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Created August 5, 2016 19:45
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from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
from geopy.exc import GeocoderServiceError, GeocoderTimedOut
@function getZipCode
Finds the zip code given a Cincinnati, OH address
@param {str} addressStreet: The address to find the zip code of
@return {str}: The zip code or an empty string if no zip code is found.
def getZipCode(addressStreet):
zipCodeFound = False
# Start a loop to retry incase there are geopy errors
while not zipCodeFound:
# Create a new geolocator and pass it the address
geolocator = Nominatim()
geolocation = geolocator.geocode(addressStreet + ', Cincinnati OH')
# If it returns a geolocation object
if geolocation is not None:
# Split the address string by commas
addressArr = geolocation.address.split(', ')
zipcode = None
# Go through each item in the address array
for item in addressArr:
# If it's 5 or 10 characters long...
if len(item) == 5 or len(item) == 10:
allCharsAreNumbers = True
# Go through each character in that item
for char in item:
# If they're all numbers or a dash, you've found the zipcode
if not isNumber(char) and char != '-':
allCharsAreNumbers = False
if allCharsAreNumbers:
zipcode = item
zipCodeFound = True
# If there was no geolocation object returned, zipcode is an empty string
zipcode = ''
zipCodeFound = True
# If there are the following errors, try again...
except GeocoderTimedOut:
except GeocoderServiceError:
return zipcode.strip()
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