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Last active May 22, 2023 08:53
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* Takes a string and returns a 24 byte base64url encoded hash of the string. Uses the FNV-1a hash function.
* @param str
* @returns {string}
export function fnvBase64UrlHash(str) {
return bigIntToBase64Url(fnvHash96(str));
* Takes a string and hashes it using a 128 bit FNV-1a hash. The hash is shortened to 96 bits using xor folding.
* See–Noll–Vo_hash_function
* @param str
* @returns {bigint}
export function fnvHash96(str) {
const hash = fnvHash128(str);
const lower = hash & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFn;
const higher = (hash & 0xFFFFFFFF000000000000000000000000n) >> 96n;
return lower ^ higher;
* Takes a string and hashes it using a 128 bit FNV-1a hash
* See–Noll–Vo_hash_function
* @param str
* @returns {bigint}
export function fnvHash128(str) {
let fnvPrime = 0x0000000001000000000000000000013Bn;
let hash = 0x6c62272e07bb014262b821756295c58dn;
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const bytes = encoder.encode(str);
for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; ) {
hash ^= BigInt(bytes[i++]);
hash = BigInt.asUintN(128, hash * fnvPrime);
return hash;
* Takes a BigInt and returns a base64url encoded string of the first 96 bits of the BigInt
* @param bigInt
* @returns {string}
// Lookup table for converting a 6 bit number to a base64Url character as a UInt8Array
const base64UrlLookup = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_";
export function bigIntToBase64Url(bigInt) {
let output = "";
// iterate over the first 96 bits of the BigInt, 6 bits at a time
for (let i = 15n; i >= 0n; i--) {
const sixBits = BigInt.asUintN(6,bigInt >> (6n * i));
output += base64UrlLookup[sixBits];
return output;
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