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Created April 1, 2015 17:57
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return e.Backbone = t, this
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if (!l(this, "on", e, [t, n]) || !t)
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this._events || (this._events = {});
var r = this._events[e] || (this._events[e] = []);
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},once: function(e, t, n) {
if (!l(this, "once", e, [t, n]) || !t)
return this;
var r = this, i = u.once(function() {, i), t.apply(this, arguments)
return i._callback = t, this.on(e, i, n)
},off: function(e, t, n) {
var r, i, s, o, a, f, c, h;
if (!this._events || !l(this, "off", e, [t, n]))
return this;
if (!e && !t && !n)
return this._events = {}, this;
o = e ? [e] : u.keys(this._events);
for (a = 0, f = o.length; a < f; a++) {
e = o[a];
if (s = this._events[e]) {
this._events[e] = r = [];
if (t || n)
for (c = 0, h = s.length; c < h; c++)
i = s[c], (t && t !== i.callback && t !== i.callback._callback || n && n !== i.context) && r.push(i);
r.length || delete this._events[e]
return this
},trigger: function(e) {
if (!this._events)
return this;
var t =, 1);
if (!l(this, "trigger", e, t))
return this;
var n = this._events[e], r = this._events.all;
return n && c(n, t), r && c(r, arguments), this
},stopListening: function(e, t, n) {
var r = this._listeners;
if (!r)
return this;
var i = !t && !n;
typeof t == "object" && (n = this), e && ((r = {})[e._listenerId] = e);
for (var s in r)
r[s].off(t, n, this), i && delete this._listeners[s];
return this
}}, f = /\s+/, l = function(e, t, n, r) {
if (!n)
return !0;
if (typeof n == "object") {
for (var i in n)
e[t].apply(e, [i, n[i]].concat(r));
return !1
if (f.test(n)) {
var s = n.split(f);
for (var o = 0, u = s.length; o < u; o++)
e[t].apply(e, [s[o]].concat(r));
return !1
return !0
}, c = function(e, t) {
var n, r = -1, i = e.length, s = t[0], o = t[1], u = t[2];
switch (t.length) {
case 0:
while (++r < i)
(n = e[r]);
case 1:
while (++r < i)
(n = e[r]), s);
case 2:
while (++r < i)
(n = e[r]), s, o);
case 3:
while (++r < i)
(n = e[r]), s, o, u);
while (++r < i)
(n = e[r]).callback.apply(n.ctx, t)
}, h = {listenTo: "on",listenToOnce: "once"};
u.each(h, function(e, t) {
a[t] = function(t, n, r) {
var i = this._listeners || (this._listeners = {}), s = t._listenerId || (t._listenerId = u.uniqueId("l"));
return i[s] = t, typeof n == "object" && (r = this), t[e](n, r, this), this
}), a.bind = a.on, a.unbind =, u.extend(o, a);
var p = o.Model = function(e, t) {
var n, r = e || {};
t || (t = {}), this.cid = u.uniqueId("c"), this.attributes = {}, u.extend(this, u.pick(t, d)), t.parse && (r = this.parse(r, t) || {});
if (n = u.result(this, "defaults"))
r = u.defaults({}, r, n);
this.set(r, t), this.changed = {}, this.initialize.apply(this, arguments)
}, d = ["url", "urlRoot", "collection"];
u.extend(p.prototype, a, {changed: null,validationError: null,idAttribute: "id",initialize: function() {
},toJSON: function(e) {
return u.clone(this.attributes)
},sync: function() {
return o.sync.apply(this, arguments)
},get: function(e) {
return this.attributes[e]
},escape: function(e) {
return u.escape(this.get(e))
},has: function(e) {
return this.get(e) != null
},set: function(e, t, n) {
var r, i, s, o, a, f, l, c;
if (e == null)
return this;
typeof e == "object" ? (i = e, n = t) : (i = {})[e] = t, n || (n = {});
if (!this._validate(i, n))
return !1;
s = n.unset, a = n.silent, o = [], f = this._changing, this._changing = !0, f || (this._previousAttributes = u.clone(this.attributes), this.changed = {}), c = this.attributes, l = this._previousAttributes, this.idAttribute in i && ( = i[this.idAttribute]);
for (r in i)
t = i[r], u.isEqual(c[r], t) || o.push(r), u.isEqual(l[r], t) ? delete this.changed[r] : this.changed[r] = t, s ? delete c[r] : c[r] = t;
if (!a) {
o.length && (this._pending = !0);
for (var h = 0, p = o.length; h < p; h++)
this.trigger("change:" + o[h], this, c[o[h]], n)
if (f)
return this;
if (!a)
while (this._pending)
this._pending = !1, this.trigger("change", this, n);
return this._pending = !1, this._changing = !1, this
},unset: function(e, t) {
return this.set(e, void 0, u.extend({}, t, {unset: !0}))
},clear: function(e) {
var t = {};
for (var n in this.attributes)
t[n] = void 0;
return this.set(t, u.extend({}, e, {unset: !0}))
},hasChanged: function(e) {
return e == null ? !u.isEmpty(this.changed) : u.has(this.changed, e)
},changedAttributes: function(e) {
if (!e)
return this.hasChanged() ? u.clone(this.changed) : !1;
var t, n = !1, r = this._changing ? this._previousAttributes : this.attributes;
for (var i in e) {
if (u.isEqual(r[i], t = e[i]))
(n || (n = {}))[i] = t
return n
},previous: function(e) {
return e == null || !this._previousAttributes ? null : this._previousAttributes[e]
},previousAttributes: function() {
return u.clone(this._previousAttributes)
},fetch: function(e) {
e = e ? u.clone(e) : {}, e.parse === void 0 && (e.parse = !0);
var t = this, n = e.success;
return e.success = function(r) {
if (!t.set(t.parse(r, e), e))
return !1;
n && n(t, r, e), t.trigger("sync", t, r, e)
}, j(this, e), this.sync("read", this, e)
},save: function(e, t, n) {
var r, i, s, o = this.attributes;
e == null || typeof e == "object" ? (r = e, n = t) : (r = {})[e] = t;
if (r && (!n || !n.wait) && !this.set(r, n))
return !1;
n = u.extend({validate: !0}, n);
if (!this._validate(r, n))
return !1;
r && n.wait && (this.attributes = u.extend({}, o, r)), n.parse === void 0 && (n.parse = !0);
var a = this, f = n.success;
return n.success = function(e) {
a.attributes = o;
var t = a.parse(e, n);
n.wait && (t = u.extend(r || {}, t));
if (u.isObject(t) && !a.set(t, n))
return !1;
f && f(a, e, n), a.trigger("sync", a, e, n)
}, j(this, n), i = this.isNew() ? "create" : n.patch ? "patch" : "update", i === "patch" && (n.attrs = r), s = this.sync(i, this, n), r && n.wait && (this.attributes = o), s
},destroy: function(e) {
e = e ? u.clone(e) : {};
var t = this, n = e.success, r = function() {
t.trigger("destroy", t, t.collection, e)
e.success = function(i) {
(e.wait || t.isNew()) && r(), n && n(t, i, e), t.isNew() || t.trigger("sync", t, i, e)
if (this.isNew())
return e.success(), !1;
j(this, e);
var i = this.sync("delete", this, e);
return e.wait || r(), i
},url: function() {
var e = u.result(this, "urlRoot") || u.result(this.collection, "url") || B();
return this.isNew() ? e : e + (e.charAt(e.length - 1) === "/" ? "" : "/") + encodeURIComponent(
},parse: function(e, t) {
return e
},clone: function() {
return new this.constructor(this.attributes)
},isNew: function() {
return == null
},isValid: function(e) {
return this._validate({}, u.extend(e || {}, {validate: !0}))
},_validate: function(e, t) {
if (!t.validate || !this.validate)
return !0;
e = u.extend({}, this.attributes, e);
var n = this.validationError = this.validate(e, t) || null;
return n ? (this.trigger("invalid", this, n, u.extend(t || {}, {validationError: n})), !1) : !0
var v = ["keys", "values", "pairs", "invert", "pick", "omit"];
u.each(v, function(e) {
p.prototype[e] = function() {
var t =;
return t.unshift(this.attributes), u[e].apply(u, t)
var m = o.Collection = function(e, t) {
t || (t = {}), t.url && (this.url = t.url), t.model && (this.model = t.model), t.comparator !== void 0 && (this.comparator = t.comparator), this._reset(), this.initialize.apply(this, arguments), e && this.reset(e, u.extend({silent: !0}, t))
}, g = {add: !0,remove: !0,merge: !0}, y = {add: !0,merge: !1,remove: !1};
u.extend(m.prototype, a, {model: p,initialize: function() {
},toJSON: function(e) {
return {
return t.toJSON(e)
},sync: function() {
return o.sync.apply(this, arguments)
},add: function(e, t) {
return this.set(e, u.defaults(t || {}, y))
},remove: function(e, t) {
e = u.isArray(e) ? e.slice() : [e], t || (t = {});
var n, r, i, s;
for (n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; n++) {
s = this.get(e[n]);
if (!s)
delete this._byId[], delete this._byId[s.cid], i = this.indexOf(s), this.models.splice(i, 1), this.length--, t.silent || (t.index = i, s.trigger("remove", s, this, t)), this._removeReference(s)
return this
},set: function(e, t) {
t = u.defaults(t || {}, g), t.parse && (e = this.parse(e, t)), u.isArray(e) || (e = e ? [e] : []);
var n, i, o, a, f, l, c =, h = this.comparator && c == null && t.sort !== !1, p = u.isString(this.comparator) ? this.comparator : null, d = [], v = [], m = {};
for (n = 0, i = e.length; n < i; n++) {
if (!(o = this._prepareModel(e[n], t)))
(f = this.get(o)) ? (t.remove && (m[f.cid] = !0), t.merge && (f.set(o.attributes, t), h && !l && f.hasChanged(p) && (l = !0))) : t.add && (d.push(o), o.on("all", this._onModelEvent, this), this._byId[o.cid] = o, != null && (this._byId[] = o))
if (t.remove) {
for (n = 0, i = this.length; n < i; ++n)
m[(o = this.models[n]).cid] || v.push(o);
v.length && this.remove(v, t)
d.length && (h && (l = !0), this.length += d.length, c != null ? s.apply(this.models, [c, 0].concat(d)) : r.apply(this.models, d)), l && this.sort({silent: !0});
if (t.silent)
return this;
for (n = 0, i = d.length; n < i; n++)
(o = d[n]).trigger("add", o, this, t);
return l && this.trigger("sort", this, t), this
},reset: function(e, t) {
t || (t = {});
for (var n = 0, r = this.models.length; n < r; n++)
return t.previousModels = this.models, this._reset(), this.add(e, u.extend({silent: !0}, t)), t.silent || this.trigger("reset", this, t), this
},push: function(e, t) {
return e = this._prepareModel(e, t), this.add(e, u.extend({at: this.length}, t)), e
},pop: function(e) {
var t = - 1);
return this.remove(t, e), t
},unshift: function(e, t) {
return e = this._prepareModel(e, t), this.add(e, u.extend({at: 0}, t)), e
},shift: function(e) {
var t =;
return this.remove(t, e), t
},slice: function(e, t) {
return this.models.slice(e, t)
},get: function(e) {
return e == null ? void 0 : this._byId[ != null ? : e.cid || e]
},at: function(e) {
return this.models[e]
},where: function(e, t) {
return u.isEmpty(e) ? t ? void 0 : [] : this[t ? "find" : "filter"](function(t) {
for (var n in e)
if (e[n] !== t.get(n))
return !1;
return !0
},findWhere: function(e) {
return this.where(e, !0)
},sort: function(e) {
if (!this.comparator)
throw new Error("Cannot sort a set without a comparator");
return e || (e = {}), u.isString(this.comparator) || this.comparator.length === 1 ? this.models = this.sortBy(this.comparator, this) : this.models.sort(u.bind(this.comparator, this)), e.silent || this.trigger("sort", this, e), this
},sortedIndex: function(e, t, n) {
t || (t = this.comparator);
var r = u.isFunction(t) ? t : function(e) {
return e.get(t)
return u.sortedIndex(this.models, e, r, n)
},pluck: function(e) {
return u.invoke(this.models, "get", e)
},fetch: function(e) {
e = e ? u.clone(e) : {}, e.parse === void 0 && (e.parse = !0);
var t = e.success, n = this;
return e.success = function(r) {
var i = e.reset ? "reset" : "set";
n[i](r, e), t && t(n, r, e), n.trigger("sync", n, r, e)
}, j(this, e), this.sync("read", this, e)
},create: function(e, t) {
t = t ? u.clone(t) : {};
if (!(e = this._prepareModel(e, t)))
return !1;
t.wait || this.add(e, t);
var n = this, r = t.success;
return t.success = function(i) {
t.wait && n.add(e, t), r && r(e, i, t)
},, t), e
},parse: function(e, t) {
return e
},clone: function() {
return new this.constructor(this.models)
},_reset: function() {
this.length = 0, this.models = [], this._byId = {}
},_prepareModel: function(e, t) {
if (e instanceof p)
return e.collection || (e.collection = this), e;
t || (t = {}), t.collection = this;
var n = new this.model(e, t);
return n._validate(e, t) ? n : (this.trigger("invalid", this, e, t), !1)
},_removeReference: function(e) {
this === e.collection && delete e.collection,"all", this._onModelEvent, this)
