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Created January 14, 2012 08:15
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This is a copy of a very old copy of the certify.php command line script created by eZ Systems. You can use this script to test your extension for compliance to eZ Publish (Enterprise) extension development guidelines. Also tests for extension errors ...
Solution Name: eZP Certify Extension
Extension Identifier: ezpcertifyextension
Script Name: ezpcertifyextensionbinphpezpcertifyextension.php
eZP Certify Extension is an eZ Publish extension script for eZ Publish
This version is a very old copy of the certify.php command line script
Script purpose
You can use this script to test your extension for compliance to eZ Publish (Enterprise) extension development guidelines.
Also tests for common extension errors ... and other problems.
If extension passes you did a good job with your extension ... or the script is too immature to detect all flaws possible.
History of solution
This script was specifically created to test unknown and new eZ Publish extensions for certification of extension for use with what is now known as eZ Publish Enterprise (Formerly known as eZ Publish Now/Premium and eZ Network)
How to install solution
- Copy script into root of eZ Publish directory
- Run script as needed, see script usage (below)
Example usage as eZ Publish Command Line Script
Execute this script from eZ Publish root directory like this:
# cd /path/to/ezpublish;
# php ezpcertifyextensionbinphpezpcertifyextension.php -s [SITEACCESS] [EXTENSION]
This solution is compatible with eZ Publish 3.x and PHP 4.x
This source code is distributed publicly as a solution by Brookins Consulting on
Known bug warning
This code is known to contain at least one critical bug / flaw.
In a now lost revision of this code a minor modification to the script allowed the script to be used normally to test extensions / site with the script.
We will seek to test and address the bug in question in a future eZ Publish extension in a git repository based on this script's source code and replace this gist with a tested working version.
Please be patient and understanding until this work is ready for release to the public.
This version of the script is only compatible with eZ Publish 3.x
Legal Copyright and License
This solution is copyright (C) 1999 - 2012 eZ Systems AS and Brookins Consulting and licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (v2 or later; free software) and the eZ Publish Professional Licence v2 (non-free). Please feel free to use this solution freely under either license you prefer.
This script was originally created by eZ Systems
This source code is posted in reference to it's discovery in email archives at BC. This script was never publicly released previously.
This public Gist,
Brookins Consulting's Gists,
Brookins Consulting on github,
Brookins Consulting on,
eZ Publish,
// Definition of Certify class
// Created on: <20-Oct-2005 14:19:38 hovik>
// Copyright (C) 1999-2005 eZ systems as. All rights reserved.
// This source file is part of the eZ publish (tm) Open Source Content
// Management System.
// This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
// "GNU General Public License" version 2 as published by the Free
// Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE included in
// the packaging of this file.
// Licencees holding a valid "eZ publish professional licence" version 2
// may use this file in accordance with the "eZ publish professional licence"
// version 2 Agreement provided with the Software.
// This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING
// The "eZ publish professional licence" version 2 is available at
// and in the file
// PROFESSIONAL_LICENCE included in the packaging of this file.
// For pricing of this licence please contact us via e-mail to
// Further contact information is available at
// The "GNU General Public License" (GPL) is available at
// Contact if any conditions of this licencing isn't clear to
// you.
/*! \file certify.php
\class Certify certify.php
\brief The class Certify does
require 'autoload.php';
$cli = eZCLI::instance();
$script = eZScript::instance( array( 'debug-message' => '',
'use-session' => true,
'use-modules' => true,
'use-extensions' => true ) );
$options = $script->getOptions( "[include-ezp-design][approval-mode:]",
'certify_extension' => 'Specify one or more extension(s) seperated by space.'
, "approval-mode" => "Specify one extension upon which to do an 'approval check'"
) );
$specifiedExtension = array();
foreach( $options['arguments'] as $option )
if ( isset( $option ) )
if ( file_exists( eZDir::path( array( eZExtension::baseDirectory(), $option ) ) ) )
$specifiedExtension[] = $option;
$endl = $cli->endlineString();
$webOutput = $cli->isWebOutput();
function help()
$argv = $_SERVER['argv'];
$cli = eZCLI::instance();
$cli->output( "Usage: " . $argv[0] . " [OPTION]...\n" .
"Executes eZ publish Network certify script.\n" .
"\n" .
"General options:\n" .
" -h,--help display this help and exit \n" .
" -q,--quiet do not give any output except when errors occur\n" .
