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Downloading packages.config...
Downloading NuGet...
Feeds used:
Restoring NuGet package Cake.0.11.0.
Adding package 'Cake.0.11.0' to folder '/Code/numinous/untethered-prototypes/UntetheredPrototypes/.tools'
Added package 'Cake.0.11.0' to folder '/Code/numinous/untethered-prototypes/UntetheredPrototypes/.tools'
Analyzing build script...
Processing build script...
Compiling build script...
unknown.cake (1595,43): `Cake.Common.Xml.XmlPokeAliases.XmlPoke(this Cake.Core.ICakeContext, string, string, string)' is obsolete: `Please use XmlPokeString(string, string, string) instead.'
unknown.cake (1602,43): `Cake.Common.Xml.XmlPokeAliases.XmlPoke(this Cake.Core.ICakeContext, string, string, string, Cake.Common.Xml.XmlPokeSettings)' is obsolete: `Please use XmlPokeString(string, string, string, XmlPokeSettings) instead.'
unknown.cake (1725,45): `Cake.Core.Scripting.IScriptHost.Setup(System.Action)' is obsolete: `Please use Setup(Action<ICakeContext>) instead.'
unknown.cake (1726,47): `Cake.Core.Scripting.IScriptHost.Teardown(System.Action)' is obsolete: `Please use Teardown(Action<ICakeContext>) instead.'
Executing task: Default
Hello World!
Finished executing task: Default
Task Duration
Default 00:00:00.0022126
Total: 00:00:00.0022126
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