},_onModelEvent: function(e, t, n, r) {
if ((e === "add" || e === "remove") && n !== this)
e === "destroy" && this.remove(t, r), t && e === "change:" + t.idAttribute && (delete this._byId[t.previous(t.idAttribute)], != null && (this._byId[] = t)), this.trigger.apply(this, arguments)
var b = ["forEach", "each", "map", "collect", "reduce", "foldl", "inject", "reduceRight", "foldr", "find", "detect", "filter", "select", "reject", "every", "all", "some", "any", "include", "contains", "invoke", "max", "min", "toArray", "size", "first", "head", "take", "initial", "rest", "tail", "drop", "last", "without", "indexOf", "shuffle", "lastIndexOf", "isEmpty", "chain"];
u.each(b, function(e) {
m.prototype[e] = function() {
var t =;
return t.unshift(this.models), u[e].apply(u, t)
var w = ["groupBy", "countBy", "sortBy"];
u.each(w, function(e) {
m.prototype[e] = function(t, n) {
var r = u.isFunction(t) ? t : function(e) {
return e.get(t)
return u[e](this.models, r, n)
var E = o.View = function(e) {
this.cid = u.uniqueId("view"), this._configure(e || {}), this._ensureElement(), this.initialize.apply(this, arguments), this.delegateEvents()
}, S = /^(\S+)\s*(.*)$/, x = ["model", "collection", "el", "id", "attributes", "className", "tagName", "events"];
u.extend(E.prototype, a, {tagName: "div",$: function(e) {
return this.$el.find(e)
},initialize: function() {
},render: function() {
return this
},remove: function() {
return this.$el.remove(), this.stopListening(), this
},setElement: function(e, t) {
return this.$el && this.undelegateEvents(), this.$el = e instanceof o.$ ? e : o.$(e), this.el = this.$el[0], t !== !1 && this.delegateEvents(), this
},delegateEvents: function(e) {
if (!e && !(e = u.result(this, "events")))
return this;
for (var t in e) {
var n = e[t];
u.isFunction(n) || (n = this[e[t]]);
if (!n)
var r = t.match(S), i = r[1], s = r[2];
n = u.bind(n, this), i += ".delegateEvents" + this.cid, s === "" ? this.$el.on(i, n) : this.$el.on(i, s, n)
return this
},undelegateEvents: function() {
return this.$".delegateEvents" + this.cid), this
},_configure: function(e) {
this.options && (e = u.extend({}, u.result(this, "options"), e)), u.extend(this, u.pick(e, x)), this.options = e
},_ensureElement: function() {
if (!this.el) {
var e = u.extend({}, u.result(this, "attributes")); && ( = u.result(this, "id")), this.className && (e["class"] = u.result(this, "className"));
var t = o.$("<" + u.result(this, "tagName") + ">").attr(e);
this.setElement(t, !1)
} else
this.setElement(u.result(this, "el"), !1)
}}), o.sync = function(e, t, n) {
var r = T[e];
u.defaults(n || (n = {}), {emulateHTTP: o.emulateHTTP,emulateJSON: o.emulateJSON});
var i = {type: r,dataType: "json"};
n.url || (i.url = u.result(t, "url") || B()), == null && t && (e === "create" || e === "update" || e === "patch") && (i.contentType = "application/json", = JSON.stringify(n.attrs || t.toJSON(n))), n.emulateJSON && (i.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", = ? {model:} : {});
if (n.emulateHTTP && (r === "PUT" || r === "DELETE" || r === "PATCH")) {
i.type = "POST", n.emulateJSON && ( = r);
var s = n.beforeSend;
n.beforeSend = function(e) {
e.setRequestHeader("X-HTTP-Method-Override", r);
if (s)
return s.apply(this, arguments)
i.type !== "GET" && !n.emulateJSON && (i.processData = !1), i.type === "PATCH" && window.ActiveXObject && (!window.external || !window.external.msActiveXFilteringEnabled) && (i.xhr = function() {
return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
var a = n.xhr = o.ajax(u.extend(i, n));
return t.trigger("request", t, a, n), a
var T = {create: "POST",update: "PUT",patch: "PATCH","delete": "DELETE",read: "GET"};
o.ajax = function() {
return o.$.ajax.apply(o.$, arguments)
var N = o.Router = function(e) {
e || (e = {}), e.routes && (this.routes = e.routes), this._bindRoutes(), this.initialize.apply(this, arguments)
}, C = /\((.*?)\)/g, k = /(\(\?)?:\w+/g, L = /\*\w+/g, A = /[\-{}\[\]+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g;
u.extend(N.prototype, a, {initialize: function() {
},route: function(e, t, n) {
u.isRegExp(e) || (e = this._routeToRegExp(e)), u.isFunction(t) && (n = t, t = ""), n || (n = this[t]);
var r = this;
return o.history.route(e, function(i) {
var s = r._extractParameters(e, i);
n && n.apply(r, s), r.trigger.apply(r, ["route:" + t].concat(s)), r.trigger("route", t, s), o.history.trigger("route", r, t, s)
}), this
},navigate: function(e, t) {
return o.history.navigate(e, t), this
},_bindRoutes: function() {
if (!this.routes)
this.routes = u.result(this, "routes");
var e, t = u.keys(this.routes);
while ((e = t.pop()) != null)
this.route(e, this.routes[e])
},_routeToRegExp: function(e) {
return e = e.replace(A, "\\$&").replace(C, "(?:$1)?").replace(k, function(e, t) {
return t ? e : "([^/]+)"
}).replace(L, "(.*?)"), new RegExp("^" + e + "$")
},_extractParameters: function(e, t) {
var n = e.exec(t).slice(1);
return, function(e) {
return e ? decodeURIComponent(e) : null
var O = o.History = function() {
this.handlers = [], u.bindAll(this, "checkUrl"), typeof window != "undefined" && (this.location = window.location, this.history = window.history)
}, M = /^[#\/]|\s+$/g, _ = /^\/+|\/+$/g, D = /msie [\w.]+/, P = /\/$/;
O.started = !1, u.extend(O.prototype, a, {interval: 50,getHash: function(e) {
var t = (e || this).location.href.match(/#(.*)$/);
return t ? t[1] : ""
},getFragment: function(e, t) {
if (e == null)
if (this._hasPushState || !this._wantsHashChange || t) {
e = this.location.pathname;
var n = this.root.replace(P, "");
e.indexOf(n) || (e = e.substr(n.length))
} else
e = this.getHash();
return e.replace(M, "")
},start: function(e) {
if (O.started)
throw new Error("Backbone.history has already been started");
O.started = !0, this.options = u.extend({}, {root: "/"}, this.options, e), this.root = this.options.root, this._wantsHashChange = this.options.hashChange !== !1, this._wantsPushState = !!this.options.pushState, this._hasPushState = !!(this.options.pushState && this.history && this.history.pushState);
var t = this.getFragment(), n = document.documentMode, r = D.exec(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()) && (!n || n <= 7);
this.root = ("/" + this.root + "/").replace(_, "/"), r && this._wantsHashChange && (this.iframe = o.$('<iframe src="javascript:0" tabindex="-1" />').hide().appendTo("body")[0].contentWindow, this.navigate(t)), this._hasPushState ? o.$(window).on("popstate", this.checkUrl) : this._wantsHashChange && "onhashchange" in window && !r ? o.$(window).on("hashchange", this.checkUrl) : this._wantsHashChange && (this._checkUrlInterval = setInterval(this.checkUrl, this.interval)), this.fragment = t;
var i = this.location, s = i.pathname.replace(/[^\/]$/, "$&/") === this.root;
if (this._wantsHashChange && this._wantsPushState && !this._hasPushState && !s)
return this.fragment = this.getFragment(null, !0), this.location.replace(this.root + + "#" + this.fragment), !0;
this._wantsPushState && this._hasPushState && s && i.hash && (this.fragment = this.getHash().replace(M, ""), this.history.replaceState({}, document.title, this.root + this.fragment +;
if (!this.options.silent)
return this.loadUrl()
},stop: function() {
o.$(window).off("popstate", this.checkUrl).off("hashchange", this.checkUrl), clearInterval(this._checkUrlInterval), O.started = !1
},route: function(e, t) {
this.handlers.unshift({route: e,callback: t})
},checkUrl: function(e) {
var t = this.getFragment();
t === this.fragment && this.iframe && (t = this.getFragment(this.getHash(this.iframe)));
if (t === this.fragment)
return !1;
this.iframe && this.navigate(t), this.loadUrl() || this.loadUrl(this.getHash())
},loadUrl: function(e) {
var t = this.fragment = this.getFragment(e), n = u.any(this.handlers, function(e) {
if (e.route.test(t))
return e.callback(t), !0
return n
},navigate: function(e, t) {
if (!O.started)
return !1;
if (!t || t === !0)
t = {trigger: t};
e = this.getFragment(e || "");
if (this.fragment === e)
this.fragment = e;
var n = this.root + e;
if (this._hasPushState)
this.history[t.replace ? "replaceState" : "pushState"]({}, document.title, n);
else {
if (!this._wantsHashChange)
return this.location.assign(n);
this._updateHash(this.location, e, t.replace), this.iframe && e !== this.getFragment(this.getHash(this.iframe)) && (t.replace ||, this._updateHash(this.iframe.location, e, t.replace))
t.trigger && this.loadUrl(e)
},_updateHash: function(e, t, n) {
if (n) {
var r = e.href.replace(/(javascript:|#).*$/, "");
e.replace(r + "#" + t)
} else
e.hash = "#" + t
}}), o.history = new O;
var H = function(e, t) {
var n = this, r;
e && u.has(e, "constructor") ? r = e.constructor : r = function() {
return n.apply(this, arguments)
}, u.extend(r, n, t);
var i = function() {
this.constructor = r
return i.prototype = n.prototype, r.prototype = new i, e && u.extend(r.prototype, e), r.__super__ = n.prototype, r
p.extend = m.extend = N.extend = E.extend = O.extend = H;
var B = function() {
throw new Error('A "url" property or function must be specified')
}, j = function(e, t) {
var n = t.error;
t.error = function(r) {
n && n(e, r, t), e.trigger("error", e, r, t)
}.call(this), function(e, t) {
function n(e, n) {
n = n || {bubbles: !1,cancelable: !1,detail: t};
var r = document.createEvent("CustomEvent");
return r.initCustomEvent(e, n.bubbles, n.cancelable, n.detail), r
if (e.CustomEvent)
n.prototype = e.Event.prototype, e.CustomEvent = n
}(this), function(e, t, n) {
var r = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
e.utils = e.utils || {}, e.utils.extend = function(e) {
if (typeof e != "object")
return e;
var t, n;
for (var i = 1, s = arguments.length; i < s; i++) {
t = arguments[i];
for (n in t), n) && (e[n] = t[n])
return e
}, e.utils.find = function(e, t) {
var n;
for (var r = 0; l = e.length, r < l; r++) {
var i = e[r];
if (t(i, r, e)) {
n = i;
return n
}, e.utils.uuid = function() {
var e = (new Date).getTime(), t = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, function(t) {
var n = (e + Math.random() * 16) % 16 | 0;
return e = Math.floor(e / 16), (t == "x" ? n : n & 3 | 8).toString(16)
return t
}, e.utils.serialize = function(e) {
var t = [];
for (var n in e)
e.hasOwnProperty(n) && t.push(encodeURIComponent(n) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(e[n]));
return t.join("&")
}(window.rembeddit = window.rembeddit || {}, this), function(e, t, n) {
function a(e) {
if (!u.test(e.origin) && e.origin !== "null")
try {
var n = JSON.parse(, r = new CustomEvent(n.type, {detail:});
r.source = e.source, t.dispatchEvent(r)
} catch (i) {
function f(e) {
return new RegExp("^http(s)?:\\/\\/" + e.join("|"), "i")
function l(e) {
return s.test(e)
var r = "*", i = ".*", s = /\*/, o = [i], u = f(o);
e.utils.extend(e, {postMessage: function(t, n, i, s) {
n += ".postMessage";
var o = {targetOrigin: r,delay: 100};
s = e.utils.extend({}, o, s), t.postMessage(JSON.stringify({type: n,data: i}), s.targetOrigin)
},receiveMessage: function(e, n, r, i) {
typeof e == "string" && (i = r, r = n, n = e, e = null), n += ".postMessage", i = i || this;
var s = function(t) {
if (e && e !== t.source && e.contentWindow !== t.source)
r.apply(i, arguments)
return t.addEventListener(n, s), {off: function() {
t.removeEventListener(n, s)
},receiveMessageOnce: function(t, n, r, i) {
var s = e.receiveMessage(t, n, function() {
r && r.apply(this, arguments),
}, i);
return s
},addPostMessageOrigin: function(t) {
l(t) ? o = [i] : o.indexOf(t) === -1 && (e.removePostMessageOrigin(i), o.push(t), u = f(o))
},removePostMessageOrigin: function(e) {
var t = o.indexOf(e);
t !== -1 && (o.splice(t, 1), u = f(o))
}}), t.addEventListener("message", a, !1)
}(window.rembeddit = window.rembeddit || {}, this), !function(e, t, n) {
var r = e.PixelTracker = function(e) {
