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Created September 29, 2014 20:38
CLM-bshirai:rubinius bshirai$ rbx compile -B -e 'def add(a,b)
> a + b
> end'
============= :__script__ ==============
Arguments: 0 required, 0 post, 0 total
Arity: 0
Locals: 0
Stack size: 5
Literals: 4: :add, <compiled code>, :method_visibility, :add_defn_method
Lines to IP: 1: 0..15
0000: push_rubinius
0001: push_literal :add
0003: push_literal #<Rubinius::CompiledCode add file=(snippet)>
0005: push_scope
0006: push_variables
0007: send_stack :method_visibility, 0
0010: send_stack :add_defn_method, 4
0013: pop
0014: push_true
0015: ret
================= :add =================
Arguments: 2 required, 0 post, 2 total
Arity: 2
Locals: 2: a, b
Stack size: 4
Literals: 1: :+
Line: 1
Lines to IP: 2: 0..7
0000: push_local 0 # a
0002: push_local 1 # b
0004: send_stack :+, 1
0007: ret
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