = function(){ return this.wheels };
Scopely.Abstract.Vehicle.prototype.__defineSetter__.wheels = function(wheels){ this.wheels = wheels };
Scopely.Instances.Car = function(name){
return new Scopely.Abstract.Vehicle({
name: name || (+new Date).toString(36),
seats: 5,
wheels: 4
Scopely.Instances.Motorcycle = function(name){
return new Scopely.Abstract.Vehicle({
name: name || (+new Date).toString(36),
seats: 2,
wheels: 2
function info(vehicle){
alert('name: %name \n seats: %seats \n wheels: %wheels'.replace(/%(\w+)/g, function($0, property){
return vehicle[property];
function $(id){ return document.getElementById(id) }
function attach(obj, event, fn){
if (typeof obj == 'string')
obj = $(obj);
if (obj.addEventListener)
obj.addEventListener(event, fn, false);
obj.attachEvent('on' + event, fn);
attach('create', 'click', function(){
var name = $('name').value || (+new Date).toString(36),
type = $('type')[$('type').selectedIndex].value;
Scopely.Instances[name] = new Scopely.Instances[type](name);
var li = document.createElement('li');
li.innerHTML = name;
var button = document.createElement('button');
button.innerHTML = 'i';
attach(button, 'click', function(){ info(Scopely.Instances[name]) })
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