this._pixelTrackingUrl = e.url, this._anonymousPixelTrackingUrl = e.anonymousUrl
r.prototype.send = function(t, n, r) {
typeof n == "function" && (r = n, n = {}), n = n || {}, r = r || function() {
var i = n.anonymous ? this._anonymousPixelTrackingUrl : this._pixelTrackingUrl;
if (!t || !i) {
t.uuid = t.uuid || e.utils.uuid();
var s = new Image, o = Math.round(Math.random() * 2147483647);
s.onload = r, s.src = i + "?r=" + o + "&data=" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(t))
}(window.rembeddit = window.rembeddit || {}, this), function(e, t, n) {
function o(e) {
return r.test(e.href) && i.test(e.pathname)
function u(e) {
return o(e) && e.pathname.replace(/^\//, "")
function a(e, t) {
var n;
for (var r = 0, i = e.length; r < i; r++)
if (n = u(e[r]))
return "//" + t + "/" + n
function f(e, t) {
var n = 0, r = t.getAttribute("data-embed-live");
t.getAttribute("data-embed-parent") === "true" && n++;
var i = "embed=true&context=" + n + "&depth=" + ++n + "&showedits=" + (r === "true") + "&created=" + t.getAttribute("data-embed-created") + "&showmore=false";
return s + e.replace(/\/$/, "") + "?" + i
var r = /^https?:\/\//i, i = /\/?r\/[\w_]+\/comments\/(?:[\w_]+\/){2,}[\w_]+\/?/i, s = location.protocol === "file:" ? "https:" : "";
e.init = function(t, n) {
t = t || {}, n = n || function() {
var r = document.querySelectorAll(".reddit-embed");
[], function(r) {
if (r.getAttribute("data-initialized"))
r.setAttribute("data-initialized", !0);
var i = document.createElement("iframe"), s = r.getElementsByTagName("a"), o = a(s, r.getAttribute("data-embed-media"));
if (!o)
e.addPostMessageOrigin(r.getAttribute("data-embed-media")), i.height = 0, i.width = "100%", i.scrolling = "no", i.frameBorder = 0, i.allowTransparency = !0, = "none", = "800px", = "220px", = "10px 0", = "5px", = "0 0 5px 0.5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)", = "rgba(199,199,199, 0.55)", = "1px", = "solid", = "border-box", i.src = f(o, r), e.receiveMessageOnce(i, "ping", function(s) {
r.parentNode.removeChild(r), = "block", n(s), e.postMessage(i.contentWindow, "pong", {type: r.getAttribute("data-embed-parent") === "true" ? "comment_and_parent" : "comment",location: location,options: t})
var u = e.receiveMessage(i, "resize", function(e) {
if (!i.parentNode) {;
i.height = e.detail + "px"
r.parentNode.insertBefore(i, r)
}, e.init()
}(window.rembeddit = window.rembeddit || {}, this), !function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var r = t.Model.extend({duration: function() {
return this.get("end") - this.get("start")
},isValid: function() {
return this.get("end") !== 0
}}), i = t.Collection.extend({model: r,comparator: "start",initialize: function() {
this.on("reset", this.calculate, this)
},calculate: function() {
this.startTime = this.min(function(e) {
return e.get("start")
}).get("start"), this.endTime = this.max(function(e) {
return e.get("end")
}).get("end"), this.duration = this.endTime - this.startTime
}}), s = i.extend({fetch: function() {
function r(n, r, i) {
if (!e[r] || !e[i])
t.push({key: n,start: e[r] / 1e3,end: e[i] / 1e3})
if (!window.performance || !window.performance.timing)
var e = window.performance.timing, t = [];
r("redirect", "redirectStart", "redirectEnd"), r("start", "fetchStart", "domainLookupStart"), r("dns", "domainLookupStart", "domainLookupEnd"), r("tcp", "connectStart", "connectEnd"), r("https", "secureConnectionStart", "connectEnd"), r("request", "requestStart", "responseStart"), r("response", "responseStart", "responseEnd"), r("domLoading", "domLoading", "domInteractive"), r("domInteractive", "domInteractive", "domContentLoadedEventStart"), r("domContentLoaded", "domContentLoadedEventStart", "domContentLoadedEventEnd"), this.reset(n.values(t))
e.NavigationTimings = s, e.Timing = r, e.Timings = i
}(r, Backbone, _), r.templating = {}, r.templating.TemplateSet = function() {
this.index = {}
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return e + "." + t
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return _.template(e, null, this._templateSettings)
},set: function(e) {
_.each(e, function(e) {
r.config.uncompressedJS && (e = r.utils.unescapeJson(e));
var t = this._key(,;
this.index[t] = e.template
}, this)
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return _.isArray(e) || (e = [e, r.config.renderstyle]), e
},get: function(e) {
e = this._defaultStyle(e);
var t = this._key(e[0], e[1]);
if (!this.index[t])
throw '"' + e[0] + "." + e[1] + '"' + " template not found.";
return template = this.index[t], _.isFunction(template) || (template = this.index[t] = this._create(template)), template
},make: function(e, t, n) {
return html = this.get(e)(t), n && $(n).append(html), html
}}, r.templates = new r.templating.TemplateSet, !function(e, t) {
e.ScrollUpdater = Backbone.View.extend({selector: null,startUpdate: function() {
},update: function(e) {
},endUpdate: function(e) {
},start: function() {
return this._resetScrollState(), this._listen(), this
},restart: function() {
return this._resetScrollState(), this
},_resetScrollState: function() {
this._elements = this.$el.find(this.selector), _.sortBy(this._elements, function(e) {
return t(e).offset().top
}), this._curIndex = 0, this._lastScroll = null, this._toUpdate = [], this._totalTime = 0, _.defer(t.proxy(this, "_updateThings"))
},_listen: function() {
var e = _.throttle(t.proxy(this, "_updateThings"), 20);
t(window).on("scroll", e)
},_updateThings: function(e) {
if (!this._elements.length)
var n = new Date, r = t(window), i = r.height(), s = r.scrollTop(), o = s, u = s + i;
s < this._lastScroll ? o = Math.max(o - Math.floor(i / 2), 0) : u += Math.ceil(i / 2);
var a = this._curIndex, f = t(this._elements[a]);
if (f.offset().top < o)
while (a < this._elements.length - 1 && f.offset().top < o)
f = t(this._elements[a]), a++;
while (a > 0 && f.offset().top > o)
f = t(this._elements[a]), a--;
var l = 0;
f = t(this._elements[a]), this._toUpdate.push(f), a++, l++;
while (a <= this._elements.length - 1 && f.offset().top <= u);
this._curIndex = a - 1, this._lastScroll = s;
var c = new Date;
this._totalTime += c - n, this._doUpdates()
},cutoff: 1e3 / 60,_doUpdates: function() {
var e = new Date, n = e, r = 0, i = [];
while (n - e < this.cutoff) {
if (!this._toUpdate.length)
var s = this._toUpdate.shift();
i.push(s), this.update(s), r++, n = new Date
this._totalTime += n - e, this._toUpdate.length && _.defer(t.proxy(this, "_doUpdates")), this.endUpdate(t(i))
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function i(e) {
this.opts = _.defaults(e || {}, r), this.elCache = t([]), this.refresh = _.throttle(this._refresh, 1e3), setInterval(t.proxy(this.refresh, this), 2e4), this.refresh()
} || ( = function() {
return (new Date).getTime()
var n = [[31536e3, e.NP_("a year ago", "%(num)s years ago")], [2592e3, e.NP_("a month ago", "%(num)s months ago")], [86400, e.NP_("a day ago", "%(num)s days ago")], [3600, e.NP_("an hour ago", "%(num)s hours ago")], [60, e.NP_("a minute ago", "%(num)s minutes ago")]], r = {maxage: 86400};
i.prototype._refresh = function() {
var e =;
this.elCache.each(t.proxy(function(t, n) {
this.refreshOne(n, e)
}, this))
}, i.prototype.updateCache = function(e) {
this.elCache = e, this.refresh()
}, i.prototype.refreshOne = function(e, n) {
n || (n =;
var r = t(e), i ="timestamp"), s, o, u;
i || (s = r.attr("datetime"), i = Date.parse(s),"timestamp", i)), u = (n - i) / 1e3;
if (this.opts.maxage !== !1 && u > this.opts.maxage) {
o = this.formatTime(r, u, i, n), r.text(o)
}, i.prototype.formatTime = function(r, i, s, o) {
var u = e._("just now");
return t.each(n, function(t, n) {
var r = Math.floor(i / n[0]), s;
if (r > 0)
return s = n[1], u = e.P_(s[0], s[1], r).format({num: r}), !1
}), u
}, e.TimeText = i
}(r, jQuery), r.ui.init = function() {
$.cookie("reddit_first") ? ($.cookie("reddit_first", null, {domain: r.config.cur_domain}), store.safeSet("ui.shown.welcome", !0)) : store.safeGet("ui.shown.welcome") != 1 && ($(".infobar.welcome").show(), store.safeSet("ui.shown.welcome", !0));
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var n = $('<div class="infobar mellow">').html(r.utils.formatMarkdownLinks(r._("Looks like you're browsing on a small screen. Would you like to try [reddit's mobile interface](%(url)s)?").format({url: location + ".compact"})));
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$(".help-bubble").each(function(e, t) {
$(t).data("HelpBubble", new r.ui.Bubble({el: t}))
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$(t).data("SubredditSubmitText", new r.ui.SubredditSubmitText({el: t}))
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if (! {
var t = _.contains(["http:", "https:"], this.protocol);
if (this.href && t && r.utils.onTrident()) {
var n =, "_blank");
if (n !== null)
return n.opener = null, e.preventDefault(), !1
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return !0
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return window.matchMedia ? matchMedia("(max-device-width: 736px)").matches : $(window).width() < 736
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this.timeText = e.timeText, this.timeText.updateCache($(this.selector))
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e.start(), $(document).on("new_things_inserted", function() {
}, r.ui.initTimings = function() {
if (!r.config.pageInfo.actionName || !r.config.stats_domain)
if (Math
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var e = new r.NavigationTimings;
$(function() {
_.defer(function() {
var t = e.filter(function(e) {
return e.get("key") !== "start"
}).reduce(function(e, t) {
if (!t.isValid())
return e;
var n = t.duration();
if (n > 0) {
var r = t.get("key") + "Timing";
e[r] = n
return e
}, {});
t.actionName = r.config.pageInfo.actionName, t.verification = r.config.pageInfo.verification, $.ajax({type: "POST",url: r.config.stats_domain,data: JSON.stringify({rum: t}),contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",dataType: "json"})
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if (!t)
var n = 200, r = "_workingCount", i = $(e);, ( || 0) + 1);
var s = setTimeout(function() {
}, n);
return t.always(function() {
var e = Math.max(0, - 1);, e), e == 0 && i.removeClass("working")
}), t
}, r.ui.refreshListing = function() {
var e = $.url(), t = e.param();
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$("body > .content").html(e).find(".promotedlink.promoted:visible").trigger("onshow")
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e.preventDefault(), this.submit(e)
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$(this).stateify("set", "success")
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$(this).stateify("set", "loading")
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this.$el.find(".status, .c-alert").show().toggleClass("error", !!t).text(e)
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var t = [];
$.each(e, $.proxy(function(e, n) {
var i = r.utils.parseError(n), s = this.$el.find(".error." + + (i.field ? ".field-" + i.field : "")), o = this.$el.filter(".form-v2").find('[name="' + i.field + '"]');
s.length ? : o.length ? o.stateify("set", "error", i.message) : t.push(i.message)
}, this)), t.length && this.showStatus(t.join(", "), !0)
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if (this.$el.has('input[name="captcha"]').length) {
var t = $.grep(e, function(e) {
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t && $.request("new_captcha", {id: this.$el.attr("id")})
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return this.$el.serializeArray()
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this.resetErrors(), r.ui.showWorkingDeferred(this.$el, this._submit()).done($.proxy(this, "handleResult")).fail($.proxy(this, "_handleNetError"))
