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Created June 15, 2019 19:16
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Weekly release script
# Weekly release script (modeled off of
HEADERS <- c(Accept = 'application/vnd.github.inertia-preview+json') # named vector for add_headers
GH_TOKEN <- "XXX" # Your auth token from
Sys.setenv(TWILIO_SID = "XXX") # Your Account SID from
Sys.setenv(TWILIO_TOKEN = "XXX") # Your Auth Token from
DONE <- "XXX" # 7-digit Done column id
RELEASE <- "XXX" # 7-digit Release column id
TW_PHONE <- "+111111111" # Your Twilio account phone number
PHONE <- "+111111111" # Your phone number
# get the done cards
url <- sprintf("", DONE, GH_TOKEN)
r <- httr::GET(url, add_headers(HEADERS))
# pull out content from the done card "note" item
get_data <- content(r)
# sample a random emoji for the title message. you can leave this out
# if you want (and remove all instances of the `e` object.)
emojis <- c("dance", "dancer", "tada", "check", "cool", "cake", "trophy", "chart_with_upwards_trend", "boom", "crystal", "gem", "mage", "angel", "money_mouth_face", "ghost", "crown", "key", "coaster", "halo", "gymnastics", "information_desk_person", "leaf", "cowboy", "lizard", "up", "mermaid", "technologist", "nerd", "party", "partying", "celebrate", "champagne", "Puck", "rainbow", "salon", "surfer", "trident", "sparkles", "rocket", "weight", "wings", "first")
e <- emo::ji(sample(emojis, 1))
# create new Release card using release_string
release_string <- str_c(emo::ji("check"),
purrr::map_chr(get_data, ~.x$note),
collapse = "\n")
# add the date in bold as a title for the release card. again, optional.
rs <- str_c("**", as.character(Sys.Date()), e, "** \n\n", release_string, collapse = "")
# POST content body needs to be a named list.
# we're putting this back into "note", the same way we took it out.
body <- list(note = rs)
# post new Release card to github project using release_string
url <- sprintf("", RELEASE, GH_TOKEN)
POST(url, config = add_headers(HEADERS), body = body, encode = "json")
# # send text message with release_string
msg <- paste("Your Weekly Release!", e, "\n\n", release_string)
tw_send_message(to = PHONE, from = TW_PHONE, body = msg)
# archive Done cards
purrr::map(get_data, ~{
card <- .x$id
url <- sprintf("", card, GH_TOKEN)
PATCH(url, add_headers(HEADERS), body = list(archived = TRUE), encode = "json")
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# cron job (do this bit in terminal):
# replace `/usr/local/bin/Rscript` with the results of `which Rscript`
# env EDITOR=nano crontab -e
# 0 17 * * FRI cd /Users/bwatson/Documents/other-projects/weekly-release && /usr/local/bin/Rscript weekly-release.R
# crontab -l
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