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Last active April 8, 2020 11:02
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Corner Cases With Non-Standard Evaluation in data.table
# Because there is no way to tell data.table
# "interpret this variable as a column name", it's possible to come up
# with corner cases. I'll grant these are unlikely to occur in day
# to day use, but any function that uses `data.table` must account for
# them
# Low odds, and yes, there are workarounds, but this is
# what I mean by you have to think carefully to avoid
# corner cases
# Ex 1
my.dt <- data.table(col=letters[1:5], col2=1:5)
fun <- mean
col <- "col2"
my.dt[, fun(get(col))]
# this one in particular very unlikely, but illustrating a point
# Ex 2
mtcars.dt <- data.table(mtcars)
mtcars.dt[,`cyl,am`:= 1]
grp <- "cyl,am"
mtcars.dt[,mean(hp), by=grp]
grp <- "`cyl,am`"
mtcars.dt[,mean(hp), by=grp]
# This one actually works fine, but again, you have to be careful
# by signaling your intent with an expression instead of a symbol
# name, which is not at all intuitive to anyone familiar with R.
# The `get` solution is internally consistent, at least, though
# with the collision issue I highlighted earlier
# Ex 3
cols <- c("hp", "mpg")
fun <- mean
(data.table(mtcars)[, cols:=lapply(.SD, fun), .SDcols=cols])
(data.table(mtcars)[, (cols):=lapply(.SD, fun), .SDcols=cols])
# Let's try to group by expressions (to be fair, you can't
# really do this with `dplyr`)
# Ex 4
exp <- list(a=quote(gear %% 2), b=quote(cut(hp, 5)))
data.table(mtcars)[, mean(mpg), by=list(a=gear %% 2, b=cut(hp, 5))]
data.table(mtcars)[, mean(mpg), by=exp] # argh
# Ex 5
group_by_exp <- function(exp)
data.table(mtcars)[, mean(mpg), by=eval(substitute(exp))]
group_by_exp(list(a=gear %% 2, b=cut(hp, 5))) # this kind of wokrs
# Ex 6
exp.q <- quote(list(a=gear %% 2, b=cut(hp, 5)))
group_by_exp(exp.q) # argh
group_by_exp2 <- function(exp)
data.table(mtcars)[, mean(mpg), by=eval(eval(substitute(exp)))]
group_by_exp2(exp.q) # now we're getting crazy...
data.table(mtcars)[, mean(mpg), by=exp.q] # this actually works!, but not documented
# Again, everyone one of these has workarounds, though they require
# some care. I'd like a version of `[.data.table` that allows me
# to very explicitly tell it how to interpret things so that I don't
# have to worry about funny corner cases due to the flexibility in
# data.table. Don't get me wrong, for the most part the flexibility
# is fantastic.
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wolkym commented Oct 6, 2015

Any news?

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jangorecki commented Apr 8, 2020

AFAIU all those corner cases are addressed by Rdatatable/data.table#4304

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