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this.checkCaptcha(e.json.errors), this._handleResult(e)
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},_handleNetError: function(e) {
var t = r._("an error occurred (status: %(status)s)").format({status: e.status});
this.showStatus(t, !0)
}}), r.ui.Bubble = Backbone.View.extend({showDelay: 150,hideDelay: 750,animateDuration: 150,initialize: function() {
this.$parent = this.options.parent || this.$el.parent(), this.options.trackHover != 0 && (this.$el.hover($.proxy(this, "queueShow"), $.proxy(this, "queueHide")), this.$parent.hover($.proxy(this, "queueShow"), $.proxy(this, "queueHide")), this.$$.proxy(this, "queueShow")))
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var e = this.$parent.offset(), t = $("body").offset(), n, i;
this.$".anchor-top") || this.$".anchor-top-centered") ? (n = this.$parent.outerWidth(!0) - this.$el.outerWidth(!0), i = this.$parent.outerHeight(!0) + 5, this.$el.css({left: Math.max(e.left + n, 0),top: + i -})) : this.$".anchor-top-left") ? (i = this.$parent.outerHeight(!0) + 5, this.$el.css({left: e.left,top: + i -})) : this.$".anchor-right-fixed") ? (n = 32, i = 0, -= $(document).scrollTop(), e.left -= $(document).scrollLeft(), this.$el.css({top: r.utils.clamp( - i, 0, $(window).height() - this.$el.outerHeight()),left: r.utils.clamp(e.left - n - this.$el.width(), 0, $(window).width())})) : this.$".anchor-left") ? (n = this.$parent.outerWidth(!0) + 16, i = 0, this.$el.css({left: e.left + n,top: + i -})) : (n = 16, i = 0, e.right = $(window).width() - e.left, this.$el.css({right: e.right + n,top: + i -}))
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if (this.$":visible"))
this.trigger("show"), $("body").append(this.$el), this.$el.css("visibility", "hidden").show(), this.render(), this.position(), this.$el.css({opacity: 1,visibility: "visible"});
var e = && && != this;
e ? : this._animate("show"), && ( = this)
},hideNow: function() {
this.cancelTimeout(), && == this && ( = null), this.$el.hide()
},hide: function(e) {
if (!this.$":visible")) {
e && e();
this._animate("hide", $.proxy(function() {
this.hideNow(), e && e()
}, this))
},_animate: function(e, t) {
if (!this.animateDuration) {
t && t();
var n, r;
this.$".anchor-top") || this.$".anchor-top-centered") || this.$".anchor-top-left") ? (n = "top", r = "-=5") : this.$".anchor-right-fixed") ? (n = "right", r = "-=5") : this.$".anchor-left") ? (n = "left", r = "+=5") : (n = "right", r = "-=5");
var i = this.$el.css(n);
hideProps = {opacity: 0}, hideProps[n] = r, showProps = {opacity: 1}, showProps[n] = i;
var s, o;
e == "show" ? (s = hideProps, o = showProps) : e == "hide" && (s = showProps, o = hideProps), this.$el.css(s).animate(o, this.animateDuration, t)
},cancelTimeout: function() {
this.timeout && (clearTimeout(this.timeout), this.timeout = null)
},queueShow: function() {
this.cancelTimeout(), this.timeout = setTimeout($.proxy(this, "show"), this.showDelay)
},queueHide: function() {
this.cancelTimeout(), this.timeout = setTimeout($.proxy(this, "hide"), this.hideDelay)
}}), r.ui.PermissionEditor = function(e) {, e);
var t = {};
this.$el.find('input[type="hidden"]').each(function(e, n) {
t[] = n.value
var n = t.type, i =;
this.form_id = n + "-permissions-" + i, this.permission_info = r.permissions[n], this.sorted_perm_keys = $.map(this.permission_info, function(e, t) {
return t
}), this.sorted_perm_keys.sort(), this.original_perms = this._parsePerms(t.permissions), this.embedded = this.$el.find("form").length == 0, this.$menu = null, this.embedded ? (this.$permissions_field = this.$el.find('input[name="permissions"]'), this.$menu_controller = this.$el.siblings(".permissions-edit")) : this.$menu_controller = this.$el.closest("tr").find(".permissions-edit"), this.$menu_controller.find("a").click($.proxy(this, "show")), this.updateSummary()
}, r.ui.PermissionEditor.init = function() {
function e(e) {
$(e).find(".permissions").each(function(e, t) {
$(t).data("PermissionEditor", new r.ui.PermissionEditor(t))
for (var t in r.permissions)
$("." + t + "-table").on("insert-row", "tr", function(t) {
}, r.ui.PermissionEditor.prototype = $.extend(new r.ui.Base, {_parsePerms: function(e) {
var t = {};
return e.split(",").forEach(function(e) {
t[e.substring(1)] = e[0] == "+"
}), t.all ? {all: !0} : t
},_serializePerms: function(e) {
if (e.all)
return "+all";
var t = [];
for (var n in e)
t.push((e[n] ? "+" : "-") + n);
return t.join(",")
},_getNewPerms: function() {
if (!this.$menu)
return null;
var e = {};
return this.$menu.find('input[type="checkbox"]').each(function(t, n) {
e[$(n).attr("name")] = $(n).prop("checked")
}), e
},_makeMenuLabel: function(e) {
var t = $.proxy(this, "updateSummary"), n = this.permission_info[e], i = $('<input type="checkbox">').attr("name", e).prop("checked", this.original_perms[e]), s = $("<label>").append(i).click(function(e) {
return e == "all" ? (i.change(function() {
var e =":checked");
s.siblings().toggleClass("disabled", e).find('input[type="checkbox"]').prop("disabled", e), t()
}), s.append(document.createTextNode(r._("full permissions")))) : n && (i.change(t), s.append(document.createTextNode(r._(n.title))), s.attr("title", r._(n.description))), s
},show: function(e) {
close_menus(e), this.$menu = $('<div class="permission-selector drop-choices">'), this.$menu.append(this._makeMenuLabel("all"));
for (var t in this.sorted_perm_keys)
this.$menu.on("close_menu", $.proxy(this, "hide")).find("input").first().change().end();
if (!this.embedded) {
var n = this.$el.find("form").clone();
n.attr("id", this.form_id), {
}), this.$menu.append("<hr>", n), this.$permissions_field = this.$menu.find('input[name="permissions"]')
return this.$menu_controller.parent().append(this.$menu), open_menu(this.$menu_controller[0]), !1
},hide: function() {
this.$menu && (this.embedded && (this.original_perms = this._getNewPerms(), this.$permissions_field.val(this._serializePerms(this.original_perms))), this.$menu.remove(), this.$menu = null, this.updateSummary())
},_renderBit: function(e) {
var t = this.permission_info[e], n;
e == "all" ? n = r._("full permissions") : t ? n = r._(t.title) : n = e;
var i = $('<span class="permission-bit"/>').text(n);
return t && i.attr("title", r._(t.description)), i
},updateSummary: function() {
var e = this._getNewPerms(), t = [];
if (e && e.all)
t.push(this._renderBit("all").toggleClass("added", this.original_perms.all != 1));
else {
if (this.original_perms.all && !e)
else if (!this.original_perms.all)
for (var n in this.original_perms)
this.original_perms[n] && (this.embedded && (!e || !!e[n]) && t.push(this._renderBit(n)), this.embedded || t.push(this._renderBit(n).toggleClass("removed", e != null && !e[n])));
if (e)
for (var n in e)
this.permission_info[n] && e[n] && !this.original_perms[n] && t.push(this._renderBit(n).toggleClass("added", !this.embedded))
t.length || t.push($('<span class="permission-bit">').text(r._("no permissions")).addClass("none"));
var i = $('<div class="permission-summary">');
for (var s = 0; s < t.length; s++)
s > 0 && i.append(", "), i.append(t[s]);
i.toggleClass("edited", this.$menu != null), this.$el.find(".permission-summary").replaceWith(i), e && this.$permissions_field && this.$permissions_field.val(this._serializePerms(e))
},onCommit: function(e) {
this.$el.find('input[name="permissions"]').val(e), this.original_perms = this._parsePerms(e), this.hide()
}}), r.ui.scrollFixed = function(e) {
this.$el = $(e), this.$standin = null, this.onScroll(), $(window).bind("scroll resize", _.bind(_.throttle(this.onScroll, 20), this))
}, r.ui.scrollFixed.prototype = {onScroll: function() {
if (!this.$".scroll-fixed")) {
var e = this.$el.outerHeight(!0) - this.$el.outerHeight(!1);
this.origTop = this.$el.offset().top - e
var t = this.$el.height() < $(window).height();
t && $(window).scrollTop() > this.origTop ? this.$standin || (this.$standin = $("<" + this.$el.prop("nodeName") + ">").css({width: this.$el.width(),height: this.$el.height()}).attr("class", this.$el.attr("class")).addClass("scroll-fixed-standin"), this.$el.addClass("scroll-fixed").css({position: "fixed",top: 0}), this.$el.before(this.$standin)) : this.$standin && (this.$el.removeClass("scroll-fixed").css({position: "",top: ""}), this.$standin.remove(), this.$standin = null)
}}, r.ui.ConfirmButton = Backbone.View.extend({confirmTemplate: _.template('<span class="confirmation"><span class="prompt"><%- are_you_sure %></span><button class="yes"><%- yes %></button> / <button class="no"><%- no %></button></div>'),events: {click: "click"},initialize: function() {
this.$target = this.$el, this.$target.wrap("<span>"), this.setElement(this.$target.parent()), this.$el.attr("class", this.$target.attr("class")).addClass("confirm-button"), this.$target.attr("class", null)
},click: function(e) {
var t = $(;
this.$ ? (this.$target.hide(), this.$el.append(this.confirmTemplate({are_you_sure: r._("are you sure?"),yes: r._("yes"),no: r._("no")}))) :".no") ? (this.$(".confirmation").remove(), this.$ :".yes") && this.$target.trigger("confirm")
}}), r.ui.SubredditSubmitText = Backbone.View.extend({initialize: function() {
this.lookup = _.throttle(this._lookup, 500), this.cache = new r.utils.LRUCache, this.$input = $("#sr-autocomplete"), this.$input.on("sr-changed change input", _.bind(this.lookup, this)), this.$sr = this.$el.find(".sr").first(), this.$content = this.$el.find(".content").first(), this.$content.text().trim() && (this.$sr.text(r.config.post_site),
},_lookup: function() {
var e = this.$input.val();
this.$sr.text(e), this.$el.addClass("working"), this.req && this.req.abort && this.req.abort(), this.req = this.cache.ajax(e, {url: "/r/" + e + "/api/submit_text/.json",dataType: "json"}).done(_.bind(this.settext, this, e)).fail(_.bind(this.error, this))
},show: function() {
},hide: function() {
},error: function() {
delete this.req, this.hide()
},settext: function(e, t) {
delete this.req, !t.submit_text || !t.submit_text.trim() ? this.hide() : (this.$sr.text(e), this.$content.html($.unsafe(t.submit_text_html)), this.$el.removeClass("working"),
}}), function(e, t, n, i, s) {
var o = {large: "modal-dialog-lg",medium: "",small: "modal-dialog-sm"}, u = {template: a,animate: !0,close: !0,modal: !0,shortcuts: !0,footer: !1,content: "",className: "",title: !1,size: "medium"}, a = n.template('<div class="modal <% if (animate) { %> fade <% } %> <%- className %>"><div class="modal-dialog <% if (size) { %><%- SIZE_CLASS_LOOKUP[size] %><% } %>"><div class="modal-content"><% if (title || close) { %><div class="modal-header"><% if (close) { %><a href="javascript: void 0;" class="c-close c-hide-text" data-dismiss="modal">' + n.escape(r._("close this window")) + "</a>" + "<% } %>" + "<% if (title) { %>" + "<%= title %>" + "<% } %>" + "</div>" + "<% } %>" + '<div class="modal-body">' + "<%= content %>" + "</div>" + "<% if (footer) { %>" + '<div class="modal-footer">' + "<%= footer %>" + "</div>" + "<% } %>" + "</div>" + "</div>" + "</div>"), f = e.Popup = function(e) {
e = n.extend({}, u, e, {SIZE_CLASS_LOOKUP: o});
var r = a(e), i = this.listener = t({}), s = this.$ = t(r);
s.modal({show: !1,backdrop: !!e.modal,keyboard: e.shortcuts}), [["", "show.r.popup"], ["", "opened.r.popup"], ["", "hide.r.popup"], ["", "closed.r.popup"]].forEach(function(e) {
s.on(e[0], function() {
["show", "hide", "toggle"].forEach(function(e) {
f.prototype[e] = function() {
}), [["on", "on"], ["once", "one"], ["off", "off"]].forEach(function(e) {
f.prototype[e[0]] = function() {
this.listener[e[1]].apply(this.listener, arguments)
}((this.r = this.r || {}) && (r.ui = r.ui || {}), this.jQuery, this._, this), r.login = {post: function(e, t) {
var n = $('input[name="user"]', e.$el).val(), i = r.config.https_endpoint || "http://" + r.config.ajax_domain, s = i + "/api/" + t + "/" + n;
