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Created May 20, 2020 04:37
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Technical test to get the aggregated stock results for a given symbol, originally done in C# but I tried it out in F#
#r @"./packages/fsharp-data/netstandard2.0/Fsharp.Data.dll"
#r @"./packages/newtonsoft.json/netstandard2.0/Newtonsoft.Json.dll"
open System
open FSharp.Data
open Newtonsoft.Json.Linq
let timeSeriesUrl = ""
type TimeSeries = FSharp.Data.JsonProvider<"""{
"2. high": "123.4567",
"3. low": "123.4567"
let renderStockUrl symbol =
sprintf (Printf.StringFormat<string->string>(timeSeriesUrl)) symbol
let queryApi url =
FSharp.Data.Http.RequestString url
let parseStockResponse response =
let json = JObject.Parse response
let timeSeries = json.Item "Time Series (Daily)"
|> Seq.cast<JToken>
|> token -> token.ToObject<JProperty>())
|> prop -> prop, TimeSeries.Parse(prop.Value.ToString()))
|> (prop, entry) -> DateTime.Parse prop.Name, entry.``2High``, entry.``3Low``)
let aggregateStockTimeSeries timeSeries =
|> Seq.groupBy(fun (date : DateTime, _, _) -> (date.Year, date.Month))
|> ((year, month), values) ->
let date = DateTime(year, month, 1)
let minLow = values |> (_, _, low) -> low) |> Seq.maxBy(fun low -> low)
let maxHigh = values |> (_, high, _) -> high) |> Seq.maxBy(fun high -> high)
date, minLow, maxHigh)
let renderAggrigatedStockResultsFor symbol =
renderStockUrl symbol
|> queryApi
|> parseStockResponse
|> aggregateStockTimeSeries
|> Seq.iter(fun (date, low, high) -> printf "%s %M %M\n" (date.ToString("yyyy-MM")) low high)
renderAggrigatedStockResultsFor "MSFT"
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