" -s,--siteaccess selected siteaccess for operations, if not specified default siteaccess is used\n" .
" -d,--debug display debug output at end of execution\n" .
" -c,--colors display output using ANSI colors\n" .
" --sql display sql queries\n" .
// " --logfiles create log files\n" .
// " --no-logfiles do not create log files (default)\n" .
" --no-colors do not use ANSI coloring (default)\n" .
"Errorcodes returned:\n" .
" 0 All test passed. Some could have deemed suboptimal, but not critical.\n" .
" 1 At least one critical element failed the test, or the script itself failed.\n");
function changeSiteAccessSetting( &$siteaccess, $optionData )
global $isQuiet;
$cli = eZCLI::instance();
if ( file_exists( 'settings/siteaccess/' . $optionData ) )
$siteaccess = $optionData;
if ( !$isQuiet )
$cli->notice( "Using siteaccess $siteaccess for certify script" );
if ( !$isQuiet )
$cli->notice( "Siteaccess $optionData does not exist, using default siteaccess" );
$siteaccess = false;
$debugOutput = false;
$allowedDebugLevels = false;
$useDebugAccumulators = false;
$useDebugTimingpoints = false;
$useIncludeFiles = false;
$useColors = false;
$isQuiet = false;
$useLogFiles = false;
$showSQL = false;
$useApprovalMode = false;
$optionsWithData = array( 's' );
$longOptionsWithData = array( 'siteaccess' );
$readOptions = true;
// handle approval mode: only use 1 extension for input, reset and stuff the
// global array of extension names - to deal with later...
if( isset( $options[ "approval-mode" ] ) )
if( file_exists( eZDir::path( array( eZExtension::baseDirectory(), $options[ "approval-mode" ] ) ) ) )
$specifiedExtension = array( $options[ "approval-mode" ] );
$useApprovalMode = true;
die( "can not find extension" );
for ( $i = 1; $i < count( $argv ); ++$i )
$arg = $argv[$i];
if ( $readOptions and
strlen( $arg ) > 0 and
$arg[0] == '-' )
if ( strlen( $arg ) > 1 and
$arg[1] == '-' )
$flag = substr( $arg, 2 );
if ( in_array( $flag, $longOptionsWithData ) )
$optionData = $argv[$i+1];
if ( $flag == 'help' )
else if ( $flag == 'siteaccess' )
changeSiteAccessSetting( $siteaccess, $optionData );
else if ( $flag == 'debug' )
$debugOutput = true;
else if ( $flag == 'quiet' )
$isQuiet = true;
else if ( $flag == 'colors' )
$useColors = true;
else if ( $flag == 'no-colors' )
$useColors = false;
else if ( $flag == 'no-logfiles' )
$useLogFiles = false;
else if ( $flag == 'logfiles' )
$useLogFiles = true;
else if ( $flag == 'sql' )
$showSQL = true;
$flag = substr( $arg, 1, 1 );
$optionData = false;
if ( in_array( $flag, $optionsWithData ) )
if ( strlen( $arg ) > 2 )
$optionData = substr( $arg, 2 );
$optionData = $argv[$i+1];
if ( $flag == 'h' )
else if ( $flag == 'q' )
$isQuiet = true;
else if ( $flag == 'c' )
$useColors = true;
else if ( $flag == 'd' )
$debugOutput = true;
if ( strlen( $arg ) > 2 )
$levels = explode( ',', substr( $arg, 2 ) );
$allowedDebugLevels = array();
foreach ( $levels as $level )
if ( $level == 'all' )
$useDebugAccumulators = true;
$allowedDebugLevels = false;
$useDebugTimingpoints = true;
if ( $level == 'accumulator' )
$useDebugAccumulators = true;
if ( $level == 'timing' )
$useDebugTimingpoints = true;
if ( $level == 'include' )
$useIncludeFiles = true;
if ( $level == 'error' )
$level = EZ_LEVEL_ERROR;
else if ( $level == 'warning' )
else if ( $level == 'debug' )
$level = EZ_LEVEL_DEBUG;
else if ( $level == 'notice' )
else if ( $level == 'timing' )
$allowedDebugLevels[] = $level;
else if ( $flag == 's' )
changeSiteAccessSetting( $siteaccess, $optionData );
$script->setUseDebugOutput( $debugOutput );
$script->setAllowedDebugLevels( $allowedDebugLevels );
$script->setUseDebugAccumulators( $useDebugAccumulators );
$script->setUseDebugTimingPoints( $useDebugTimingpoints );
$script->setUseIncludeFiles( $useIncludeFiles );
if ( $webOutput )
$useColors = true;
$cli->setUseStyles( $useColors );
$script->setDebugMessage( "\n\n" . str_repeat( '#', 36 ) . $cli->style( 'emphasize' ) . " DEBUG " . $cli->style( 'emphasize-end' ) . str_repeat( '#', 36 ) . "\n" );
$script->setUseSiteAccess( $siteaccess );
if ( !$script->isInitialized() )
$cli->error( 'Error initializing script: ' . $script->initializationError() . '.' );
$cli->output( 'Certify script start' );
$certify = new eZXNetCertify( $cli, $script );
if ( !$certify->canCreateNetworkLog() )
if ( $options['include-ezp-design'] )
// Perform certify checks.