if (r.config.currentOrigin == i || $.support.cors) {
var o = e.serialize();
return o.push({name: "api_type",value: "json"}), $.ajax({url: s,type: "POST",dataType: "json",data: o,xhrFields: {withCredentials: !0}})
var u = $("<iframe>"), a = e.$el.clone(!0), f = ("resp" + Math.random()).replace(".", "");
u.css("display", "none").attr("name", f).appendTo("body"), u[0] = f, a.unbind().css("display", "none").attr("action", s).attr("target", f).appendTo("body"), $("<input>").attr({type: "hidden",name: "api_type",value: "json"}).appendTo(a), $("<input>").attr({type: "hidden",name: "hoist",value: r.login.hoist.type}).appendTo(a);
var l =;
return r.config.debug || l.done(function() {
u.remove(), a.remove()
}), a.submit(), l
}}, r.login.hoist = {type: "cookie",watch: function(e) {
var t = "hoist_" + e, n = new $.Deferred, i = setInterval(function() {
data = $.cookie(t);
if (data) {
try {
data = JSON.parse(data)
} catch (e) {
data = null
$.cookie(t, null, {domain: r.config.cur_domain,path: "/"}), clearInterval(i), n.resolve(data)
}, 100);
return n
}}, r.login.ui = {init: function() {
r.config.logged || ($(".content .login-form, .content #login-form, .side .login-form").each(function(e, t) {
new r.ui.LoginForm(t)
}), $(".content .register-form, .content #register-form").each(function(e, t) {
new r.ui.RegisterForm(t)
}), this.popup = new r.ui.LoginPopup, $(document).delegate(".login-required", "click", $.proxy(this, "loginRequiredAction")))
},_getActionDetails: function(e) {
var t = $(e);
return t.hasClass("up") ? {eventName: "upvote",description: r._("you need to be signed in to upvote stuff")} : t.hasClass("down") ? {eventName: "downvote",description: r._("you need to be signed in to downvote stuff")} : t.hasClass("arrow") ? {eventName: "arrow",description: r._("you need to be signed in to vote on stuff")} : t.hasClass("give-gold") ? {eventName: "give-gold",description: r._("you need to be signed in to give gold")} : t.parents("#header").length && t.attr("href").indexOf("login") !== -1 ? {eventName: "login-or-register"} : t.parents(".subscribe-button").length ? {eventName: "subscribe-button",description: r._("you need to be signed in to subscribe to stuff")} : t.parents(".submit-link").length ? {eventName: "submit-link",description: r._("you need to be signed in to submit stuff")} : t.parents(".submit-text").length ? {eventName: "submit-text",description: r._("you need to be signed in to submit stuff")} : t.parents(".share-button").length ? {eventName: "share-button",description: r._("you need to be signed in to share stuff")} : {eventName: t.attr("class"),description: r._("you need to be signed in to do that")}
},loginRequiredAction: function(e) {
if (r.config.logged)
return !0;
var t = $(, n = t.attr("href"), i = this._getActionDetails(t), s;
if (n && n != "#" && !/\/login\/?$/.test(n))
s = n;
else {
var o = t.thing();
o.length && (s = o.find(".comments").attr("href"))
return this.popup.showLogin(i.description, s && $.proxy(function(e) {
var t =;
t && (s = t + encodeURIComponent(s)), window.location = s
}, this)),"login-required-popup", "opened", i.eventName), !1
}}, r.ui.LoginForm = function() {
r.ui.Form.apply(this, arguments)
}, r.ui.LoginForm.prototype = $.extend(new r.ui.Form, {showErrors: function(e) {, e), e.length && this.$el.find(".recover-password").addClass("attention")
},showStatus: function() {
this.$el.find(".error").css("opacity", 1), r.ui.Form.prototype.showStatus.apply(this, arguments)
},resetErrors: function() {
if (this.$el.hasClass("login-form-side")) {
var e = this.$el.find(".error");":visible") && e.fadeTo(100, .35)
} else
r.ui.Form.prototype.resetErrors.apply(this, arguments)
},_submit: function() {
return"login-form", "submit"),, "login")
},_handleResult: function(e) {
if (!e.json.errors.length)
if (this.successCallback)
else {
var t = r.config.extension ? "/." + r.config.extension : "/", n = /\/login\/?$/.test($.url().attr("path")) ? t : window.location, i = this.$el.find('input[name="dest"]').val(), s =, o = i || n;
s && (o = s + encodeURIComponent(o)), window.location === o ? window.location.reload() : window.location = o
else, e)
},_handleNetError: function(e) {
r.ui.Form.prototype._handleNetError.apply(this, arguments), e.status == 0 && r.config.currentOrigin != r.config.https_endpoint && $("<p>").append($("<a>").text(r._("try using our secure login form.")).attr("href", r.config.https_endpoint + "/login")).appendTo(this.$el.find(".status"))
},focus: function() {
}}), r.ui.RegisterForm = function() {
r.ui.Form.apply(this, arguments), this.$user = this.$el.find('[name="user"]'), this.$"[data-validate-url]") || (this.checkUsernameDebounced = _.debounce($.proxy(this, "checkUsername"), 500), this.$user.on("keyup", $.proxy(this, "usernameChanged"))), this.$el.find('[name="passwd2"]').on("keyup", $.proxy(this, "checkPasswordMatch")), this.$el.find('[name="passwd"][data-validate-url]').strengthMeter({username: "#user_reg",delay: 0,trigger: "loaded.validator"}).on("score.strengthMeter", function(e, t) {
var n = $(this);
if (n.stateify("getCurrentState") === "error")
var i;
t > 90 ? i = r._("Password is strong") : t > 70 ? i = r._("Password is good") : t > 30 ? i = r._("Password is fair") : i = r._("Password is weak"), n.stateify("showMessage", i)
}), this.$submit = this.$el.find(".submit button")
}, r.ui.RegisterForm.prototype = $.extend(new r.ui.Form, {maxName: 0,usernameChanged: function() {
var e = this.$user.val();
if (e == this._priorName)
this._priorName = e, this.$el.find(".error.field-user").hide(), this.$el.removeClass("name-checking name-available name-taken"), this.maxName = Math.max(this.maxName, e.length), e && this.maxName >= 3 && (this.$el.addClass("name-checking"), this.checkUsernameDebounced()), this.$submit.attr("disabled", !1)
},checkPasswordMatch: _.debounce(function() {
var e = this.$el.find('[name="passwd2"]'), t = this.$el.find('[name="passwd"]'), n = e.val(), i = t.val();
if (!n || t.stateify("getCurrentState") !== "success") {
n === i ? e.stateify("set", "success") : e.stateify("set", "error", r._("passwords do not match"))
}, $.fn.validator.Constructor.DEFAULTS.delay),checkUsername: function() {
var e = this.$user.val();
e ? $.ajax({url: "/api/username_available.json",data: {user: e},success: $.proxy(this, "displayUsernameStatus"),complete: $.proxy(function() {
}, this)}) : this.$el.removeClass("name-available name-taken")
},displayUsernameStatus: function(e) {
e.json && e.json.errors ? (this.showErrors(e.json.errors), this.$submit.attr("disabled", !0)) : (this.$el.addClass(e ? "name-available" : "name-taken"), this.$submit.attr("disabled", e == 0))
},_submit: function() {
return"register-form", "submit"),, "register")
},_handleResult: r.ui.LoginForm.prototype._handleResult,focus: r.ui.LoginForm.prototype.focus}), r.ui.LoginPopup = function() {
var e = $("#login-popup").prop("innerHTML");, {size: "large",content: e,className: "login-modal"}), this.login = new r.ui.LoginForm(this.$.find("#login-form")), this.register = new r.ui.RegisterForm(this.$.find("#register-form"))
}, r.ui.LoginPopup.prototype = _.extend({}, r.ui.Popup.prototype, {show: function(e, t) {
return this.login.successCallback = t, this.register.successCallback = t, this.$.find("#cover-msg").text(e).toggle(!!e),, !1
},showLogin: function() {
var e = this.login;, arguments), this.once("opened.r.popup", function() {
},showRegister: function() {
var e = this.register;, arguments), this.once("opened.r.popup", function() {
}}), $(function() {
function e(e) {
$(e).parent().parent().addClass("edited"), $(e).parent().parent().find(".status").empty()
function t() {
$(this).data("saved") != $(this).val() && e(this)
function n(e) {
return e.preventDefault(), post_form(this.parentNode,
function i() {
function s(e) {
return e.preventDefault(), $(this).removeClass("edited"), post_form(this,
function o() {
return open_menu(this), $(this).addClass("active"), !1
function u(e) {
return"name") ? {name:"name")} : {link: e.thing_id()}
function a(e) {
$(".flairselector li").removeClass("selected"), $(this).addClass("selected");
var t = $(this).parent().parent().siblings("form")[0];
var n = $(t).children(".customizer"), r = n.children("input");
$(this).hasClass("texteditable") ? (n.addClass("texteditable"), r.removeAttr("disabled"), r.css("display", "block"), r.val($.trim($(this).find(".flair, .linkflairlabel").text())).select(), r.keyup(function() {
$(".flairselection .flair, .flairselection .linkflairlabel").text($(r).val()).attr("title", $(r).val())
})) : (n.removeClass("texteditable"), r.attr("disabled", "disabled").hide());
var i = $(".flairselector .flairremove").detach();
return $(".flairselection").html($(this).first().children().clone()).append(i), $(".flairselector .flairremove").css("display", "inline-block"), !1
function f(e) {
var t = $(this).parent().parent();
$(t).children('input[name="flair_template_id"]').val(""), $(t).children(".customizer").hide();
var n = $(".flairselector .flairremove").detach();
$(n).hide(), $(".flairselector li").removeClass("selected"), $(".flairselection").empty().append(n)
function l(e) {
var t = $(this.parentNode.parentNode).find(".flairselectbtn");
return simple_post_form(this, "selectflair", u(t)), !1
function c(e) {
function i(e) {
var t = 1, n = 3, r = 150, i = 10, s = $(e).children().length, o = Math.max(t, Math.min(n, Math.ceil(s / i))), u = Math.ceil(s / o), a = Math.max(r, $(e).width());
if (o > 1) {
$(e).css("float", "left");
var f = o * u - s;
for (var l = 1; l < o; l++) {
var c = u;
l <= f && c--;
var h = s - c;
s -= c;
var p = $(e).children().slice(h).remove();
$(p).width(a), $(e).after($("<ul>").css("float", "left").append(p))
return o * (a + 5) + 50
function s(e) {
var r = $(".flairselector ul"), s = Math.max(200, r.length ? i(r) : $(".error").width() + 20), o = Math.max(100, $(t).position().left + $(t).width() - s);
$(n).height("auto").width(s).css("left", o + "px").click(!1).find(".flairselection").click(!1).end().find("form").click(function(e) {
}).submit(l).end().find(".customizer input").attr("disabled", "disabled").end().find("li.selected").each(a).end().find("li:not(.error)").click(a).end().find(".flairremove").click(f).end()
var t = this, n = $(t).siblings(".flairselector")[0];
$(n).html('<img class="flairthrobber" src="' + r.utils.staticURL("throbber.gif") + '" />').addClass("active").height(18).width(18).css("padding-left", 4).css("padding-top", 4).css("padding-bottom", 4).css("padding-right", 4).css("left", $(t).position().left + $(t).width() - 18 + "px").css("top", $(t).position().top + "px");
var o = u($(this));
return $.request("flairselector", o, s, !0, "html"), !1
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i.toggleClass("hidden", !n)
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f.addClass("working"), f.find("button").addClass("disabled")
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clearTimeout(d), f.removeClass("working"), c.val(e), f.find(".stripe-gold").on("click", function() {"/gold/creditgild/" + e)
}), f.find(".coinbase-gold").on("click", function() { + "?c=" + e)
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var c = {label: t.closest("[data-vendor]").data("vendor"),tracker: "goldTracker"};"gold", "checkout", c)
$.request("modify_payment_blob.json", {code: u,signed: a,message: l}, function() {
},_expendCreddits: function() {
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var e = $(this), t = parseInt("current"), 10), n = parseInt("total"), 10), i = n - t;
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var e = $(this), t ="template");
e.html(_.template(t, _.omit(, "template")))
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var r = $(".id-" + e);
if (!r.length) {
console.log("couldn't gild thing " + e);
var i = r.children(".entry").find("p.tagline"), s = i.find(".gilded-icon"), o;
