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Created November 23, 2011 04:28
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Example customized all2egooglesitemaps based eZ Publish cronjob part, 'generate.php'. Created in reponce to a specific feature request shared on forums,
Name: generate.php customized cronjob part which generates sitemap xml file based on all content of an eZ Publish site
A all2egooglesitemaps based cronjob part extension for eZ Publish ( 4.x -> 4.6 )
About this Gist
This Gist based solution graduated on 2011/11/22 from it's original pastbin mirror to a full fledged, well documented, ready to use out of the box, eZ Publish based cronjob part.
The extension based solution is ready to use with eZ Publish right out of the box with marginal additional configuration required.
This PHP script generates a google sitemap containing all content in all the languages used within in the eZ Publish installation's siteaccesses available. Provided cronjob part must be installed in your installation of the all2egooglesitemaps extension.
The source code of this solution is now distributed publicly as an eZ Publish extension by Brookins Consulting on
File: extension/all2egooglesitemaps/cronjobs/generate.php
Desc: This script generates a sitemap containing all content in all the languages used within in the eZ Publish installation.
Example eZ Publish (PHP Based) command line cronjob part. When installed, configured and run it will generate a sitemap containing the content in the system as designated by siteaccess settings.
Note: You must have a siteaccess for each language for the content to be included in the generated sitemap xml file
File contains an eZ Publish cronjob part (script) to automatically fetch all the content of the eZ Publish siteaccess database content tree content nodes, transform the nodes fetched into an xml based sitemap and writes the sitemap to disk.
Sitemap is based on custom extension settings (array of siteaccess name strings), this script iterate over each siteaccess building an array of site languages (site locale and site url), then iterating over site language information fetch the root node of the content tree (settings based) in each language and then all child nodes in each language. Next iterating over an array of all nodes in all locales, for each node, generate the sitemap xml representing that node.
Finally a valid xml sitemap file is written out to disk (settings based var/ dir root by default)
This script was created in reponce for a very specific feature request shared on forums
Primary development by Brookins Consulting
Primary documentation by Brookins Consulting
Based on eZ Publish cronjob part extension shared by all2e
This script is the modified copy of 'all2egooglesitemaps' eZ Publish extension cronjob part php file 'generate'.
The following link is outdated, deprecated, first version of the source code distributed / shared originally via
This solution is copyright (C) 1999 - 2011 Brookins Consulting and licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (v2 or later). Documentation distributed is copyright (C) 1999 - 2011 Brookins Consulting and licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (v1.3 or later)
A copy of the exact license supported is available on the web from
A copy of the exact license supported is provided within the bcsimplesitemaps extension in doc/LICENSE
Please feel free to use this solution freely.
ez at all ezpublish languages sitemap once all2egooglesitemaps generate.php cronjobpart
Sitemap official file format standards, forum thread this solution was based on,
Solution was based on the all2egooglesitemaps extension cronjob part,
* File contains an eZ Publish cronjob part (script) to automatically
* fetch all the content of the eZ Publish siteaccess database content
* tree content nodes, transform the nodes fetched into an xml based
* sitemap and writes the sitemap to disk.
* Sitemap is based on custom extension settings (array of siteaccess name strings),
* this script iterate over each siteaccess building an array of site languages
* (site locale and site url), then iterating over site language information fetch
* the root node of the content tree (settings based) in each language and then all
* child nodes in each language. Next iterating over an array of all nodes in all
* locales, for each node, generate the sitemap xml representing that node.
* Finally a valid xml sitemap file is written out to disk (settings based var/ dir root by default)
* @copyright Copyright (C) 1999 - 2011 Brookins Consulting. All rights reserved.
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2008 all2e GmbH
* @license GNU GPL v2 (or later)
* @version //autogentag//
* @package bcsimplesitemaps
* Alert user of script execution start
if( !$isQuiet )
$cli->output( "Generating Sitemap...\n" );
* Get a reference to eZINI. append.php will be added automatically.
$ini = eZINI::instance( 'site.ini' );
$googlesitemapsINI = eZINI::instance( 'googlesitemaps.ini' );
* BC: Testing for settings required by the script and defining other variables required by the script
if( $googlesitemapsINI->hasVariable( 'all2eGoogleSitemapSettings', 'SitemapRootNodeID' ) &&
$googlesitemapsINI->hasVariable( 'all2eGoogleSitemapSettings', 'Path' ) &&
$googlesitemapsINI->hasVariable( 'all2eGoogleSitemapSettings', 'Filename' ) &&
$googlesitemapsINI->hasVariable( 'all2eGoogleSitemapSettings', 'Filesuffix' ) &&
$googlesitemapsINI->hasVariable( 'Classes', 'ClassFilterType' ) &&
$googlesitemapsINI->hasVariable( 'Classes', 'ClassFilterArray' ) &&
$ini->hasVariable( 'SiteSettings','SiteURL' )
* BC: Define root content tree node ID
$sitemapRootNodeID = $googlesitemapsINI->variable( 'all2eGoogleSitemapSettings','SitemapRootNodeID' );
* BC: Define the sitemap basename, output file suffix and path to directory to write out generated sitemaps
$sitemapName = $googlesitemapsINI->variable( 'all2eGoogleSitemapSettings','Filename' );
$sitemapSuffix = $googlesitemapsINI->variable( 'all2eGoogleSitemapSettings','Filesuffix' );
$sitemapPath = $ini->variable( 'FileSettings','VarDir' );
* BC: Define content tree node fetch class filter. Array of class identifiers and whether to include or exclude them.