if( $useApprovalMode )
// the extension that we are doing the approval on is the first and only
// extension in the $specifiedExtension array
$certify->setExtension( $specifiedExtension[ 0 ] );
if( !in_array( $specifiedExtension[ 0 ], $certify->extensionList() ) )
print_r( $certify->extensionList() );
die( "extension is not recognized" );
$checkList = array( 'checkTemplateCompilation'
, 'checkTemplateWashing'
, 'checkTemplateAttributeShow'
, 'checkExtensionSize'
, 'checkExtensionFileCount'
, 'checkExtensionType'
, 'checkDataTypeCount'
, 'checkDesignTemplateCount'
, 'checkINIFiles'
, 'checkCustomINISettings'
, 'checkBadExtensionSettings'
, 'checkCronjobExtensionSettings'
, 'checkSiteAccessSetttingsList'
, 'checkExtensionPHPInfo'
elseif ( count( $specifiedExtension ) > 0 )
foreach( $specifiedExtension as $extension )
$certify->setExtension( $extension );
if ( !in_array( $extension, $certify->extensionList() ) )
$checkList = array( 'checkTemplateCompilation',
$checkList = array( 'checkINIWrite',
if ( count( $specifiedExtension ) > 0 )
foreach( $specifiedExtension as $extension )
$certify->appendToLog( "\n\n" . str_repeat( "*", 81 ) . "\n" . str_repeat( "*", 81 ) . "\n* Testing " . $extension . " Extension\n" . str_repeat( "*", 81 ) . "\n" . str_repeat( "*", 81 ) );
$certify->setExtension( $extension );
foreach( $checkList as $check )
foreach( $checkList as $check )
$errorCode = $certify->close();
exit( $errorCode );
\class eZXNetCertify
Support functions for certify script.
class eZXNetCertify
function eZXNetCertify( $cli, $script )
require_once( 'kernel/common/template.php' );
$this->TPL = templateInit();
$this->TPL->setCompileTest( true );
$this->InvalidTemplateCompileList = array();
$this->CLI = $cli;
$this->LogFileList = array();
$this->CertifyLogFile = 'certify.log';
$this->fp = @fopen( $this->CertifyLogFile, 'w' );
if ( !$this->fp )
$cli->error( 'Could not create log file: ' . $this->CertifyLogFile );
$cli->output( 'Correct this by making sure this script has access to create and write to: ' . $certifyLogFile );
$ini = eZINI::instance();
$siteAccessArray = $ini->variable( 'SiteAccessSettings', 'AvailableSiteAccessList' );
$siteAccessArray = array_unique( $siteAccessArray );
$this->setSiteAccessArray( $siteAccessArray );
Will check template, and log result to file
\param filename
function checkTemplate( $file )
$result = $this->TPL->compileTemplateFile( $file );
if ( ( $this->TPL->hasWarnings() || $this->TPL->hasErrors() ) &&
!in_array( $file, $this->InvalidTemplateCompileList ) )
if ( $this->TPL->hasErrors() )
$this->appendToBlock( 'Error in template ( compile test ): ' . $file );
foreach ( $this->arrayUnique( $this->TPL->errorLog() ) as $error )
$this->appendToBlock( ' Error description [' . $error['placement']['start']['line'] . ':' . $error['placement']['start']['column'] . '] : ' . $error['text'] );
if ( $this->TPL->hasWarnings() )
$this->appendToBlock( 'Warning in template ( compile test ): ' . $file );
foreach ( $this->arrayUnique( $this->TPL->warningLog() ) as $error )
$this->appendToBlock( ' Warning description [' . $error['placement']['start']['line'] . ':' . $error['placement']['start']['column'] . '] : ' . $error['text'] );
$this->CLI->output( " Template file invalid ( compile ): " . $this->CLI->stylize( 'file', $file ) );
$this->InvalidTemplateCompileList[] = $file;
Change to specified siteaccess
\param siteaccess name
function changeAccess( $siteAccess )
$GLOBALS['eZCurrentAccess']['name'] = $siteAccess;
changeAccess( array( 'name' => $siteAccess ) );
if ( isset( $GLOBALS['eZCurrentAccess']['type'] ) &&
$GLOBALS['eZCurrentAccess']['type'] == EZ_ACCESS_TYPE_URI )
eZSys::addAccessPath( $siteAccess );
// Load the siteaccess extensions
Generate template file list for current siteaccess
\param design
\return template filename list
function templateList( $design )
$designAccessINI = eZINI::instance( 'design.ini' );
$designExtensionList = $designAccessINI->variable( 'ExtensionSettings', 'DesignExtensions' );
$excludeDesignArray = array( 'standard', 'admin', 'base' );
$baseDir = 'design/' . $design . '/';
// If extension set, only include specific extension templates.