n != null ? o = n : (o ="count") || 0, o++), r.addClass("gilded user-gilded"), s.length || (s = $("<span>").addClass("gilded-icon"), i.append(s)), s.attr("title", t).data("count", o), o > 1 && s.text("x" + o), r.children(".entry").find(".give-gold").parent().remove()
},tokenThenPost: function(e) {
var t = function(t, n) {
var r = $("#stripe-payment"), i = r.find(".stripe-submit"), s = r.find(".status"), o = r.find('[name="stripeToken"]');
n.error ? (i.removeAttr("disabled"), s.html(n.error.message)) : (o.val(, post_form(r, e))
},makeStripeToken: function(e) {
var t = $("#stripe-payment"), n = t.find('[name="stripePublicKey"]').val(), i = t.find(".stripe-submit"), s = t.find(".status"), o = t.find('[name="stripeToken"]'), u = t.find(".card-name").val(), a = t.find(".card-number").val(), f = t.find(".card-cvc").val(), l = t.find(".card-expiry-month").val(), c = t.find(".card-expiry-year").val(), h = t.find(".card-address_line1").val(), p = t.find(".card-address_line2").val(), d = t.find(".card-address_city").val(), v = t.find(".card-address_state").val(), m = t.find(".card-address_country").val(), g = t.find(".card-address_zip").val();
var y = function(e, n) {
t.find(".status").addClass("error").text(n), $(e).focus()
return u ? Stripe.validateCardNumber(a) ? Stripe.validateExpiry(l, c) ? Stripe.validateCVC(f) ? h ? d ? m ? (s.removeClass("error").text(reddit.status_msg.submitting), i.attr("disabled", "disabled"), Stripe.createToken({name: u,number: a,cvc: f,exp_month: l,exp_year: c,address_line1: h,address_line2: p,address_city: d,address_state: v,address_country: m,address_zip: g}, e)) : y(".card-address_country", r._("missing country")) : y(".card-address_city", r._("missing city")) : y(".card-address_line1", r._("missing address")) : y(".card-cvc", r._("invalid cvc")) : y(".card-expiry-month", r._("invalid expiration date")) : y(".card-number", r._("invalid credit card number")) : y(".card-name", r._("missing name")), !1
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case "onetime":
case "code":
t.push("months", "email");
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case "creddits":
return t
function t(e) {
var t = $(e);
if (":radio") && !":checked"))
throw "Unchecked radio button has no value";
return":checkbox") ? value =":checked") ? t.val() : null :"select") ? value = t.find("option:selected").val() : value = t.val(), value
function n() {
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if (!("replaceState" in window.history))
$("").find(":input").each(function() {
var e = $(this);
if (!_.contains(r,
try {
i[] = t(this)
} catch (n) {
}), i.edit = !0, n.href = window.location.href, = $.param(i), window.history.replaceState({}, "", n.href)
function r() {
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function i(e) {
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var e = $(this);
e.val() === e.attr("placeholder") && e.val("")
var n = $("").serializeArray(), r = _.object(_.pluck(n, "name"), _.pluck(n, "value")), i = _.pick(r, e());
window.location = "/gold/payment?" + $.param(i)
function o() {
var e = $("");
$("").on("click", function(e) {
e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault(), i(this)
}), $('input[name="gift"]').change(function() {
$("#gifting-details").slideToggle($(this).val()), r()
}), $(".gold-dropdown").on("change", function() {
$(this).find("[selected]").removeAttr("selected"), $(this).find(":selected").get(0).setAttribute("selected", "selected")
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$("#gifttype-details-gift").toggleClass("hidden", this.value !== "gift"), t && $("#gifttype-details-gift :input:eq(0)").focus(), r()
}), $("#giftmessage").on("keyup", function() {
$("#message").prop("checked", $(this).val() !== "")
}), e.on("submit", s), e.find(":input").on("change", n), $('input[name="code"]').on("focus", function() {
return {init: o}
}(), !function(e) {
e.gild_thing = function(t, n) {, n), e("#gold_wrap_" + t).fadeOut(400)
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var t = this.multis.touch("path"));
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s.length && n.initRecommendations(s)
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new r.multi.SubscribeButton({el: t,bubbleGroup: o})
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new r.multi.ListingChooser({el: t})
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}}),comparator: function(e) {
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return this.get(e.toLowerCase())
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return r.utils.joinURLs("/api/multi",
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this.subreddits.set(t, {parse: !0})
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this.trigger("request", e, t, n)
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return this.uncreated
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return this.get("path").split("/").pop()
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this.uncreated = !1
}, this)), r
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this.subreddits.create({name: e[0]}, t);
else {
var n = this.subreddits, i = n.clone();
i.add(, function(e) {
return {name: e}
})), this.subreddits = i,, t), this.subreddits = n
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e == "rename" && this.trigger("destroy", this, this.collection);
var s = r.multi.multis.reify(n);
t.add(s), i.resolve(s)
}, this),error: _.bind(i.reject, i)}), i
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return this._copyOp("copy", e, t)
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return this._copyOp("rename", e, t)
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return this.subreddits.pluck("name")
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return e.get("path").toLowerCase()
},parse: function(e) {
return, function(e) {
return r.multi.multis.reify(e)
},pathByName: function(e) {
return "/user/" + r.config.logged + "/m/" + e
}}), r.multi.GlobalMultiCache = Backbone.Collection.extend({model: r.multi.MultiReddit,touch: function(e) {
var t = this.get(e);
return t || (t = new this.model({path: e}), this.add(t)), t
},reify: function(e) {
var t = this.model.prototype.parse(e), n = this.touch(t.path);
return n.set(t), n
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this.bubble && this.bubble.remove(), Backbone.View.prototype.remove.apply(this)
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r.ui.showWorkingDeferred(this.$el, r.ui.refreshListing())
}), this.model.on("request", function(e, t) {
r.ui.showWorkingDeferred(this.$el, t)
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var t = new this.itemView({model: e,multi: this.model,bubbleGroup: this.bubbleGroup});
this.itemViews[] = t, this.$(".subreddits").append(t.render().$el)
},resort: function() {
this.model.subreddits.each(function(e) {
}, this)
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this.itemViews[].remove(), delete this.itemViews[]
},addSubreddit: function(e) {
var t = this.$(".add-sr .sr-name"), n = t.val();
n = _.compact(n.split(/[\/+,\-\s]+(?:r\/)?/));
if (!n.length)
t.val(""), this.$(".add-error").css("visibility", "hidden"), this.model.addSubreddit(n, {wait: !0,success: _.bind(function() {
}, this),error: _.bind(function(e, t) {
var n = JSON.parse(t.responseText);
this.$(".add-error").text(n.explanation).css("visibility", "visible").show()
}, this)})
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this.listenTo(this.model, "change", this.render), this.listenTo(this.model.subreddits, "add remove reset", this.render), this.addBubble = new r.multi.MultiAddNoticeBubble({parent: this.$(".add-sr .sr-name"),trackHover: !1})
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var t = new r.recommend.RecommendationList;
this.recsView = new r.recommend.RecommendationsView({collection: t,el: e}), this.model.subreddits.isEmpty() || t.fetchForSrs(this.model.getSubredditNames()), this.listenTo(this.model.subreddits, "add remove reset", function() {
var e = this.model.getSubredditNames();
}), this.recsView.bind("recs:select", function(e) {
}, this)
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var e = this.$("form.copy-multi");".multi-name").val(, this.copyForm || (this.copyForm = new r.multi.MultiCopyForm({el: e,navOnCreate: !0,sourceMulti: this.model}))
},showRenameMulti: function() {
var e = this.$("form.rename-multi");".multi-name").val(, this.renameForm || (this.renameForm = new r.multi.MultiRenameForm({el: e,navOnCreate: !0,sourceMulti: this.model}))
},deleteMulti: function() {
this.model.destroy({success: function() {
window.location = "/"
},editDescription: function() {
},saveDescription: function(e) {
e.preventDefault(),{description_md: this.$(".description textarea").val()}, {success: _.bind(function() {
}, this)})
},editDisplayName: function() {
},saveDisplayName: function(e) {
e.preventDefault(),{display_name: this.$(".display-name textarea").val()}, {success: _.bind(function() {
}, this)})
},focusAdd: function() {
this.$(".add-sr .sr-name").focus()
}}), r.multi.MultiAddNoticeBubble = r.ui.Bubble.extend({className: "multi-add-notice hover-bubble anchor-right",template: _.template("<h3><%- awesomeness_goes_here %></h3><p><%- add_multi_sr %></p>"),render: function() {
this.$el.html(this.template({awesomeness_goes_here: r._("awesomeness goes here"),add_multi_sr: r._("add a subreddit to your multi.")}))
}}), r.multi.SubscribeButton = Backbone.View.extend({events: {mouseenter: "createBubble"},createBubble: function() {
if (this.bubble)
this.bubble = new r.multi.MultiSubscribeBubble({parent: this.$el,group: this.options.bubbleGroup,srName: String(this.$"sr_name"))});
var e = this.$"bubble_class");
e && (this.bubble.$el.removeClass("anchor-right"), this.bubble.$el.addClass(e)), this.bubble.queueShow()
}}), r.multi.MultiSubscribeBubble = r.ui.Bubble.extend({className: "multi-selector hover-bubble anchor-right",template: _.template('<div class="title"><strong><%- title %></strong><a class="sr" href="/r/<%- sr_name %>">/r/<%- sr_name %></a></div><div class="throbber"></div>'),itemTemplate: _.template('<label><input class="add-to-multi" type="checkbox" data-path="<%- path %>" <%- checked %>><%- name %><a href="<%- path %>" target="_blank" title="<%- open_multi %>">&rsaquo;</a></label>'),itemCreateTemplate: _.template('<label><form class="create-multi"><input type="text" class="multi-name" placeholder="<%- create_msg %>"><div class="error create-multi-error"></div></form></label>'),events: {"click .add-to-multi": "toggleSubscribed"},initialize: function() {
this.listenTo(this, "show", this.load), this.listenTo(r.multi.mine, "reset add", _.debounce(this.render, 100)), r.ui.Bubble.prototype.initialize.apply(this)
},load: function() {
r.ui.showWorkingDeferred(this.$el, r.multi.mine.fetch())
},render: function() {
this.$el.html(this.template({title: r._("categorize"),sr_name: this.options.srName}));
var e = $('<div class="multi-list">');
r.multi.mine.chain().sortBy(function(e) {
return e.subreddits.getByName(this.options.srName)
}, this).each(function(t) {
e.append(this.itemTemplate({name: t.get("name"),path: t.get("path"),checked: t.subreddits.getByName(this.options.srName) ? "checked" : "",open_multi: r._("open this multi")}))
}, this), e.append(this.itemCreateTemplate({create_msg: r._("create a new multi")})), this.$el.append(e), this.createForm = new r.multi.MultiCreateForm({el: this.$("form.create-multi")})
},toggleSubscribed: function(e) {
var t = $(, n = r.multi.mine.get("path"));":checked") ? n.addSubreddit(this.options.srName) : n.removeSubreddit(this.options.srName)
}}), r.multi.MultiCreateForm = Backbone.View.extend({events: {submit: "createMulti"},createMulti: function(e) {
var t = this.$("input.multi-name").val();
t = $.trim(t);
if (!t)
