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Created April 10, 2017 03:03
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Issue with angular2-google-maps
<!-- Also reduced for readability. -->
<div style="padding: 20px;">
<div class="row">
<h4 style="color: grey;">Locations</h4>
<div class="row">
<div class="col s12">
<ul class="tabs" materialize="tabs">
<li class="tab col s3"><a href="#dynamic-map">Dynamic Map</a></li>
<div id="dynamic-map" class="col s12">
<!-- We even have a checker in here only adding the element if we were able to get long/lat -->
<div *ngIf="_displayLocations?.length > 0">
<h5>This should be a map</h5>
<sebm-google-map [latitude]="_lastLatitude" [longitude]="_lastLongitude" style="height: 300px;" [zoom]="15">
<sebm-google-map-marker [latitude]="_lastLatitude" [longitude]="_lastLongitude"></sebm-google-map-marker>
<!-- Here's the form getting passed the same long/lat used above, just in case you're curious... -->
<div *ngIf="_toggleForm">
<div class="row" style="padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 100px;">
<div class="col s6 offset-s1">
// lots of imports
selector: 'locations',
templateUrl: './locations.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./locations.component.css']
export class LocationsComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
private _lastLongitude: number = null;
private _lastLatitude: number = null;
private _locationsService: LocationsService,
private _store: AppStore,
) { }
ngOnInit() {
this._store.changes.takeUntil(this._destroyed$).subscribe(s => {
this._organizationId = s.currentOrgId;
this._locationsService.findForOrganizationId(this._organizationId).takeUntil(this._destroyed$).subscribe(locations => {
if (locations.length > 0) {
let mostRecentLocation = locations.sort((a, b) => {
return a._createdAt - b._createdAt;
// Here's the important bit proving we have real long/lot being passed to the map.
this._lastLatitude = mostRecentLocation.latitude;
this._lastLongitude = mostRecentLocation.longitude;
console.log("coords are: ", this._lastLongitude, this._lastLatitude);
// lots of code ommitted for readability
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { LocationsComponent } from './locations/locations.component';
import {locationsRouting} from "./locations.routing";
import { LocationComponent } from './location/location.component';
import { NewLocationComponent } from './new-location/new-location.component';
import { NewLocationFormComponent } from './forms/new-location-form/new-location-form.component';
import {Md2Module} from "md2";
import {FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule} from "@angular/forms";
import {CustomFormsModule} from "ng2-validation";
import { LocationsListComponent } from './presentation/locations-list/locations-list.component';
import {MaterializeModule} from "angular2-materialize";
import {AgmCoreModule} from "angular2-google-maps/core";
imports: [
apiKey: 'mine'
declarations: [LocationsComponent, LocationComponent, NewLocationComponent, NewLocationFormComponent, LocationsListComponent]
export class LocationsModule { }
<form [formGroup]="myForm">
<!-- Again, redically reduced for relevance and readability -->
<sebm-google-map [latitude]="latitude" [longitude]="longitude" style="height: 300px;" [zoom]="15">
<sebm-google-map-marker [latitude]="latitude" [longitude]="longitude"></sebm-google-map-marker>
// imports
selector: 'new-location-form',
templateUrl: './new-location-form.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./new-location-form.component.css']
export class NewLocationFormComponent implements OnInit {
@Input() location: Location = new Location();
// This is really the only important part - receiving the same exact long/lat as used to display the map in the locations.component.html
@Input() longitude: number = null; // <- yes I know these are null, but they get overridden when set by the template this template is created from...and can be seen in the logs...besides this is the map that works...
@Input() latitude: number = null;
@Input() mode: string = null;
private _fb: FormBuilder,
private _locationsService: LocationsService,
) { }
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