$files = array();
if ( !$this->extension() )
if( !(!$this->includeEZPDesign() AND in_array($design, $excludeDesignArray )) )
$files = eZDir::recursiveFind( $baseDir . 'templates', "\.tpl" );
$files = array_merge( $files, eZDir::recursiveFind( $baseDir . 'override/templates', "\.tpl" ) );
$extensionBaseDir = eZExtension::baseDirectory() . '/' . $baseDir;
foreach ( $designExtensionList as $designExtension )
// If extension set, only include specific extension templates.
if ( $this->extension() &&
$this->extension() != $designExtension )
$files = array_merge( $files, eZDir::recursiveFind( eZDir::path( array( eZExtension::baseDirectory(),
'templates' ) ),
"\.tpl" ) );
$files = array_merge( $files, eZDir::recursiveFind( eZDir::path( array( eZExtension::baseDirectory(),
'override/templates' ) ),
"\.tpl" ) );
return array_unique( $files );
Get design list for current siteaccess
\return design list
function designList()
$siteAccessINI = eZINI::instance();
$standardDesign = $siteAccessINI->variable( "DesignSettings", "StandardDesign" );
$siteDesign = $siteAccessINI->variable( "DesignSettings", "SiteDesign" );
$additionalSiteDesignList = $siteAccessINI->variable( "DesignSettings", "AdditionalSiteDesignList" );
return array_unique( array_merge( array( $standardDesign ), $additionalSiteDesignList, array( $siteDesign ) ) );
Create unique multi dimensional array
function arrayUnique($array) {
$new = array(); $new1 = array();
foreach ( $array as $k => $na )
$new[$k] = serialize( $na );
$uniqArray = array_unique($new);
foreach ( $uniqArray as $k => $ser )
$new1[$k] = unserialize( $ser );
return $new1;
Start log block
\param blockName
function startBlock( $blockName )
$this->BlockStack[$this->BlockStackCount] = array( 'name' => $blockName,
'success' => true,
'warning' => false,
'optimal' => true,
'log' => array() );
End log block
function commitBlock()
if ( $this->BlockStack[$this->BlockStackCount]['success'] )
$fillCharVert = '|';
$fillCharHor = '-';
$fillCharCorner = '+';
if ( $this->BlockStack[$this->BlockStackCount]['warning'] )
$intro = 'Success with warnings : ' . $this->BlockStack[$this->BlockStackCount]['name'];
elseif ( $this->BlockStack[$this->BlockStackCount]['optimal'] === false )
$intro = 'Suboptimal : ' . $this->BlockStack[$this->BlockStackCount]['name'];
$intro = 'Success : ' . $this->BlockStack[$this->BlockStackCount]['name'];
$fillCharVert = '*';
$fillCharHor = '*';
$fillCharCorner = '*';
$intro = 'FAILED : ' . $this->BlockStack[$this->BlockStackCount]['name'];
$indent = ( $this->BlockStackCount - 1 ) * 4;
$indentString = str_repeat( ' ', $indent );
$this->appendToLog( "\n" . $indentString . $fillCharCorner . str_repeat( $fillCharHor, 80 - $indent ) );
$this->appendToLog( $indentString . $fillCharVert . ' ' . $intro );
foreach( $this->BlockStack[$this->BlockStackCount]['log'] as $line )
$this->appendToLog( $indentString . $fillCharVert . ' ' . $line );
$this->appendToLog( $indentString . $fillCharCorner . str_repeat( $fillCharHor, 80 - $indent ) );
Append text to block
\param text
function appendToBlock( $text )
$this->BlockStack[$this->BlockStackCount]['log'][] = $text;
Set that block has error
function setBlockHasError()
$this->BlockStack[$this->BlockStackCount]['success'] = false;
$this->ErrorCode = 1;
Set that block has warnings
function setBlockHasPotentialError()
$this->BlockStack[$this->BlockStackCount]['warning'] = true;
Set that block is not maximum tuned
function setBlockIsSubOptimal()
$this->BlockStack[$this->BlockStackCount]['optimal'] = false;
Prepend text to log
function prependToLog( $text )
