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Created July 9, 2011 02:57
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difference between Pathogen and Vundle?
set nocompatible
filetype off
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vundle/
call vundle#rc()
" enabling this fixes things:
"call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles()
filetype indent plugin on
syntax on
set laststatus=2 " always display status line even if only one window is visible.
Bundle ''
Bundle ''
" TODO: this prompt seems to cause huge delays with big repos on MacOS X
set statusline=%<%f\ %h%m%r%{fugitive#statusline()}%=%-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %P
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gmarik commented Jul 9, 2011

here's my rtp:


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gmarik commented Jul 9, 2011

I guess I don't understand the difference between call vundle#rc() and call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles()

Vundle is an autoloadable plugin, that means that call vundle#rc() triggers Vim to find autoload/vundle.vim and call vundle#rc() method just to initialize vundle and Bundle* commands.

In other hand call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles() makes Vim find autoload/pathogen.vim and call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles() method, which adds all bundle/* dirs to runtimepath.
In case of Vundle runtimepath gets modified by Bundle 'blah' command, so you can have as many bundles in your bundle/ dir but only those declared with Bundle command get loaded.

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gmarik commented Jul 9, 2011

As for the issue:
There may be something prohibiting vundle to parse Bundle '' correctly, which results in missing fugitive command.
Can't think of anything else ATM..

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gmarik commented Jul 9, 2011

Also when do you get the error?
One may get that error when trying to install bundles for the first time with Vundle (aka chicken & egg dilemma ).
I'm assuming htat's not the case.

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bronson commented Jul 11, 2011

Yep, bundles were all installed by vim-update-bundles beforehand so it's not chicken/egg.

Here's rtp (afaict no real difference from yours): /home/bronson/.vim/bundle/vundle,/home/bronson/.vim/bundle/vimfugitive,/disk/natty/bronson/.vim,/var/lib/vim/addons,/usr/share/vim/vimfiles,/usr/share/vim/vim73,/usr/share/vim/vimfiles/after,/var/lib/vim/addons/after,/disk/natty/bronson/.vim/after,/disk/natty/bronson/.vim/bundle/vundle/,/home/bronson/.vim/bundle/vim-fugitive/after,/home/bronson/.vim/bundle/vundle/after

Since it's a part of rtp, I guess that's a sign that the Bundle directive is being parsed correctly?

The error gets displayed every time when starting vim:

E117: Unknown function: fugitive#statusline
E15: Invalid expression: fugitive#statusline()
Press ENTER or type command to continue

Then everything works as usual except Fugitive isn't loaded and of course the statusline doesn't include Fugitive status.

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bronson commented Jul 11, 2011

OH, I see. Your explanation makes sense now. Vundle is adding .vim/bundle/vimfugitive to the rtp but vim-update-bundles cloned it into 'fugitive'

We're both modifying the repo name, you're calling it vimfugitive, I'm changing it to just plain fugitive.

Pretty obvious in retrospect.

So hm... How do you want to handle repo name munging?

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bronson commented Jul 11, 2011

For the record, I just drop leading 'vim-' and trailing '.git':

dirname = url.split('/').last.gsub(/^vim-|\.git$/, '')

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gmarik commented Jul 11, 2011

ok, that makes sense now.
Yeah, Vundle just strips out .git ext but leaving the vim- part.
Not sure how should we handle vim-. And I agree that it's a useless prefix.

How is it possible that your rtp has bundle/vimfugitive without dash in name?

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bronson commented Jul 12, 2011

I'm thinking I'll change v-u-b to match vundle. I just added it because I noticed tpope and a few others using it to identify their plugins on github. But it's not necessary and simpler is better.

bundle/vimfugitive must have been a copy/paste error. It's vim-fugitive right now (although I'm using a very different environment).

Pathogen's rtp has 56 entries, Vundle's equivalent has 101. It would be nice if Vundle didn't add paths that don't exist. :)

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gmarik commented Jul 12, 2011

It would be nice if Vundle didn't add paths that don't exist.

Yeah, good catch! )

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bronson commented Jul 12, 2011

Yep, not dropping the vim- fixed it. Things seem to work, thanks!

Still trying to figure out how I feel about basing the rtp on the .vimrc instead of ~/.vim/bundle... Seems like more to go wrong, less flexible, but maybe it's nicer to have removals take place immediately. Can't tell. :)

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