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Created February 13, 2014 02:10
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Quicksort in Go
package sorting
import (
// Run a simple implementation of Quicksort on an incoming
// sort.Interface value
func Quicksort(a sort.Interface) {
// Get the size of the list
n := a.Len()
// Shuffle it
shuffle(a, n)
// Sort it using recursive calls to quick sort index 0 to len-1
qsort(a, 0, n-1)
// Quicksort has n² complexity in the worst case, when the partitions selected
// are all unbalanced. Shuffling the list before sorting makes this case
// unlikely.
func shuffle(a sort.Interface, n int) {
// Seed the randomizer with current time
// Run the Knuth / Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm. Start with i
// as the last index. Decrement by 1 until i=1.
for i := n - 1; i > 0; i-- {
// Swap i with a random j, chosen from index [0..i]
j := rand.Intn(i + 1)
a.Swap(i, j)
// Find a pivot value between lo and hi, and then place values less than
// pivot before it, and values higher than after it.
func partition(a sort.Interface, lo, hi int) int {
// Choose some value to be the pivot. Just use the lowest index.
pivot := lo
// Whenever we insert a value lower than the pivot, we use this as the
// index. Start at the beginning of the list, and increment by 1 each time
// it is used.
lessIndex := lo
// Save the pivot value in the highest index
a.Swap(pivot, hi)
// Iterate from lo to hi index
for i := lo; i < hi; i++ {
// If the current is less than the pivot (stored in a[hi]), then
// swap to the lessIndex, and increment lessIndex.
if a.Less(i, hi) {
a.Swap(lessIndex, i)
// Place pivot in final place, which is one index after all of the low
// values. All high values are already above it.
a.Swap(lessIndex, hi)
// Return the final position of our pivot value
return lessIndex
func qsort(a sort.Interface, lo, hi int) {
// If lo has crossed hi, there is nothing to sort in this sublist
if lo >= hi {
// Parition the list into low and high values, and find the pivot index.
pivot := partition(a, lo, hi)
// Sort each sublist
qsort(a, lo, pivot-1)
qsort(a, pivot+1, hi)
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