var n = this._createMulti(t);
n.done(_.bind(function(e) {
this.trigger("create", e), this.options.navOnCreate && (window.location = e.get("path") + "#created")
}, this)).fail(_.bind(function(e) {
var t = JSON.parse(e.responseText);
}, this)), r.ui.showWorkingDeferred(this.$el, n)
},_createMulti: function(e) {
var t = new r.multi.MultiReddit({path: r.multi.mine.pathByName(e)}, {isNew: !0}), n = new $.Deferred;
return r.multi.mine.create(t, {wait: !0,success: _.bind(n.resolve, n),error: function(e, t) {
}}), n
},showError: function(e) {
},focus: function() {
}}), r.multi.MultiCopyForm = r.multi.MultiCreateForm.extend({_createMulti: function(e) {
return this.options.sourceMulti.copyTo(r.multi.mine, e)
}}), r.multi.MultiRenameForm = r.multi.MultiCopyForm.extend({_createMulti: function(e) {
return this.options.sourceMulti.renameTo(r.multi.mine, e)
}}), r.multi.ListingChooser = Backbone.View.extend({events: {"click .create button": "createClick","click .grippy": "toggleCollapsed"},initialize: function() {
this.$el.addClass("initialized"), store.safeGet("ui.collapse.listingchooser") == 1 && this.toggleCollapsed(!0), store.safeSet("ui.collapse.listingchooser");
var e = this.$(".contents").height(), t = $("body").height();
e > t && $("body").css("padding-bottom", e - t + 100)
},createClick: function(e) {
this.$(".create").is(".expanded") || (e.preventDefault(), this.$(".create").addClass("expanded"), this.createForm = new r.multi.MultiCreateForm({el: this.$(".create form"),navOnCreate: !0}), this.createForm.focus())
},toggleCollapsed: function(e) {
$("body").toggleClass("listing-chooser-collapsed", e), Backbone.ajax({type: "POST",url: "/api/set_left_bar_collapsed.json",data: {collapsed: $("body").is(".listing-chooser-collapsed")}})
}}), r.filter = {}, r.filter.init = function() {
var e = $(".filtered-details");
if (e.length) {
var t = new r.filter.Filter({path:"path")});
e.find(".subreddits a").each(function(e, n) {
t.subreddits.add({name: $(n).data("name")})
}), t.fetch({error: _.bind(r.multi.mine.create, r.multi.mine, t, {wait: !0})});
var n = (new r.multi.SubredditList({model: t,itemView: r.filter.FilteredSubredditItem,el: e})).render()
}, r.filter.Filter = r.multi.MultiReddit.extend({url: function() {
return r.utils.joinURLs("/api/filter",
}}), r.filter.FilteredSubredditItem = r.multi.MultiSubredditItem.extend({render: function() {
return this.$el.append(this.template({sr_name: this.model.get("name")})), this
}}), r.recommend = {init: function() {
$(".explore-item").each(function(e, t) {
new r.recommend.ExploreItem({el: t})
}}, r.recommend.Recommendation = Backbone.Model.extend(), r.recommend.RecommendationList = Backbone.Collection.extend({model: r.recommend.Recommendation,srNames: [],dismissed: [],fetchForSrs: function(e) {
if (!e.length) {
this.srNames = [], this.reset([]);
this.srNames = e, this.fetchRecs()
},fetchNewRecs: function() {
var e = this.pluck("sr_name");
this.dismissed = _.union(this.dismissed, e), this.fetchRecs()
},fetchRecs: function() {
var e = "/api/recommend/sr/" + this.srNames.join(",");
this.fetch({url: e,data: {omit: this.dismissed.join(",")},reset: !0,error: _.bind(function() {
}, this)})
},clearHistory: function() {
this.dismissed = []
}}), r.recommend.RecommendationsView = Backbone.View.extend({collection: r.recommend.RecommendationList,tagName: "div",itemTemplate: _.template('<li class="rec-item"><a href="/r/<%- sr_name %>" title="<%- sr_name %>" target="_blank">/r/<%- sr_name %></a><button class="add add-rec" data-srname="<%- sr_name %>"></button></li>'),initialize: function() {
this.listenTo(this.collection, "add remove reset", this.render)
},events: {"click .add-rec": "onAddClick","click .more": "showMore","click .reset": "resetRecommendations"},render: function() {
if (this.collection.models.length > 0) {
this.$(".recs").show(), this.$(".endoflist").hide();
var e = this.$el, t = this;
this.collection.each(function(e) {
this.$(".recommendations").append(t.itemTemplate({sr_name: e.get("sr_name")}))
}, this), this.$el.css({opacity: 1})
} else
this.collection.dismissed.length > 0 ? (this.$(".recs").hide(), this.$(".endoflist").show()) : this.$el.css({opacity: 0});
return this
},resetRecommendations: function() {
this.collection.clearHistory(), this.collection.fetchRecs()
},onAddClick: function(e) {
var t = $("srname");
this.trigger("recs:select", {srName: t})
},showMore: function(e) {
}}), r.recommend.ExploreItem = Backbone.View.extend({events: {"click .explore-feedback-dismiss": "dismissSubreddit","click a": "recordClick"},dismissSubreddit: function(e) {
var t = $(".explore-item"), n ="sr_name"), i ="src");
r.ajax({type: "POST",url: "/api/recommend/feedback",data: {type: "dis",srnames: n,src: i,page: "explore"}}), this.$(".explore-feedback-dismiss").css({"font-weight": "bold"}), $(this.el).fadeOut("fast")
},recordClick: function(e) {
var t = $(".explore-item"), n ="sr_name"), i ="src");
r.ajax({type: "POST",url: "/api/recommend/feedback",data: {type: "clk",srnames: n,src: i,page: "explore"}})
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$("div.content").on("click", ".action-thing, .cancel-action-thing", this.toggleActionForm.bind(this)), $("div.content").on("submit", ".action-form", this.submitAction.bind(this))
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var t =, n = $(t), r = n.thing(), i = r.find("> .entry .action-form"), s ="action-form");
e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault();
if (i.length > 0)
n.parents(".drop-choices").length ? : i.toggle();
else {
var o = $(s), u = o.clone(), a = r.find("> .entry .buttons"), f = r.thing_id();
u.attr("id", "action-thing-" + f), u.find('input[name="thing_id"]').val(f), u.insertAfter(a),
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var t = $(".action-form"), n ="form-action");
return post_pseudo_form(t, n)
}}, r.fraud = {init: function() {
$("div.content").on("click", ".action-thing", this.showReason.bind(this)), $("div.content").on("change", ".fraud-action-form input", this.validate.bind(this))
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var t = $(, n = t.parents("form"), r = n.find('[type="submit"]'), i = n.find("input[name=refund]"), s = n.find("input[name=fraud]:checked").val(), o = s === "True";
o ? i.removeAttr("disabled").focus() : i.prop("checked", !1).attr("disabled", "disabled"), s ? r.removeAttr("disabled") : r.attr("disabled", "disabled")
},showReason: function(e) {
var t = $(, n = t.thing(), r = n.find("> .entry .action-form"), i = r.find(".fraud-reason"), s = t.attr("title");
}}, = {init: function() {
$("div.content").on("change", ".report-action-form input", this.validate.bind(this)), $("div.content").on("click", ".reported-stamp.has-reasons", this.toggleReasons.bind(this))
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var t = $(, n = t.find("> .entry .report-action-form"), r = n.find('[type="submit"]'), i = n.find("[name=reason]:checked"), s = n.find('[name="other_reason"]'), o = i.val() === "other";
r.removeAttr("disabled"), o ? s.removeAttr("disabled").focus() : s.attr("disabled", "disabled")
}}, $(function() {
r.actionForm.init(), r.fraud.init(),
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function u(e) {
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function l(e, t) {
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var e = 0, t = setInterval(function() {
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var t = r.config.comment_embed_scripts.length === 1 ? "async" : "";
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}).join(""), i = _.template('<h4 class="modal-title">' + _.escape(r._("Embed preview:")) + "</h4>" + '<div id="embed-preview">' + "<%= html %>" + "</div>" + "<% if (!root) { %>" + '<div class="c-checkbox">' + '<label class="remember">' + '<input type="checkbox" name="parent" <% if (parent) { %> checked <% } %>>' + _.escape(r._("Include parent comment.")) + "</label>" + "</div>" + "<% } %>" + '<div class="c-checkbox">' + '<input type="checkbox" name="live" <% if (!live) { %> checked <% } %> data-rerender="false" id="live-edits">' + '<label for="live-edits">' + _.escape(r._("Do not show comment if edited.")) + "&nbsp;" + '<a href="javascript: void 0;" class="c-toggle" data-toggle="#live-help">' + _.escape(r._("Learn more")) + "</a>" + "</label>" + '<div id="live-help" class="c-help-block c-toggle-content">' + "<p>" + _.escape(r._("When checked, if an embedded comment is later edited, the embedded comment text will be replaced by a link back to the current version of the comment on reddit.")) + "</p>" + "<p>" + '<a href="">' + _.escape(r._("This parameter can be changed after embedding.")) + "</a>" + "</p>" + "</div>" + "</div>"), s = _.template('<h4 class="modal-title"><label for="embed-code">' + _.escape(r._("Copy this code and paste it into your website:")) + "</label>" + "</h4>" + '<textarea class="c-form-control" id="embed-code" rows="3" readonly>' + "<%- html %>" + "<%- scripts %>" + "</textarea>"), o = _.template('<div class="reddit-embed" data-embed-media="<%- media %>" <% if (parent) { %> data-embed-parent="true" <% } %><% if (live) { %> data-embed-live="true" <% } %> data-embed-created="<%- new Date().toISOString() %>"><a href="<%- comment %>">Comment</a> from discussion <a href="<%- link %>"><%- title %></a>.</div>'), c = new window.rembeddit.PixelTracker({url: r.config.eventtracker_url});
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p.$.find("[data-toggle]").togglable(), p.$.on("change", '[type="checkbox"]', function(n) {
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u === t && (u = h[i]),, !u);
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}), d.on("focus", function(t) {
e(this).select().one("mouseup", function(e) {
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l(p, h)
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return this._fetched || (this._fetched = this.fetch()), this._fetched
},comparator: function(e) {
return e.get("category")
},parse: function(e) {
return e.categories
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this.$el.find("select, .savedcategory").is(":focus") || this.queueHide()
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this.$el.find("select, .savedcategory").attr("disabled", !1), this.$el.removeClass("working"), this.$el.find(".error").text(r._("Invalid category name"))
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var t = this.$el.find(".savedcategory"), n = this.$el.find("option:selected").val();
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var e = this.$parent.parents(".thing").find(".save-category");
e.length && this.category ? (e.text("category: " + this.category), e.attr("href", "/user/" + r.config.logged + "/saved/" + this.category), : e.hide(), r.saved.SaveButton.setSaved(this.$parent), this.category && (r.saved.categories.add({category: this.category}), r.saved.categories.sort()), this.hide()
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e.preventDefault(), this.category = this.$el.find(".savedcategory").val(), this.$el.find("select, .savedcategory").attr("disabled", !0);
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this.$el.addClass("working"), r.ajax({type: "POST",url: "/api/save",data: {id: this.$parent.thing_id(),category: this.category},success: this.success,error: this.error,context: this})
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var t = e.get("category");
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},render: function() {
this.$el.html(this.confirmTemplate({label: r._("save category"),placeholder: r._("no category"),save: r._("save"),textplaceholder: r._("new category")})), r.saved.categories.each(this.addCategory, this), this.$el.find("select").first().prop("selected", !0)
