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Roman numeral parser
Roman numerals
Reading Roman numerals
Based on seven symbols
I = 1
V = 5
X = 10
L = 50
C = 100
D = 500
M = 1000
Numbers are formed by combining symbols together and adding the values.
Symbols are placed from left to right in order of value, starting with the largest.
However, in a few specific cases,[2] to avoid four characters being repeated in succession
(such as IIII or XXXX) these can be reduced using subtractive notation as follows:
-> The numeral I can be placed before V and X to make 4 units (IV) and 9 units (IX) respectively
-> X can be placed before L and C to make 40 (XL) and 90 (XC) respectively
-> C can be placed before D and M to make 400 and 900 according to the same pattern
II = 2
IV = 4
VIII = 8
IX = 9
XVI = 16
XXXII = 32
LXIV = 64
XC = 90
CCLVI = 256
DXII = 512
CM = 900
MXXIV = 1024
MDCLXVI = 1666
using System;
namespace RomanNumerals
public class InvalidRomanNumeralException : Exception
public InvalidRomanNumeralException(string romanNumeral, RomanNumeralSymbol invalidSymbol1, RomanNumeralSymbol invalidSymbo2)
: base(string.Format("'{0}' is not valid roman numeral, symbol '{1}' cannot appear before symbol '{2}'", romanNumeral, invalidSymbol1, invalidSymbo2))
using System;
namespace RomanNumerals
public class InvalidRomanNumeralSymbolException : Exception
public InvalidRomanNumeralSymbolException(char symbol)
: base(string.Format("'{0}' is not valid roman numeral symbol", symbol))
using System.Linq;
namespace RomanNumerals
public class RomanNumeralParser
private readonly RomanNumeralSubtractionRule romanNumeralSubtractionRule = new RomanNumeralSubtractionRule();
public int Parse(string romanNumeral)
var result = 0;
var previousSymbol = new RomanNumeralSymbol();
foreach (var currentSymbol in romanNumeral.Reverse().Select(symbol => new RomanNumeralSymbol(symbol)))
if (previousSymbol > currentSymbol && !romanNumeralSubtractionRule.IsValid(currentSymbol, previousSymbol))
throw new InvalidRomanNumeralException(romanNumeral, currentSymbol, previousSymbol);
result += GetValueBasedOnPreviousChar(previousSymbol, currentSymbol);
previousSymbol = currentSymbol;
return result;
private static int GetValueBasedOnPreviousChar(RomanNumeralSymbol previousValue, RomanNumeralSymbol romanNumeralSymbol)
return previousValue > romanNumeralSymbol ? romanNumeralSymbol.Value * -1 : romanNumeralSymbol.Value;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace RomanNumerals
public class RomanNumeralSubtractionRule
private static readonly IDictionary<RomanNumeralSymbol, RomanNumeralSymbol[]> validSubtractionCombinations =
new Dictionary<RomanNumeralSymbol, RomanNumeralSymbol[]>
{RomanNumeralSymbol.I, new[] { RomanNumeralSymbol.V, RomanNumeralSymbol.X } },
{RomanNumeralSymbol.X, new[] { RomanNumeralSymbol.L, RomanNumeralSymbol.C } },
{RomanNumeralSymbol.C, new[] { RomanNumeralSymbol.D, RomanNumeralSymbol.M } },
public bool IsValid(RomanNumeralSymbol subtractionSymbol, RomanNumeralSymbol subsequentSymbol)
return validSubtractionCombinations.ContainsKey(subtractionSymbol) && validSubtractionCombinations[subtractionSymbol].Contains(subsequentSymbol);
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
namespace RomanNumerals
public struct RomanNumeralSymbol
private static readonly IDictionary<char, int> RomanNumarlSymbolToDecimalMap = new Dictionary<char, int>
{'I', 1}, {'V', 5}, {'X', 10}, {'L', 50}, {'C', 100},{'D', 500}, {'M', 1000},
public static readonly RomanNumeralSymbol I = new RomanNumeralSymbol('I');
public static readonly RomanNumeralSymbol V = new RomanNumeralSymbol('V');
public static readonly RomanNumeralSymbol X = new RomanNumeralSymbol('X');
public static readonly RomanNumeralSymbol L = new RomanNumeralSymbol('L');
public static readonly RomanNumeralSymbol C = new RomanNumeralSymbol('C');
