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Created September 17, 2013 11:36
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Spline Calculation in Lua
-- Spline.lua
function class()
return setmetatable({}, {
__call = function(self, ...)
return self
Spline = class()
function Spline:init()
-- Smooth curves on canvas version 1.3
-- By Ken Fyrstenberg Nilsen (c) 2013
-- Abdias Software,
-- MIT licensed.
-- History:
-- 1.3 Speed optimizations.
-- Closed mode obsolete (no solution at this point). No change in arguments
-- for backward (and possible future) compatibility but does nothing.
-- 1.2 Now also an extension to Canvas' context: context.drawCurve()
-- 1.1 Split main function into three functions so one can retrieve point array
-- separately without drawing. Widens its usage. The three functions are:
-- drawCurve() - as before
-- getCurvePoints() - get a point array with smooth points based on point array
-- drawLines() - draws an array of points to canvas (any point list will do)
-- Uses an array of points (x,y) to return an array containing points
-- for a smooth curve.
-- getCurvePoints(points, tension, numberOfSegments)
-- getCurvePoints(array)
-- getCurvePoints(array, float)
-- getCurvePoints(array, float, boolean)
-- getCurvePoints(array, float, boolean, integer)
-- points = array of float or integers arranged as x1,y1,x2,y1,...,xn,yn. Minimum 2 points.
-- tension = 0-1, 0 = no smoothing, 0.5 = smooth (default), 1 = very smoothed
-- numberOfSegments = resolution of the smoothed curve. Higer number -> smoother (default 16)
-- NOTE: array must contain a minimum set of two points.
-- Known bugs: closed curve draws last point wrong.
function Spline:getCurvePoints(ptsa, tension, numOfSegments)
-- use input value if provided, or use a default value
tension = tension or 0.5
numOfSegments = numOfSegments or 16
local _pts
local res = {} --/ clone array
local x
local y --/ our x,y coords
local t1x
local t2x
local t1y
local t2y --/ tension vectors
local c1, c2, c3, c4 --/ cardinal points
local st, t, i --/ steps based on num. of segments
local pow3, pow2 --/ cache powers
local pow32, pow23
local p0, p1, p2, p3 --/ cache points
local pl = #ptsa
--/ clone array so we don't change the original content
local _pts = ptsa
--for k, v in ipairs(ptsa) do
-- _pts[k] = v
table.insert(_pts, ptsa[2], 1)
table.insert(_pts, ptsa[1], 1)
table.insert(_pts, ptsa[pl - 1])
table.insert(_pts, ptsa[pl - 0])
--/ 1. loop goes through point array
--/ 2. loop goes through each segment between the two points + one point before and after
----for (i = 2 i < pl i += 2)
for i=3, pl, 2 do
p0 = _pts[i]
p1 = _pts[i + 1]
p2 = _pts[i + 2]
p3 = _pts[i + 3]
--/ calc tension vectors
t1x = (p2 - _pts[i - 2])* tension
t2x = (_pts[i + 4] - p0)* tension
t1y = (p3 - _pts[i - 1])* tension
t2y = (_pts[i + 5] - p1) * tension
for t=0, numOfSegments do
--/ calc step
st = t / numOfSegments
pow2 = math.pow(st, 2)
pow3 = pow2 * st
pow23 = pow2 * 3
pow32 = pow3 * 2
--/ calc cardinals
c1 = pow32 - pow23 + 1
c2 = pow23 - pow32
c3 = pow3 - 2 * pow2 + st
c4 = pow3 - pow2
--/ calc x and y cords with common control vectors
x = c1 * p0 + c2 * p2 + c3 * t1x + c4 * t2x
y = c1 * p1 + c2 * p3 + c3 * t1y + c4 * t2y
--/ store points in array
table.insert(res, x)
table.insert(res, y)
return res
local points = {}
local prevX = 0
local prevY = 0
for i=1, 10 do
local x = prevX + math.random(1,10)
local y = prevY + math.random(1,10)
table.insert(points, x)
table.insert(points, y)
prevX = x
prevY = y
for i=1, #points, 2 do
local spline = Spline()
local res = spline:getCurvePoints(points)
for i=1, #res, 2 do
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