$this->Log = $text . "\n" . $this->Log;
Append text to log
function appendToLog( $text )
$this->Log .= $text . "\n";
Append text to log
function appendFile( $filename )
$this->LogFileList[] = $filename;
Close log, and append MD5 checksum
function close()
$legend = "\nLegend:\n";
$legend .= "Success: No issues found with tested element.\n";
$legend .= "Success with warnings: No issues found, but certain results should be manually inspected.\n";
$legend .= "Suboptimal: Not considered a problem, but has room for improvement.\n";
$legend .= "Failure: This means that the issue should be resolved.\n";
$this->prependToLog( $legend );
if ( $this->IncludeSiteData )
$ini = eZINI::instance();
$siteName = $ini->variable( 'SiteSettings', 'SiteName' );
$siteUrl = $ini->variable( 'SiteSettings', 'SiteURL' );
$siteIdentifier = "'$siteName' $siteUrl v" . eZPublishSDK::version();
$this->prependToLog( 'Certifying site: ' . $siteIdentifier );
if ( $this->IncludeChecksum )
$content = $this->Log;
$content .= 'CERTIFY_STRING';
$this->appendToLog( md5( $content ) );
eZFile::create( $this->CertifyLogFile, false, $this->Log );
$this->CLI->output( 'Certify script complete.' );
$this->CLI->output( 'Result stored in ' . $this->getLogFileName() );
return $this->ErrorCode;
$progressArray = array( '-', '\\', '|', '/' );
fwrite( $this->fp, base64_encode( $content ) );
$this->LogFileList = array_unique( $this->LogFileList );
echo "\n";
foreach( $this->LogFileList as $idx => $filename )
echo "\r " . $progressArray[$idx % 4];
fwrite( $this->fp, base64_encode( '***** ' . $filename . ' *****' . "\n" ) );
fwrite( $this->fp, base64_encode( base64_encode( eZFile::getContents( $filename ) . "\n" ) ) );
echo "\r";
fclose( $this->fp );
$output = array();
exec( 'gzip -f ' . $this->CertifyLogFile, $output );
rename( $this->CertifyLogFile . '.gz', $this->CertifyLogFile );
Get basic eZ publish statistics
function checkBasicEZStatus()
$this->startBlock( 'eZ publish statistics' );
$currentSiteAccess = $GLOBALS['eZCurrentAccess']['name'];
$currentDB = eZXNetCertify::dbInstance();
$dbList = $this->dbList();
if ( !$dbList ||
count( $dbList ) == 0 )
// Class and object count list
foreach( $this->dbList() as $dbEntry )
$this->changeAccess( $dbEntry['site_access'] );
$emptyDB = null;
eZDB::setInstance( $emptyDB );
$siteAccessDB = eZXNetCertify::dbInstance( true );
if ( !$siteAccessDB )
$this->appendToBlock( 'DB initialization failed for site access: ' . $dbEntry['site_access'] );
$totalCount = 0;
$this->appendToBlock( 'Content statistics (' . $dbEntry['site_access'] . '):' );
$classList = eZContentClass::fetchList();
$sortedList = array();
if( $classList )
foreach( $classList as $class )
$sortedList[$class->attribute( 'object_count' )][] = $class->attribute( 'name' );
krsort( $sortedList );
foreach( $sortedList as $count => $nameList )
foreach( $nameList as $name )
$this->appendToBlock( 'Class: ' . $name . str_repeat( ' ', 20 - min( strlen( $name ), 20 ) ) . ' - object count: ' . $count );
$totalCount += $count;
// If count is larger than 250000, raise error.
if ( $totalCount > 250000 )
$this->appendToBlock( 'Total eZContentObject count: ' . $totalCount );
// Shop order stats
$this->appendToBlock( '' );
$this->appendToBlock( 'Shop statistics (' . $dbEntry['site_access'] . '):' );
$this->appendToBlock( 'Active order count: ' . eZOrder::activeCount() );
// Role stats
$this->appendToBlock( '' );
$this->appendToBlock( 'Role statistics (' . $dbEntry['site_access'] . '):' );
$this->appendToBlock( 'Role count: ' . eZRole::roleCount() );
Check the default designs for added templates.
