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Last active July 15, 2021 07:05
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# Practical Closures
Andraž Brodnik @brodul
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<h2 data-id="code-title">Scope 101</h2>
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a = 2 # outer scope
def sum2(b):
return a + b # local scope
# returns: 5
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# Closures
A Closure is a function object that remembers values in enclosing scopes even if they are not present in memory.
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<h2 data-id="code-title">What are closures?</h2>
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def get_max_value_validator(max_value):
# max_value is outer/enclosing scope
def inner_fun(value):
if value > max_value:
raise ValueError(
f"{value} is bigger than {max_value}")
return value
return inner_fun
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<h2 data-id="code-title">What are closures?</h2>
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shoe_size_validator = get_max_value_validator(42)
# returns: 40
# raises: ValueError: 55 is bigger than 42
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<h2 data-id="code-title">Special case with "partial"</h2>
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from functools import partial
def max_value_validator(value, max_value):
if value > max_value:
raise ValueError(
f"{value} is bigger than {max_value}")
return value
shoe_size_validator = partial(
max_value_validator, max_value=42)
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<h4 data-id="code-title">Calling an external command</h4>
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LOG = logging.getLogger()
tempdir_ = tempfile.mkdtemp()
env = {"PATH": os.getenv("PATH")}"Running docker image ls")
result =["docker", "image", "ls"],
capture_output=True, env=env, cwd=tempdir_)"'docker image ls' exited with %s",
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<!-- <h4 data-id="code-title">Problem</h4> -->
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def get_docker_command(env={}):
env = {"PATH": os.getenv("PATH")}.update(env)
tempdir_ = tempfile.mkdtemp()
def inner_fun(*args):"Running docker command ...")
result =["docker"] + list(args),
capture_output=True, env=env, cwd=tempdir_)"Command output ... %s", result)
return result
return inner_fun
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<!-- <h4 data-id="code-title">Problem</h4> -->
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docker_cmd = get_docker_command(env={"SOME_ENV": "biz"})
result = docker_cmd("image", "ls")
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# Practical Closures
Andraž Brodnik @brodul
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