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Created October 19, 2022 23:31
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Test multiple configurations of tsqueries and ranked search scores
-- TEST ts_rank functions and (some) configs
select *
from (select trim(regexp_replace(txt, E'\\s*\n\\s*', ' ', 'g')) as txt, tsv
from (values ('my phone will not make or receive calls'),
($$ no matter what I do, my phone will not make or receive
calls even when I've asked nicely and it all goes well in the day
and then one day I did this other unrelated thing
and it still wouldn't work AT ALL so I asked Ben
who probably doesn't either but he has interesting answers $$),
('call my phone')) test_values (txt),
to_tsvector(txt) tsv) v,
(values ('call|make|phone|receiv'::tsquery),
('phone & (make|receiv) & call'::tsquery),
('phone & make & receiv & call'::tsquery)) test_queries (tsq),
generate_series(0, 5) bits,
cast(pow(2, bits) as int) flag,
cast(flag as bit(6)) bitstring,
round(ts_rank(tsv, tsq, flag)::numeric, 3) tsr,
round(ts_rank_cd(tsv, tsq, flag)::numeric, 3) tscd,
length(case when flag in (1, 2) then txt end) doclen,
round(log(doclen)::numeric) log_doclen,
lateral (select case when flag in (4, 8, 16) then count(*) end as uniqlex from unnest(tsv)) l,
round(log(uniqlex)::numeric, 1) log_uniqlex
order by greatest(tsr, tscd) desc,
-- visualize these results
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