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Created March 20, 2013 16:52
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= form_tag "/auth/identity/register", id: 'loginform' do
= error_messages_for @identity, :header_message => ""
%tr{colspan: 2}
= label_tag :title
= text_field_tag :title, @identity.try(:title), size: '32', class: 'logininput'
= label_tag :first_name, nil, class: 'required'
= text_field_tag :first_name, @identity.try(:first_name), size: '32', class: 'logininput'
= label_tag :last_name, nil, class: 'required'
= text_field_tag :last_name, @identity.try(:last_name), size: '32', class: 'logininput'
= label_tag :email, nil, class: 'required'
= email_field_tag :email, @identity.try(:email), size: '32', class: 'logininput'
= label_tag :phone, nil, class: 'required'
= text_field_tag :phone, @identity.try(:phone), size: '32', class: 'logininput'
= label_tag :password, nil, class: 'required'
= password_field_tag :password, nil, size: '32', class: 'logininput'
= label_tag :password_confirmation, nil, class: 'required'
= password_field_tag :password_confirmation, nil, size: '32', class: 'logininput'
%td{colspan: 2}
= label_tag 'recaptcha', "Captcha", class: 'required'
= recaptcha_tags
= check_box_tag :agree_to_terms, "true"
= 'I agree to the'
= link_to 'terms of use', terms_path
%td{halign: 'right', colspan: 2}
= submit_tag 'Register', class: 'button'
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