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Last active August 29, 2015 13:55
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Binary search using interfaces in Go
package fund
// Create an interface, steal ideas from part of core sort package.
type SearchSlice interface {
// Return true if val is less than value stored at index i
Less(val interface{}, i int) bool
// Return true if val is equal to value at index i
Equals(val interface{}, i int) bool
// Return the length of the slice
Len() int
// Return the index of of item in the sorted slice values. If item
// doesn't exist, return -1.
func Find(item interface{}, values SearchSlice) int {
low := 0
mid := 0
top := values.Len() - 1
// Continue running so long as low has not overtaken top value
for low <= top {
// Find the midpoint between the current top and low.
mid = ((top - low) / 2) + low
// Check out midpoint. Is it the correct value? If so, we're done.
// Return that index.
if values.Equals(item, mid) {
return mid
// Otherwise, check if our current item is lesser or greater
// to determine how we should proceed.
if values.Less(item, mid) {
// Our item is less than the midpoint, so next time, we'll check
// in vals[low..mid-1]
top = mid - 1
} else {
// Our item is greater than the midpoint, so next time, we'll check
// in vals[]
low = mid + 1
// We can't find it. Return -1
return -1
package fund_test
import (
type IntSlice []int
// Implement the SearchItem interface for ints.
func (values IntSlice) Less(valIn interface{}, i int) bool {
x := valIn.(int)
return x < values[i]
func (values IntSlice) Equals(valIn interface{}, i int) bool {
x := valIn.(int)
return x == values[i]
func (values IntSlice) Len() int {
return len(values)
func TestBinarySearch(t *testing.T) {
values := IntSlice{5, 100, 3422, 9000, 53535}
if fund.Find(100, values) != 1 {
t.Fatal("Expected to find 100 in index 1 of binary search")
if fund.Find(50, values) != -1 {
t.Fatal("Expected to not find 50.")
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