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Created October 18, 2010 15:44
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# Original blog post about Rubinius performance on the alioth mandelbrot benchmark:
# Problems with assumptions in the blog post:
# * The C <-> Ruby comparison is apples to oranges because the Ruby code
# is written to use blocks rather than loops. That imposes the overhead
# of additional execution contexts per pixel.
# * The output is written a byte at a time, which requires a fairly deep
# chain of methods before the byte is handed off to the OS.
# * The work is done in the script body. Unless the implementation has
# on-stack replacement, a JIT can do no effective work.
# * There is no warmup performed to give the JIT an opportunity to work.
# See the different versions of mandelbrot.rb tested in the results below.
# Each file has a comment with the changes made. When the blocks are replaced
# with loops, the Rubinius JIT is able to handle the code well and performs
# nearly 2x better than 1.9.2p0. However, the '50.times' block uses a non-local
# exit in the 'break' statement. That form is too complex for the Rubinius
# JIT to handle at this time, so even giving the JIT time to work, the result
# is slightly slower than 1.9.2p0.
# To investigate how the Rubinius JIT is working, try out these command options:
# -Xjit.log=mandelbrot.log -Xjit.debug -Xjit.inline.debug
# For example, run this command
# rbx -Xjit.log=mandelbrot.log -Xjit.debug -Xjit.inline.debug \
# mandelbrot.method.rb 200 > mandelbrot.output.txt
# Viewing mandelbrot.log, you will see a lot of information on exactly what the
# JIT is doing.
# Extrapolating from the results below, using the following formula:
# let N be the image size (ie, the value passed to the script)
# let S be the seconds required to compute mandelbrot at N
# then
# S_per_N = sqrt(S) / N
# or
# S = (S_per_N * N) ^ 2
# Adjusting seconds to minutes, Rubinius should run the benchmark
# in 1. below in ~48 minutes, while 1.9.2p0 should run it in ~82 minutes.
# For the benchmark in 2. below, Rubinius should run in ~108 minutes,
# while 1.9.2p0 should run in ~107 minutes
# Running the modified mandelbrot.rb in 1. below on rbx master
$ rbx mandelbrot.rb 200 > mandelbrot.output.txt
0.443856 0.001552 0.445408 ( 0.450146)
$ diff mandelbrot.output.txt ~/Downloads/mandelbrot-output.txt
$ rbx mandelbrot.rb 600 > mandelbrot.output.txt
3.977509 0.010174 3.987683 ( 4.040616)
$ rbx mandelbrot.rb 1200 > mandelbrot.output.txt
15.883694 0.037721 15.921415 ( 16.041488)
$ rbx mandelbrot.rb 2400 > mandelbrot.output.txt
63.707972 0.154519 63.862491 ( 64.337398)
# Running the modified mandelbrot.rb in 1. below on 1.9.2p0
$ ruby1.9.2 mandelbrot.rb 200 > mandelbrot.output.txt
0.760000 0.000000 0.760000 ( 0.763492)
$ diff mandelbrot.output.txt ~/Downloads/mandelbrot-output.txt
$ ruby1.9.2 mandelbrot.rb 600 > mandelbrot.output.txt
6.800000 0.020000 6.820000 ( 6.851136)
$ ruby1.9.2 mandelbrot.rb 1200 > mandelbrot.output.txt
27.180000 0.060000 27.240000 ( 27.356711)
$ ruby1.9.2 mandelbrot.rb 2400 > mandelbrot.output.txt
108.870000 0.320000 109.190000 (109.921816)
# Running the modified mandelbrot.rb in 2. below on rbx master
$ rbx mandelbrot.method.rb 200 > mandelbrot.output.txt
1.233717 0.039253 1.272970 ( 1.204125)
$ diff mandelbrot.output.txt ~/Downloads/mandelbrot-output.txt
$ rbx mandelbrot.method.rb 600 > mandelbrot.output.txt
9.273957 0.306050 9.580007 ( 9.193582)
$ rbx mandelbrot.method.rb 1200 > mandelbrot.output.txt
36.796441 1.228065 38.024506 ( 36.703456)
$ rbx mandelbrot.method.rb 2400 > mandelbrot.output.txt
147.160603 4.976744 152.137347 (147.145323)
# Running the modified mandelbrot.rb in 2. below on 1.9.2p0
$ ruby1.9.2 mandelbrot.method.rb 200 > mandelbrot.output.txt
0.990000 0.010000 1.000000 ( 1.014719)
$ diff mandelbrot.output.txt ~/Downloads/mandelbrot-output.txt
$ ruby1.9.2 mandelbrot.method.rb 600 > mandelbrot.output.txt
8.910000 0.030000 8.940000 ( 9.012608)
$ ruby1.9.2 mandelbrot.method.rb 1200 > mandelbrot.output.txt
35.680000 0.120000 35.800000 ( 36.125448)
$ ruby1.9.2 mandelbrot.method.rb 2400 > mandelbrot.output.txt
142.430000 0.400000 142.830000 (144.191197)
# The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
# contributed by Karl von Laudermann
# modified by Jeremy Echols
# modified by Detlef Reichl
# modified by Joseph LaFata
# --------
# Modifications from original:
# * Put work into a method.
# * Write to a specified IO.
# * Replaced 'for ... in ...' with while loops.
# * Replaced writing each byte with setting bytes in a buffer
# and writing the buffer out at the end.
# * Change unnecessary Float multiplication with Integer multiplication.
# * Run a warmup process for the JIT.
# * Use Benchmark.measure to calculate the duration.
# --------
require 'benchmark'
size = ARGV.shift.to_i
unless defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) && RUBY_ENGINE == 'rbx'
class String
def self.pattern(n, c)
("" << c) * n
class String
def setbyte(i, b)
self[i] = b
def mandelbrot(size, io)
