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Last active January 29, 2018 20:40
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List of positive and negative crypto influencers

List of positive and negative crypto influencers

This is my curated list of positive and negative crypto influencers. Positive influencers are those which I believe have a genuine, positive impact on the crypto community and the greater good.

Negative influencers are those who I believe are one (or more) of: dishonest, manipulative, greedy, or any other type of purveyor of bullshit.

Positive influencers

  • Andreas M. Antonopoulos is quite possibly the most important voice in crypto. I'm bullish on pretty much everything he says. Please follow him and watch his YouTube videos. I want to give him the biggest hug ever.
  • Naval Ravikant is an investor and entrepreneur. His feel-good tidbits show up in my twitter feed quite often. Naval has been known to shill Ripple and Zcash, so be aware of that. Overall I'm a fan.
  • Elizabeth Stark is an entrepreneur and cofounder of Lightning Labs. She's helping build the Lightning Network.
  • Charlie Lee is the creator of Litecoin, a Bitcoin-based altcoin, and one of the tier 1 altcoins.
  • WhalePanda is a self described "crypto OG", with a cool European accent. Entertaining tweets. Don't know if he has a real name.
  • Jameson Lopp is a software engineer at a Bitcoin startup who has gained a large following on Twitter. He's created an assortment of useful tools and documentation (such as his curated list of Bitcoin resources). Very positive and sane voice. Entertaining too.
  • Jimmy Song is a Bitcoin contributor, and sane voice in the crypto community.
  • Vitalik Buterin a Canadian (like me), and creator of Ethereum. Canada is really proud of him because it makes Canadians feel like they're doing tech, too. His tweets aren't that interesting or insightful, but he's the King of Ether, so you might as well hear what he's got to say.

Negative influencers

  • Roger Ver was once instrumental in spreading the good word about Bitcoin. Now he's shilling and pumping an altcoin for people who don't understand computers, so that he can accumulate Bitcoin.
  • Jihan Wu is a cofounder of BITMAIN (producer of mining ASICs), and one of the major Bcash pumpers.
  • Bitfinex'ed is an anonymous FUD dispenser and conspiracy theory that has somehow amassed a large number of followers without much evidence to support their claims of wrongdoing. Probably trying to manipulate the market in order to acculumate Bitcoin.
  • Brian Armstrong is the CEO of Coinbase, and he spends a lot of time shilling Bcash and his shitty Ethereum app I forgot the name of. He's not particularly interesting, except for the fact that he's CEO of Coinbase.
  • Emin Gün Sirer is a Twitter troll. I have no idea who's keeping this guy's ego inflated, but most of what he says seems idiotic.
  • Dr Craig S Wright is a bcash shill who is definitely not Satoshi.
  • Vinny Lingham is a self-proclaimed "Bitcoin Oracle" who shills bcash and other shitcoins. I have no idea where he came from or why he's always showing up in my twitter feed. From what I can tell he definitely does not understand Bitcoin.

Other thoughts

None of these people follow me because I tweet too many pictures of my puppy and other random stuff nobody cares about. But if you enjoy inconsistency about a wide range of subjects, and want to follow me anyway, here I am.

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