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Andrew Briz brizandrew

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import yagmail
import dbInfo
yag = yagmail.SMTP(dbInfo.alertEmail)
# Password for <email-username>: Type password here
# Save username and password in keyring? [y/n]: Type 'y'
var vid = new Hypervideo({
path: "SxccCYudkxg", // YouTube video Id or path to self hosted video
host: "YouTube", // Either "YouTube" or "Self" for self hosted videos
aspectRatio: "16:9", // Aspect Ratio of either "16:9" or "4:3"
list: [ // 2D array of line items and times they appear
["JC Jackson Arrested",9],
["Young Body Found",114],
["Local Weather",166],
["Summer Burglary Prevention",246],
["Florida Abortion Bill",296],
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException
@function elementExists
Checks if a given element exists on the driver page given a search type and value
@param {WebDriver} driver: The driver to search for
@param {str} locateType: The type of search to preform (only "by_id" is supported)
@param {str} locateValue: The value of a given type to search for (only "id" is supported)
@return {boolean}: Whether or not it exists
@function indexOfAll
Utility function to find the index of every instance of a given substring in a string
@param {str} string: The string to search through
@param {str} sub: The substring to search for
@return {int[]}: A list of indeces everywhere that substring appears
def indexOfAll(string, sub):
output = []
for i in range(0,len(string)):
@function isNumber
Utility function to determine if a string is a valid number
@param {str} string: The string to test
@return {boolean}: Whether or not it's a valid number
def isNumber(string):
return True
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
from geopy.exc import GeocoderServiceError, GeocoderTimedOut
@function getZipCode
Finds the zip code given a Cincinnati, OH address
@param {str} addressStreet: The address to find the zip code of
@return {str}: The zip code or an empty string if no zip code is found.
def getZipCode(addressStreet):
brizandrew /
Created August 5, 2016 19:46
Series of functions to handle save files
import pickle
@function save
Saves the saveData global variable into a pickle file
def save():
global saveData
with open('filename.pickle','wb') as f:
pickle.dump(saveData, f)
import sys
@type dict
A dictionary containing data for the spinning line character output
@property {str} count: The amount of time, the spinner has spun
@property {List} chars: The list of characters to cycle through in order to simulate spinning
spinner = {'count':0,'chars':['|','/','-','\\']}
from datetime import datetime
@function updateLog
Adds a line to the .log file with a timestamp
@param {str} text: The line to add
@kwarg {int} [level]: The intendenation level of the line, default=0
def updateLog(text, **kwargs):
if 'level' in kwargs:
Code snippet for vanilla cross-browser height and width gathering
function getPageSize() {
return {
height: Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0),
width: Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0)