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r.ajax({type: "POST",url: "/api/" + t,data: {id: e.thing_id()},success: _.bind(n, this, e)})
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this.isSaved(e) ? this.unsave(e) :
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this.request(e, "unsave", this.setUnsaved)
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this.request(e, "save", this.setSaved), && new r.saved.SaveDialog({parent: e,group: r.saved.SaveButton})
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return e.thing().hasClass("saved")
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var t = e.parents
e.text(r._("save")), e.thing().removeClass("saved")
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e.text(r._("unsave")), e.thing().addClass("saved")
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var e = $("#RESMainGearOverlay").length;
if (!e)
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var t = $("#RESConsoleVersion").text();
return t ? (t = t.substring(1).split("."), t =, function(e) {
return parseInt(e)
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document.body.addEventListener && document.body.addEventListener("click", r.resAdvisory.checkRESClick, !0)
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var e = "WebSocket" in window;
e && this._connect()
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$.ajax({type: "POST",url: r.config.stats_domain,data: JSON.stringify(e),contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8"})
},_onOpen: function(e) {
r.debug("websocket: connected"), this.trigger("connected"), this._connectionAttempts = 0, this._sendStats({websocketPerformance: {connectionTiming: - this._connectionStart}})
},_onMessage: function(e) {
var t = JSON.parse(;
r.debug('websocket: received "' + t.type + '" message'), this.trigger("message message:" + t.type, t.payload)
},_onRefresh: function() {
var e = Math.random() * 300 * 1e3;
setTimeout(function() {
}, e)
},_onClose: function(e) {
if (this._connectionAttempts < this._maximumRetries) {
var t = this._backoffTime * Math.pow(2, this._connectionAttempts), n = Math.random() * this._retryJitterAmount - this._retryJitterAmount / 2, i = Math.round(t + n);
r.debug("websocket: connection lost, reconnecting in " + i + "ms"), r.debug("(can't connect? Make sure you've allowed https access in your browser.)"), this.trigger("reconnecting", i), setTimeout(_.bind(this._connect, this), i)
} else
r.debug("websocket: maximum retries exceeded. bailing out"), this.trigger("disconnected");
this._sendStats({websocketError: {error: 1}})
}}), r.thebutton = {_setTimer: function(e) {
var t = "00000", n = (e > 0 ? e : 0).toString(), i = t.substring(0, t.length - n.length) + n;
for (var s = 0; s < 4; s++)
r.thebutton._timerTextNodes[s].nodeValue = i[s];
e % 100 === 0 && r.thebutton._drawPie(e, 6e4)
},_countdown: function() {
r.thebutton._setTimer(r.thebutton._msLeft), r.thebutton._msLeft = Math.max(0, r.thebutton._msLeft - 10)
},init: function() {
if ($("#thebutton").length === 0)
this._chart = new google.visualization.PieChart($(".thebutton-pie").get(0)), this._msLeft = 0, this._msgSecondsLeft = 0, this._tickTime = "", this._tickMac = "", this._lastMsLeft = Infinity, this._timerTextNodes = [$("#thebutton-s-10s").get(0).childNodes[0], $("#thebutton-s-1s").get(0).childNodes[0], $("#thebutton-s-100ms").get(0).childNodes[0], $("#thebutton-s-10ms").get(0).childNodes[0]], r.debug("in r.thebutton.init()"), this._started = !1, r.config.thebutton_websocket ? (r.debug("got thebutton_websocket"), this._websocket = new r.WebSocket(r.config.thebutton_websocket), this._websocket.on({"message:expired": this._onExpired,"message:not_started": this._onNotStarted,"message:just_expired": this._onJustExpired,"message:ticking": this._onTicking}, this), this._websocket.start()) : r.debug("didn't get thebutton_websocket");
var e = $("#thebutton").parent();
e.on("click", function(e) {
var t = $(this);".active.locked") && (t.addClass("unlocking").removeClass("locked"), setTimeout(function() {
}, 300))
}), $("#thebutton").on("click", function(t) {
t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation();
if (e.hasClass("pressed"))
r.thebutton._countdownInterval = window.clearInterval(r.thebutton._countdownInterval), r.thebutton._setTimer(6e4);
var n = {seconds: $("#thebutton-timer").val(),prev_seconds: r.thebutton._msgSecondsLeft,tick_time: r.thebutton._tickTime,tick_mac: r.thebutton._tickMac};
$.request("press_button", n, function(e) {
}), e.addClass("pressed").removeClass("unlocked"), r.thebutton.pulse()
},_drawPie: function(e, t) {
var n = t - e, r = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([["", ""], ["gone", n], ["remaining", e]]), i = {chartArea: {top: 0,left: 0,width: 70,height: 70},pieSliceBorderColor: "transparent",legend: "none",pieSliceText: "none",slices: {0: {color: "#C8C8C8"},1: {color: "#4A4A4A"}},enableInteractivity: !1};
this._chart.draw(r, i)
},_onExpired: function(e) {
var t = e.seconds_elapsed;
r.debug("timer expired " + t + " ago"), $(".thebutton-wrap").removeClass("active").addClass("complete"), r.thebutton._countdownInterval = window.clearInterval(r.thebutton._countdownInterval), r.thebutton._setTimer(0)
},_onNotStarted: function(e) {
r.debug("timer hasn't started")
},_onJustExpired: function(e) {
r.debug("timer just expired"), $(".thebutton-wrap").removeClass("active").addClass("complete"), $el = $("#thebutton").parent(), $el.removeClass("unlocked locked logged-out pressed too-new not-active").addClass("denied has-expired")
},_onTicking: function(e) {
if (!r.thebutton._started) {
var t = $("#thebutton").parent();".not-active, .locked") && t.removeClass("denied not-active").addClass("active locked"), r.thebutton._started = !0, r.thebutton._countdownInterval = window.setInterval(r.thebutton._countdown, 10)
var n = e.seconds_left;
this._tickTime = e.now_str, this._msgSecondsLeft = n, this._tickMac = e.tick_mac;
var i = e.participants_text, s = n * 1e3;
s > r.thebutton._lastMsLeft && this.pulse2(), r.thebutton._lastMsLeft = s, r.thebutton._msLeft = n * 1e3, r.thebutton._countdownInterval || (this._countdownInterval = window.setInterval(r.thebutton._countdown, 10)), r.debug(n + " seconds remaining"), r.debug(i + " users have pushed the button"), $("#thebutton-timer").val(parseInt(e.seconds_left, 10)), $(".thebutton-participants").text(e.participants_text)
},pulse: function() {
$els = $(".thebutton-container, .thebutton-pie-container"), $els.removeClass("pulse pulse2"), setTimeout(function() {
}, 1)
},pulse2: function() {
var e = $(".thebutton-pie-container"), t = this;
e.removeClass("pulse pulse2"), setTimeout(function() {
}, 1)
},_testState: function(e, t) {
t = t || 6e4, $el = $("#thebutton").parent();
var n = "denied logged-out too-new has-expired pressed locked unlocked";
$el.removeClass(n), r.thebutton._msLeft = t, r.thebutton.pulse();
switch (e) {
case "logged-out":
$el.addClass("denied logged-out");
case "too-new":
$el.addClass("denied too-new");
case "has-expired":
$el.addClass("denied has-expired");
case "pressed":
case "unlocked":
case "locked":
}}, $(function() {
} catch (err) {
r.sendError("Error running module", "reddit.js", ":", err)
r.i18n.addMessages({"wiki": [null, "wiki"],"full permissions": [null, "full permissions"],"you need to be signed in to vote on stuff": [null, "you need to be logged in to vote on things"],"invalid cvc": [null, "invalid cvc"],"missing city": [null, "missing city"],"an hour ago": [null, "an hour ago", "%(num)s hours ago"],"just now": [null, "just now"],"no category": [null, "no category"],"Learn more": [null, "Learn more"],"save category": [null, "save category"],"Embed preview:": [null, "Embed preview:"],"This parameter can be changed after embedding.": [null, "This parameter can be changed after embedding."],"an error occurred (status: %(status)s)": [null, "an error occurred (status: %(status)s)"],"categorize": [null, "categorize"],"yes": [null, "yes"],"add a subreddit to your multi.": [null, "add a subreddit to your multi"],"new category": [null, "new category"],"awesomeness goes here": [null, "awesomeness goes here"],"passwords do not match": [null, "passwords do not match"],"open this multi": [null, "open this multi"],"a day ago": [null, "a day ago", "%(num)s days ago"],"no permissions": [null, "no permissions"],"use the approve, remove, spam, distinguish, and nsfw buttons": [null, "use the approve, remove, spam, distinguish, and nsfw buttons"],"Copy this code and paste it into your website:": [null, "Copy this code and paste it into your website:"],"a month ago": [null, "a month ago", "%(num)s months ago"],"you need to be signed in to upvote stuff": [null, "you need to be logged in to upvote things"],"create a new multi": [null, "create a new multi"],"invalid expiration date": [null, "invalid expiration date"],"access": [null, "access"],"manage the lists of contributors and banned users": [null, "manage the lists of contributors and banned users"],"read and reply to moderator mail": [null, "read and reply to moderator mail"],"a minute ago": [null, "a minute ago", "%(num)s minutes ago"],"mail": [null, "mail"],"you need to be signed in to share stuff": [null, "you need to be logged in to share things"],"are you sure?": [null, "are you sure?"],"close this window": [null, "close this window"],"missing address": [null, "missing address"],"Looks like you're browsing on a small screen. Would you like to try [reddit's mobile interface](%(url)s)?": [null, "Looks like you're browsing on a small screen. Would you like to try [reddit's mobile interface](%(url)s)?"],"you need to be signed in to do that": [null, "you need to be logged in to do that"],"Password is fair": [null, "Password is okay"],"edit settings, sidebar, css, and images": [null, "edit settings, sidebar, css, and images"],"Password is weak": [null, "Password is weak"],"missing name": [null, "missing name"],"you need to be signed in to submit stuff": [null, "you need to be logged in to submit things"],"Password is good": [null, "Password is good"],"a year ago": [null, "a year ago", "%(num)s years ago"],"Do not show comment if edited.": [null, "Do not show comment if edited."],"invalid credit card number": [null, "invalid credit card number"],"Include parent comment.": [null, "Include parent comment."],"save": [null, "save"],"you need to be signed in to give gold": [null, "you need to be logged in to give reddit gold"],"try using our secure login form.": [null, "try using our secure login form."],"you need to be signed in to downvote stuff": [null, "you need to be logged in to downvote things"],"config": [null, "config"],"you need to be signed in to subscribe to stuff": [null, "you need to be logged in to subscribe to subreddits"],"no": [null, "no"],"posts": [null, "posts"],"manage user flair, link flair, and flair templates": [null, "manage user flair, link flair, and flair templates"],"manage the wiki and access to the wiki": [null, "manage the wiki and access to the wiki"],"Password is strong": [null, "Password is strong"],"missing country": [null, "missing country"],"an error occurred. please try again later! (status: %(status)s)": [null, "an error occurred. please try again later! (status: %(status)s)"],"Invalid category name": [null, "Invalid category name"],"flair": [null, "flair"],"unsave": [null, "unsave"],"When checked, if an embedded comment is later edited, the embedded comment text will be replaced by a link back to the current version of the comment on reddit.": [null, "When checked, if an embedded comment is later edited, the embedded comment text will be replaced by a link back to the current version of the comment on reddit."]});
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brock commented Apr 3, 2015

source code of the reddit button

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