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Created July 14, 2022 13:01
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Tracking system frontend for Signet
Scattered ideas:
- undo scans? (maybe better to handle from server side, or maybe just scan to proper location instead)
TODO: implement grid system to handle different window sizes (this is kinda clunky on the buttons, also maybe just use percents?)
TODO: get this talking to a server with sockets
const alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
const allowedCharacters = '0123456789' + alphabet + alphabet.toUpperCase();
const minimumDelay = 60; // ms between keystrokes
const minimumCharacters = 4; // this is the minimum length for a barcode scan (to prevent misfires)
var lastKeystrokeTime = new Date().getTime();
var keystrokeChunk = '';
var locations = ["Stamps", "Cell 1", "Cell 2", "Cell 3", "Cell 4", "Shipping"];
// count pageviews through localStorage, will get rid of this at some point
var pageViews = localStorage.getItem("pageViews");
if (pageViews) {
pageViews = (parseInt(pageViews) + 1).toString();
localStorage.setItem('pageViews', pageViews);
else {
pageViews = '1';
localStorage.setItem('pageViews', pageViews);
console.log(`Page views: ${pageViews}`);
$("#page-views").html(`<u>Views</u>: <b>${pageViews}</b> <i>(test of localStorage)</i>`);
// change the background color so that it matches the background of the barcode
const backgroundColor = "#B9B9B9";
$("body").css("background-color", backgroundColor);
var locationMarkup = '<br>';
for (i = 0; i < locations.length; i++){
locationMarkup += ` <span id = 'button-spacers'>
<button id = "${locations[i]}" class = 'location-button'>
if ((i + 1) % 3 == 0){
console.log("new row");
locationMarkup += '<br><br>';
// change the scan location
var scanLocation = localStorage.getItem("scanLocation");
if (scanLocation) {
$("#scan-location").html(`Currently scanning to <span id = 'current-location'>${scanLocation}</span>`);
else {
console.log("Please select location");
$("#scan-location").html("Please select a location to scan to.");
// TODO: this
$(document).ready(function() {
$("button").click( function() {
const name =;
if (locations.includes(name)) {
const place = name;
console.log("test " + place);
localStorage.setItem("scanLocation", place);
scanLocation = place;
$("#scan-location").html(`Currently scanning to <span id = 'current-location'>${scanLocation}<span>`);
document.onkeypress = function (e) {
// when a burst of [minimumCharacters] or more keystrokes are detected with minimal delay followed by "enter",
// treat it as a scan
e = e || window.event;
if (e.key && allowedCharacters.includes(e.key)){
console.log('this is allowed: ' + e.key);
let currentKeystrokeTime = new Date().getTime();
let deltaTime = currentKeystrokeTime - lastKeystrokeTime;
let keycode = e.key;
if (deltaTime < minimumDelay) {
keystrokeChunk += e.key;
console.log(`Keystroke chunk: ${keystrokeChunk}`);
else {
keystrokeChunk = e.key;
lastKeystrokeTime = currentKeystrokeTime;
// console.log("Time: " + currentKeystrokeTime);
console.log("Delta time: " + deltaTime);
// use e.keyCode
else if (e.key == "Enter") {
console.log("Enter pressed!");
let currentKeystrokeTime = new Date().getTime();
let deltaTime = currentKeystrokeTime - lastKeystrokeTime;
let keycode = e.key;
if (deltaTime < minimumDelay && keystrokeChunk.length >= minimumCharacters) {
console.log("Scan detected: " + keystrokeChunk);
else {
keystrokeChunk = '';
lastKeystrokeTime = currentKeystrokeTime;
// else {
// console.log("Unhandled keystroke info:");
// console.log(e);
// }
JsBarcode("#barcode", "test123123",{ displayValue:true,
lineColor: "#0f2edb",
background: backgroundColor});
function reset() {
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
function choice(choices) {
var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * choices.length);
return choices[index];
var visible = false;
var firstScan = true;
// $("#barcode").hide()
const fadeSpeed = 500; // ms
async function scan(upc) {
// makes the upc appear until the next one gets scanned
// TODO: fix shenanigans where the first scan pops in instead of a slideDown (priority: low)
if (firstScan){
JsBarcode("#barcode", upc,{ displayValue:true,
lineColor: "#0f2edb",
background: backgroundColor});
firstScan = false;
else {
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, fadeSpeed + 10)); // don't remove this, fixes fades because of async shenanigans
JsBarcode("#barcode", upc,{ displayValue:true,
lineColor: "#0f2edb",
background: backgroundColor});
var repeat = function(){
// tests out the scan function
let choices = ["test", "hello", "hello world", "hmm", "yup", "12345", "67890"]
// scan(Math.floor(1000000+Math.random()*9000000));
// setInterval(repeat,1000);
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