byte_acc = 0
bit_num = 0
byte = 0
image_size = ((size + 7) / 8) * size
buf = String.pattern image_size, 0
count_size = size - 1 # Precomputed size for easy looping
size_f = size.to_f
y = 0
while y < size
ci = (2*y/size_f)-1.0
x = 0
while x < size
zrzr = zr = 0.0
zizi = zi = 0.0
cr = (2*x/size_f)-1.5
escape = 0b1
k = 0
while k < 50
tr = zrzr - zizi + cr
ti = 2.0*zr*zi + ci
zr = tr
zi = ti
# preserve recalculation
zrzr = zr*zr
zizi = zi*zi
if zrzr+zizi > 4.0
escape = 0b0
k += 1
byte_acc = (byte_acc << 1) | escape
bit_num += 1
# Code is very similar for these cases, but using separate blocks
# ensures we skip the shifting when it's unnecessary, which is most cases.
if (bit_num == 8)
buf.setbyte byte, byte_acc
byte += 1
byte_acc = 0
bit_num = 0
elsif (x == count_size)
buf.setbyte byte, byte_acc << (8 - bit_num)
byte += 1
byte_acc = 0
bit_num = 0
x += 1
y += 1
io.puts "P4\n#{size} #{size}"
io.write buf
end "/dev/null", "w" do |f|
200.times { mandelbrot 24, f }
duration = Benchmark.measure do
mandelbrot size, STDOUT
STDERR.puts duration
# The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
# contributed by Karl von Laudermann
# modified by Jeremy Echols
# modified by Detlef Reichl
# modified by Joseph LaFata
# --------
# Modifications from original:
# * Put work into a method.
# * Write to a specified IO.
# * Run a warmup process for the JIT.
# * Use Benchmark.measure to calculate the duration.
# --------
require 'benchmark'
size = ARGV.shift.to_i
def mandelbrot(size, io)
io.puts "P4\n#{size} #{size}"
byte_acc = 0
bit_num = 0
count_size = size - 1 # Precomputed size for easy looping
range = 0..count_size
# loops are faster than .upto, .downto, .times, etc.
# That's not true, but left it here
for y in range
ci = (2.0*y/size)-1.0
for x in range
zrzr = zr = 0.0
zizi = zi = 0.0
cr = (2.0*x/size)-1.5
escape = 0b1
50.times do
tr = zrzr - zizi + cr
ti = 2.0*zr*zi + ci
zr = tr
zi = ti
# preserve recalculation
zrzr = zr*zr
zizi = zi*zi
if zrzr+zizi > 4.0
escape = 0b0
byte_acc = (byte_acc << 1) | escape
bit_num += 1
# Code is very similar for these cases, but using separate blocks
# ensures we skip the shifting when it's unnecessary, which is most cases.
if (bit_num == 8)
io.print byte_acc.chr
byte_acc = 0
bit_num = 0
elsif (x == count_size)
byte_acc <<= (8 - bit_num)
io.print byte_acc.chr
byte_acc = 0
bit_num = 0
end "/dev/null", "w" do |f|
200.times { mandelbrot 24, f }
duration = Benchmark.measure do
mandelbrot size, STDOUT
STDERR.puts duration
# The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
# contributed by Karl von Laudermann
# modified by Jeremy Echols
# modified by Detlef Reichl
# modified by Joseph LaFata
size = ARGV.shift.to_i
puts "P4\n#{size} #{size}"
byte_acc = 0
bit_num = 0
count_size = size - 1 # Precomputed size for easy looping
range = 0..count_size
# loops are faster than .upto, .downto, .times, etc.
# That's not true, but left it here
for y in range
ci = (2.0*y/size)-1.0
for x in range
zrzr = zr = 0.0
zizi = zi = 0.0
cr = (2.0*x/size)-1.5
escape = 0b1
50.times do
tr = zrzr - zizi + cr
ti = 2.0*zr*zi + ci
zr = tr
zi = ti
# preserve recalculation
zrzr = zr*zr
zizi = zi*zi
if zrzr+zizi > 4.0
escape = 0b0
byte_acc = (byte_acc << 1) | escape
bit_num += 1
# Code is very similar for these cases, but using separate blocks
# ensures we skip the shifting when it's unnecessary, which is most cases.
if (bit_num == 8)
print byte_acc.chr
byte_acc = 0
bit_num = 0
elsif (x == count_size)
byte_acc <<= (8 - bit_num)
print byte_acc.chr
byte_acc = 0
bit_num = 0
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Veejay commented May 22, 2012

And in all fairness, since JRuby 1.7.0.preview1 was just released:

JRuby 1.7.0.preview1

gist-632443/ $ ruby -v                                                                                                                                                                      
jruby 1.7.0.preview1 (ruby-1.9.3-p203) (2012-05-21 a8a5aa2) (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.7.0_04) [darwin-x86_64-java]

gist-632443/ $ java -version                                                                                                                                                                
java version "1.7.0_04"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_04-b21)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.0-b21, mixed mode)

gist-632443/ $ jruby mandelbrot.rb 2400 > mandelbrot_jruby.txt                                                                                                                              
 14.270000   0.080000  14.350000 ( 14.137000)

gist-632443/ $ jruby mandelbrot.method.rb 2400 > mandelbrot_method_jruby.txt                                                                                                                
 23.890000   1.840000  25.730000 ( 25.296000)          

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Veejay commented May 22, 2012

No diffs between the resulting files, of course.

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