Check the following designs:
function checkExistingDesigns()
$this->startBlock( 'Checking for new and modified templates in default designs' );
$this->CLI->output( 'Checking for new and modified templates in default designs' );
$aDefaultDesigns = array(
array( "design", "admin" ),
array( "design", "base" ),
array( "design", "standard" ) );
$aFiles = array();
$md5File = 'share/filelist.md5';
// use both an array and a bigstring of existing filenames
$aShippedFiles = eZFile::splitLines( $md5File );
$sShippedFiles = ":" . implode( ":", $aShippedFiles ) . ":";
foreach( $aDefaultDesigns as $aDesignPath )
$sPath = ezDir::path( $aDesignPath );
$aFiles = ezDir::recursiveFind( $sPath, "\.tpl" );
foreach( $aFiles as $sFilename )
$md5Key = md5_file( $sFilename );
$sItem = $md5Key . " " . $sFilename;
if( !in_array( $sItem, $aShippedFiles ) )
if( false === stristr( $sShippedFiles, $sFilename ) )
$this->appendToBlock( "The template: '" . $sFilename . "' is not part of the default design." );
// an MD5 mismatch between the default and current template
$this->appendToBlock( "The default template: '" . $sFilename . "' has been modified." );
// the template exists in the default design and is not modified
Check existing files
function checkExistingFiles()
$this->startBlock( 'eZ publish PHP MD5 check' );
$this->CLI->output( 'Checking eZ publish PHP files' );
$md5File = 'share/filelist.md5';
$checkResult = eZMD5::checkMD5Sums( $md5File );
if ( count( $checkResult ) != 0 )
$this->appendToBlock( 'Some PHP files has been altered from the eZ publish ' . eZPublishSDK::version() . ' version.' );
$this->appendToBlock( 'Please correct these files.' );
foreach( $checkResult as $file )
$this->appendToBlock( $file );
else if ( count( eZFile::splitLines( $md5File ) ) < 20 )
$this->appendToBlock( 'MD5 sum list corrupted. Please make sure: ' . $md5File . ' is correct.' );
$this->appendToBlock( 'You might not be running a correct distribution ( download from: )' );
$this->appendToBlock( 'MD5 sum check completed successfully.' );
Check cronjob.ini.append.php,
function checkCronjobExtensionSettings()
$this->startBlock( 'Cronjob extension settings' );
$ini = eZINI::instance();
$this->appendToBlock( 'Default siteaccess: ' . $ini->variable( 'SiteSettings', 'DefaultAccess' ) );
$checkedFilenameList = array();
$fileMatchList = array( 'cronjob\.ini\.append',
'cronjob\.ini\.append\.php' );
foreach( $this->extensionList() as $extension )
foreach( $fileMatchList as $fileMatch )
foreach( array_unique( array_merge( eZDir::recursiveFind( 'extension' . $extension . '/', $fileMatch ),
eZDir::recursiveFind( 'settings/override', $fileMatch ) ) ) as $filename )
if ( in_array( $filename, $checkedFilenameList ) )
$checkedFilenameList[] = $filename;
$fileContent = eZFile::getContents( $filename );
foreach( explode( "\n", $fileContent ) as $line )
if ( trim( $line ) == 'ExtensionDirectories[]' )
$this->appendToBlock( 'Cronjob ExtensionDiretories cleared in in ' . $filename );
Check template information
function checkExtensionInformation()
$this->startBlock( 'Extension checks' );
$ini = eZINI::instance();
$this->appendToBlock( 'Default siteaccess: ' . $ini->variable( 'SiteSettings', 'DefaultAccess' ) );
$fileMatchList = array( '\.php',
'\.ini.*' );
foreach( $this->extensionList() as $extension )
foreach( $fileMatchList as $fileMatch )
foreach( eZDir::recursiveFind( 'extension/' . $extension . '/', $fileMatch ) as $filename )
$this->appendFile( $filename );
function canCreateNetworkLog( $logFileName = 'network.log' )
$logPath = 'var/log';
$canWrite = ezDir::isWriteable( $logPath );
if ( $canWrite )
$logPath = eZDir::path( array( $logPath, 'network' ) );
if ( !file_exists( $logPath ) )
ezDir::mkdir( $logPath );
$canWrite = ezDir::isWriteable( $logPath );
if ( $canWrite )
$logPath = eZDir::path( array( $logPath, $logFileName ) );
if ( file_exists( $logPath ) )
$canWrite = eZFile::isWriteable( $logPath );
if ( !$canWrite )
$this->CLI->error( 'No access to create/write by path: ' . $logPath );
$this->CLI->output( "It is important that you run this script with the same user\n" .