$classFilterType = $googlesitemapsINI->variable( 'Classes','ClassFilterType' );
$classFilterArray = $googlesitemapsINI->variable( 'Classes','ClassFilterArray' );
* BC: Alert user of missing ini settings variables
$cli->output( 'Missing INI Variables in configuration block GeneralSettings.' );
* BC: Fetch the array of siteaccess names (multi siteaccess; multi language)
* which should be used to fetch content for the sitemap or the default
* siteaccess name (one siteaccess; one language) when the custom settings are unavailable
if( $googlesitemapsINI->hasVariable( 'SiteAccessSettings', 'SiteAccessArray' ) )
$siteAccessArray = $googlesitemapsINI->variable( 'SiteAccessSettings', 'SiteAccessArray' );
$siteAccessArray = array($ini->variable( 'SiteSettings', 'DefaultAccess' ));
* BC: Fetching all language codes
$languages = array();
* BC: Iterate over each siteaccess and collect siteaccess local settings (site languages)
foreach( $siteAccessArray as $siteAccess )
$specificINI = eZINI::instance( 'site.ini.append.php', 'settings/siteaccess/'.$siteAccess );
if ($specificINI->hasVariable( 'RegionalSettings', 'Locale' ))
array_push($languages, array('siteaccess' => $siteAccess,
'locale' => $specificINI->variable( 'RegionalSettings', 'Locale' ),
'siteurl' => $specificINI->variable( 'SiteSettings','SiteURL' )
* BC: Preparing to fetch all content tree nodes by each language (Settings based locale)
$nodeArray = array();
* BC: Iterate over each siteaccess locals
foreach( $languages as $language )
* BC: Alert user of the generation of the sitemap for the current language siteacces (name)
if ( !$isQuiet )
$cli->output( "Generating Sitemap for Siteaccess ".$language["siteaccess"]." \n" );
$siteURL = $language['siteurl'];
* Get the Sitemap's root node
$rootNode = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch( $sitemapRootNodeID, $language['locale'] );
* Test for content object fetch (above) failure to return a valid object.
* Alert the user and terminate execution of script
if (!is_object($rootNode)) {
$cli->output( "Invalid SitemapRootNodeID in configuration block GeneralSettings.\n" );
* Prepare to create new xml document
require_once 'access.php';
$access = changeAccess( array( 'name' => $language['siteaccess'],
) );
* Fetch the content tree nodes (children) of the above root node (in a given locale)
$nodeArray[] = $rootNode->subTree( array( 'Language' => $language['locale'],
'ClassFilterType' => $classFilterType,
'ClassFilterArray' => $classFilterArray
} // BC: End foreach($languages as $language)
* Prepare to create new xml document
$xmlRoot = "urlset";
$xmlNode = "url";
* Define XML Child Nodes
$xmlSubNodes = array('loc','lastmod','changefreq','priority');
* Create the DOMnode
$dom = new DOMDocument( '1.0', 'UTF-8' );
* Create DOM-Root (urlset)
$root = $dom->createElement( $xmlRoot );
$root->setAttribute( 'xmlns', '' );
$root = $dom->appendChild( $root );
* BC: Generate XML sitemap compatible data file contents
* based on array of arrays containing content tree nodes in each language
* for a given sitaccess or array of siteaccesses
foreach( $nodeArray as $languageNodeArray )
* BC: Iterate over language
foreach( $languageNodeArray as $subTreeNode )
* BC: Site node url alias (calculation)
$urlAlias = 'http://'.$siteURL.'/'.$subTreeNode->attribute( 'url_alias' );
* BC: Fetch node's object
$object = $subTreeNode->object();
* $depth = $subTreeNode->attribute( 'depth' );
* BC: Fetch object's modified date
$modified = date("c" , $object->attribute( 'modified' ));
* Create new url element
$node = $dom->createElement( $xmlNode );
* Append to root node
$node = $root->appendChild( $node );
* Create new page url subnode
$subNode = $dom->createElement( $xmlSubNodes[0] );
$subNode = $node->appendChild( $subNode );
* Set text node with data
$date = $dom->createTextNode( $urlAlias );
$date = $subNode->appendChild( $date );
* BC: Create 'modified' subnode and append child data to xml document being generated
// create modified subnode
$subNode = $dom->createElement( $xmlSubNodes[1] );
$subNode = $node->appendChild( $subNode );
* BC: Create 'lastmod' node and append child data to the xml document being generated
$lastmod = $dom->createTextNode( $modified );
$lastmod = $subNode->appendChild( $lastmod );
* BC: Disable language in output filename (For a limited use case requirement)
$xmlDataFile = $sitemapPath.$sitemapName.'_' . $language['siteaccess'] . $sitemapSuffix;
$xmlDataFile = $sitemapPath . $sitemapName . '_' . $sitemapSuffix;
* BC: Write sitemap xml file to disk
$dom->save( $xmlDataFile );
* BC: Alert user of script completion
if ( !$isQuiet )
* BC: Disable language in output filename (For a limited use case requirement)
$cli->output( "Sitemap for siteaccess ".$language['siteaccess']." (language code ".$language['locale'].") ." has been generated!\n\n" );
* BC: Slightly different user alert at end of program
* @TODO: Extend message displayed to include more details of the content and context of the results written to disk
$cli->output( "Sitemap for site has been generated!\n\n" );
// Terminate execution and exit system normally
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