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dsyme / gist:9b18608b78dccf92ba33
Last active November 1, 2022 18:11
Working self-contained getting-started sample for Suave Web Scripting
// Working fully self-contained getting-started example for Suave Web Server scripting
// Note you don't need to have _anything_ installed before starting with this script. Nothing
// but F# Interactive and this script.
// This script fetches the Paket.exe component which is referenced later in the script.
// Initially the #r "paket.exe" reference is shown as unresolved. Once it has been
// downloaded by the user (by executing the first part of the script) the reference
// shows as resolved and can be used.
weavejester / gist:1001206
Created May 31, 2011 20:27
Clojure on Heroku
~/$ lein new ring-on-heroku
Created new project in: /home/jim/Development/ring-on-heroku
~/$ cd ring-on-heroku
~/ring-on-heroku$ echo 'web: lein run -m ring-on-heroku.core' > Procfile
~/ring-on-heroku$ cat > src/ring_on_heroku/core.clj
(ns ring-on-heroku.core
(:use ring.util.response
(defn app [req]