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Last active February 2, 2024 18:13
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Zero-cost Either type in Kotlin
import kotlin.contracts.ExperimentalContracts
import kotlin.contracts.contract
import kotlin.contracts.InvocationKind
* Zero-cost union type.
* [Left] and [Right] must not be subtypes of one another, and must not be the same type.
value class GenericEither<CommonUpperBound, out Left : CommonUpperBound, out Right : CommonUpperBound> @PublishedApi internal constructor(
internal val _value: Any /* (Left & Any) | (Right & Any) | LeftNull | RightNull */
) {
internal sealed class Null
internal object LeftNull : Null() {
override fun toString() = "Left(null)"
internal object RightNull : Null() {
override fun toString() = "Right(null)"
companion object {
inline fun <CommonUpperBound, reified Left : CommonUpperBound, reified Right : CommonUpperBound> genericLeft(value: Left) =
GenericEither<CommonUpperBound, Left, Right>(value ?: LeftNull)
inline fun <CommonUpperBound, reified Left : CommonUpperBound, reified Right : CommonUpperBound> genericRight(value: Right) =
GenericEither<CommonUpperBound, Left, Right>(value ?: RightNull)
inline fun <reified Left, reified Right> left(value: Left) = genericLeft<Any?, Left, Right>(value)
inline fun <reified Left, reified Right> right(value: Right) = genericRight<Any?, Left, Right>(value)
override fun toString(): String = _value.toString()
inline fun <CommonUpperBound, reified Left, reified Right, Result> GenericEither<CommonUpperBound, Left, Right>.fold(
ifLeft: (Left) -> Result,
ifRight: (Right) -> Result
): Result where Left : CommonUpperBound, Right : CommonUpperBound {
contract {
callsInPlace(ifLeft, InvocationKind.AT_MOST_ONCE)
callsInPlace(ifRight, InvocationKind.AT_MOST_ONCE)
return when (_value) {
GenericEither.LeftNull -> ifLeft(null as Left)
GenericEither.RightNull -> ifRight(null as Right)
is Left -> ifLeft(_value)
is Right -> ifRight(_value)
else -> error("Invalid Either value")
inline val <CommonUpperBound, reified Left, Right> GenericEither<CommonUpperBound, Left, Right>.isLeft: Boolean
where Left : CommonUpperBound, Right : CommonUpperBound
get() = _value is GenericEither.LeftNull || _value is Left
inline val <CommonUpperBound, Left, reified Right> GenericEither<CommonUpperBound, Left, Right>.isRight: Boolean
where Left : CommonUpperBound, Right : CommonUpperBound
get() = _value is GenericEither.RightNull || _value is Right
inline val <CommonUpperBound, reified Left, Right> GenericEither<CommonUpperBound, Left, Right>.leftOrNull: Left?
where Left : CommonUpperBound & Any, Right : CommonUpperBound & Any
get() = _value as? Left
inline val <CommonUpperBound, Left, reified Right> GenericEither<CommonUpperBound, Left, Right>.rightOrNull: Right?
where Left : CommonUpperBound & Any, Right : CommonUpperBound & Any
get() = value as? Right
inline fun <
reified Left,
reified Right,
reified NewLeft,
reified NewRight
> GenericEither<CommonUpperBound, Left, Right>.map(
transformLeft: (Left) -> NewLeft,
transformRight: (Right) -> NewRight
): GenericEither<CommonUpperBound, NewLeft, NewRight>
where Left : CommonUpperBound, Right : CommonUpperBound, NewLeft : CommonUpperBound, NewRight : CommonUpperBound {
contract {
callsInPlace(transformLeft, InvocationKind.AT_MOST_ONCE)
callsInPlace(transformRight, InvocationKind.AT_MOST_ONCE)
return fold(ifLeft = { GenericEither.genericLeft(transformLeft(it)) }, ifRight = { GenericEither.genericRight(transformRight(it)) })
inline fun <CommonUpperBound, reified Left, reified Right, reified NewLeft> GenericEither<CommonUpperBound, Left, Right>.mapLeft(
transform: (Left) -> NewLeft
): GenericEither<CommonUpperBound, NewLeft, Right> where Left : CommonUpperBound, Right : CommonUpperBound, NewLeft : CommonUpperBound {
contract {
callsInPlace(transform, InvocationKind.AT_MOST_ONCE)
return fold(ifLeft = { GenericEither.genericLeft(transform(it)) }, ifRight = { GenericEither.genericRight(it) })
inline fun <CommonUpperBound, reified Left, reified Right, reified NewRight> GenericEither<CommonUpperBound, Left, Right>.mapRight(
transform: (Right) -> NewRight
): GenericEither<CommonUpperBound, Left, NewRight> where Left : CommonUpperBound, Right : CommonUpperBound, NewRight : CommonUpperBound {
contract {
callsInPlace(transform, InvocationKind.AT_MOST_ONCE)
return fold(ifLeft = { GenericEither.genericLeft(it) }, ifRight = { GenericEither.genericRight(transform(it)) })
typealias Either<Left, Right> = GenericEither<Any?, Left, Right>
val <CommonUpperBound, Left, Right> GenericEither<CommonUpperBound, Left, Right>.value: CommonUpperBound
where Left : CommonUpperBound, Right : CommonUpperBound
get() = when (_value) {
is GenericEither.Null -> null
else -> _value
} as CommonUpperBound
val <CommonUpperBound, Left, Right> GenericEither<CommonUpperBound, Left, Right>.value: CommonUpperBound & Any
where Left : CommonUpperBound & Any, Right : CommonUpperBound & Any
get() = (_value as CommonUpperBound)!!
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broadwaylamb commented Mar 6, 2023

@zinoviy23 you use fold for that. leftOrNull and rightOrNull are intentionally constrained to non-nullable Left and Right because of cases like Either<String?, Int?>.left(null).leftOrNull == null, which kind of implies that the value is Right, which is not true.

Instead of Either<String?, Int?> you can use use Either<String, Int>?. If that doesn't work for you either (no pun intended), then this class is not a good fit. Probably better use a sealed class-based implementation instead.

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And Either.left and Either.right can accept only 1 type parameter, the other one could be Nothing because of out.

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@broadwaylamb Thanks, got it!

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