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Created October 28, 2020 23:34
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Trawls bitbucket repositories looking for stale branches and pull requests.
open System
open System.Text
open FSharp.Data
open FSharp.Json
let (username, password) = ("username", "password")
let repositoryRootUrl = ""
let repositories = [ "RepoA"; "RepoB" ]
let lookBack = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1.0)
let maxOutdatedToTake = 10
type Author = { display_name : string }
and Link = { href : string }
type Repository = { name : string; links : RepositoryLinks }
and RepositoryLinks = { branches : Link ; pullrequests : Link }
type PullRequest = { title : string; updated_on : DateTime; author : Author; links : PullRequestLinks }
and PullRequestLinks = { html : Link }
and PullRequests = { values : PullRequest[] }
type Branch = { name : string; links : BranchLinks; target : BranchTarget }
and BranchTarget = { author : BranchAuthor }
and Branches = { values : Branch[] }
and BranchLinks = { commits : Link; html: Link }
and BranchAuthor = { user : Author }
type Commit = { date : DateTime }
and Commits = { values : Commit[] }
let CreateBasicAuth =
sprintf "%s:%s" username password
|> Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes
|> Convert.ToBase64String
|> sprintf "Basic %s"
let authHeader = CreateBasicAuth
let GenerateRepositoryUrl repository =
Uri(sprintf "%s/%s" repositoryRootUrl repository)
type Endpoint =
| Link of Link
| Uri of Uri
let GetResource<'T>(address, query:Option<string>) =
let endpoint = match address with | Link(a) -> a.href | Uri(a) -> a.ToString()
let url = match query with | Some query -> sprintf "%s?%s" endpoint query | None -> endpoint
Json.deserialize<'T> (Http.RequestString( url, httpMethod = "GET", headers = [ "Authorization", authHeader ] ))
let GetRepositoryOutdatedPullRequests(repository:Repository) =
GetResource<PullRequests>(Link repository.links.pullrequests, Some "state=OPEN").values
|> Seq.filter(fun pr -> pr.updated_on < lookBack)
|> Seq.truncate maxOutdatedToTake
let GetBranchLatestCommit(branch:Branch) =
GetResource<Commits>(Link branch.links.commits, None).values |> Seq.head
let GetRepositoryOutdatedBranches (repository:Repository) =
GetResource<Branches>(Link repository.links.branches, None).values
|> Seq.filter(fun branch -> <> "master")
|> branch -> (branch, GetBranchLatestCommit branch))
|> Seq.filter(fun (_, commit) -> < lookBack)
|> Seq.truncate maxOutdatedToTake
let GetRepositoryData repositoryUrl =
let repository = GetResource<Repository>(repositoryUrl, None)
(repository, GetRepositoryOutdatedPullRequests(repository), GetRepositoryOutdatedBranches(repository))
let main argv =
|> url -> GetRepositoryData(Uri url))
|> Seq.iter(fun (repo, outdatedPrs, outdatedBranch) ->
printfn "Repository: %s"
printfn "Outdated pull requests:"
outdatedPrs |> Seq.iter(fun pr -> printfn "\t%s - %s - %s" pr.title (pr.updated_on.ToString "yyyy-MM-dd"))
printfn "Outdated branches:"
outdatedBranch |> Seq.iter(fun (branch, commit) -> printfn "\t%s - %s - %s" ( "yyyy-MM-dd"))
0 // return an integer exit code
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