public static readonly RomanNumeralSymbol D = new RomanNumeralSymbol('D');
public static readonly RomanNumeralSymbol M = new RomanNumeralSymbol('M');
private readonly int value;
private readonly char symbol;
public RomanNumeralSymbol(char symbol)
if (!RomanNumarlSymbolToDecimalMap.ContainsKey(symbol))
throw new InvalidRomanNumeralSymbolException(symbol);
value = RomanNumarlSymbolToDecimalMap[symbol];
this.symbol = symbol;
public char Symbol { get { return symbol; } }
public int Value { get { return value; } }
public static bool operator ==(RomanNumeralSymbol symbol1, RomanNumeralSymbol symbol2)
return symbol1.Value == symbol2.Value;
public static bool operator !=(RomanNumeralSymbol symbol1, RomanNumeralSymbol symbol2)
return !(symbol1 == symbol2);
public static bool operator >(RomanNumeralSymbol symbol1, RomanNumeralSymbol symbol2)
return symbol1.Value > symbol2.Value;
public static bool operator >=(RomanNumeralSymbol symbol1, RomanNumeralSymbol symbol2)
return symbol1.Value >= symbol2.Value;
public static bool operator <(RomanNumeralSymbol symbol1, RomanNumeralSymbol symbol2)
return symbol1.Value < symbol2.Value;
public static bool operator <=(RomanNumeralSymbol symbol1, RomanNumeralSymbol symbol2)
return symbol1.Value <= symbol2.Value;
public override string ToString()
return Symbol.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
using System;
using FluentAssertions;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace RomanNumerals.Tests
class When_loading_roman_numeral_string
private RomanNumeralParser romanNumeralParser;
public void SetUp()
romanNumeralParser = new RomanNumeralParser();
[TestCase('I', 1)]
[TestCase('V', 5)]
[TestCase('X', 10)]
[TestCase('L', 50)]
[TestCase('C', 100)]
[TestCase('D', 500)]
[TestCase('M', 1000)]
public void Should_turn_single_roman_numeral_symbol_into_equivilent_decimal(char romanNumeral, int expectedValue)
var result = romanNumeralParser.Parse(romanNumeral.ToString());
[TestCase("II", 2)]
[TestCase("III", 3)]
[TestCase("VI", 6)]
[TestCase("XV", 15)]
[TestCase("MDC", 1600)]
public void Should_turn_cumlative_roman_numerals_into_equivilent_decimal(string romanNumeral, int expectedValue)
var result = romanNumeralParser.Parse(romanNumeral);
[TestCase("IV", 4)]
[TestCase("IX", 9)]
[TestCase("XL", 40)]
[TestCase("XC", 90)]
[TestCase("CD", 400)]
[TestCase("CM", 900)]
public void Should_turn_cumlative_roman_numerals_with_subtractions_into_equivilent_decimal(string romanNumeral, int expectedValue)
var result = romanNumeralParser.Parse(romanNumeral);
[TestCase("P", 'P')]
[TestCase("IP", 'P')]
public void Should_throw_an_exception_when_an_invalid_roman_numeral_character_is_encountered(string romanNumeral, char expectedInvalidChar)
Action act = () => romanNumeralParser.Parse(romanNumeral);
.WithMessage(string.Format("'{0}' is not valid roman numeral symbol", expectedInvalidChar));
[TestCase("IL", 'I', 'L')]
[TestCase("VL", 'V', 'L')]
[TestCase("XM", 'X', 'M')]
[TestCase("LM", 'L', 'M')]
public void Should_throw_an_exceprion_when_certain_symbols_are_placed_before_others(string romanNumeral, char expectedInvalidChar1, char expectedInvalidChar2)
Action act = () => romanNumeralParser.Parse(romanNumeral);
.WithMessage(string.Format("'{0}' is not valid roman numeral, symbol '{1}' cannot appear before symbol '{2}'", romanNumeral, expectedInvalidChar1, expectedInvalidChar2));
[TestCase("II", 2)]
[TestCase("IV", 4)]
[TestCase("VIII", 8)]
[TestCase("IX", 9)]
[TestCase("XVI", 16)]
[TestCase("XXXII", 32)]
[TestCase("LXIV", 64)]
[TestCase("XC", 90)]
[TestCase("CXXVIII", 128)]
[TestCase("CCLVI", 256)]
[TestCase("DXII", 512)]
[TestCase("CM", 900)]
[TestCase("MXXIV", 1024)]
[TestCase("MDCLXVI", 1666)]
public void Should_parse_a_set_of_examples(string romanNumeral, int expectedValue)
var result = romanNumeralParser.Parse(romanNumeral);
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