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Forked from jonathantneal/
Last active October 31, 2019 18:25
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Create or update macOS Mojave Recovery Partition Without Reinstalling
# Set the macOS installer path as a variable
MACOS_INSTALLER="/Applications/$(ls /Applications | grep "Install macOS")"
echo "macOS installer is \"$MACOS_INSTALLER\""
# Set the target disk as a variable
TARGET=$(diskutil info "$(bless --info --getBoot)" | awk -F':' '/Volume Name/ { print $2 }' | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//')
echo "Target disk is \"$TARGET\""
# Set the target disk filesystem
FS_TYPE=$(diskutil info "$TARGET" | awk '$1 == "Type" { print $NF }')
echo "Target filesystem is \"${FS_TYPE}\""
# Download the APFS-compatible Recovery into /private/tmp
echo "Downloading macOSUpd10.14.2.RecoveryHDUpdate.pkg into /private/tmp"
curl --progress-bar -L -o /private/tmp/macOSUpd10.13.6.RecoveryHDUpdate.pkg
pkgutil --expand /private/tmp/macOSUpd10.13.6.RecoveryHDUpdate.pkg /private/tmp/recoveryupdate10.13.6
if [[ "${FS_TYPE}" == "apfs" ]]; then
echo "Running ensureRecoveryBooter for APFS target volume: $TARGET"
/private/tmp/recoveryupdate10.13.6/Scripts/Tools/dm ensureRecoveryBooter "$TARGET" -base "$MOUNT_POINT/BaseSystem.dmg" "$MOUNT_POINT/BaseSystem.chunklist" -diag "$MOUNT_POINT/AppleDiagnostics.dmg" "$MOUNT_POINT/AppleDiagnostics.chunklist" -diagmachineblacklist 0 -installbootfromtarget 0 -slurpappleboot 0 -delappleboot 0 -addkernelcoredump 0
echo "Running ensureRecoveryPartition for Non-APFS target volume: $TARGET"
/private/tmp/recoveryupdate10.13.6/Scripts/Tools/dm ensureRecoveryPartition "$TARGET" "$MOUNT_POINT/BaseSystem.dmg" "$MOUNT_POINT/BaseSystem.chunklist" "$MOUNT_POINT/AppleDiagnostics.dmg" "$MOUNT_POINT/AppleDiagnostics.chunklist" 0 0 0
echo "Finished creating Recovery HD"
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