"that will run the Apache service. If not possible, then make sure\n" .
"that the Apache service has read and write access\n" .
"to the whole eZ Publish installation." );
return $canWrite;
Check mbstring PHP extension
function checkMBString()
$this->startBlock( 'Mod MBString check' );
$result = eZMBStringMapper::hasMBStringExtension();
if ( !$result )
$this->appendToBlock( 'MBString PHP module not found. But it is recommended because it will improve the performance of eZ Publish.' );
Check mCrypt PHP extension
function checkMCrypt()
$this->startBlock( 'Mod mCrypt check' );
if ( !( function_exists( 'mcrypt_encrypt' ) &&
function_exists( 'mcrypt_decrypt' ) &&
function_exists( 'mcrypt_get_iv_size' ) ) )
$this->appendToBlock( 'mCrypt PHP module not found. This module will add a slight performance gain when running eZ Network patching.' );
Check DB connection
function checkDBConnection()
$this->startBlock( 'Database settings check' );
foreach( $this->siteAccessArray() as $siteAccess)
$this->changeAccess( $siteAccess );
$db = eZXNetCertify::dbInstance( true );
if ( !$db ||
!$db->isConnected() )
// check if the server is "localhost", and if so, retry with
// otherwise, record the problem
$ini = eZINI::instance();
if( "localhost" == strtolower( $ini->variable( 'DatabaseSettings', 'Server' ) ) )
$db =& eZXNetCertify::dbInstance( true, array( "server" => "" ) );
if( $db && $db->isConnected() )
// made a connection at, so skip to end of loop, and don't emit error message
$this->appendToBlock( "DB Connection failed for 'localhost' but worked for '' for SiteAccess: " . $siteAccess );
// emit error message
$this->InvalidSiteAccessList['db'][$siteAccess] = true;
$errorMessage = 'Could not initialize database for SiteAccess : ' . $siteAccess;
$this->appendToBlock( $errorMessage );
elseif ( $db->databaseName() == 'mysql' )
// InnoDB availability checking for MySQL
$dbTableStatusArray = $db->arrayQuery( "SHOW TABLE STATUS;" );
foreach ( $dbTableStatusArray as $dbTableStatus )
if ( $dbTableStatus['Engine'] != 'InnoDB' )
$errorMessage = 'Not InnoDB database table "' . $dbTableStatus['Name'] . '" detected for SiteAccess : ' . $siteAccess;
$this->appendToBlock( $errorMessage );
Check DB charset
function checkDBCharset()
$this->startBlock( 'Database charset check' );
foreach( $this->siteAccessArray() as $siteAccess)
$this->changeAccess( $siteAccess );
$siteAccessINI = eZINI::instance();
if ( isset( $this->InvalidSiteAccessList['db'] ) &&
isset( $this->InvalidSiteAccessList['db'][$siteAccess] ) )
$db = eZXNetCertify::dbInstance( true );
$dbCharset = $siteAccessINI->variable( 'DatabaseSettings', 'Charset' );
if ( !$dbCharset )
$dbCharset = eZTextCodec::internalCharset();
$actualDBCharset = $dbCharset;
if ( !$db )
$this->appendToBlock( 'SiteAccess : ' . $siteAccess . ' - Invalid database.' );
if ( !$db->checkCharset( $dbCharset, $actualDBCharset ) )
$this->appendToBlock( 'SiteAccess : ' . $siteAccess . ' - DB charset set to : "' . $dbCharset . '", DB Charset is : "' . $actualDBCharset . '"' );
Check template washing
function checkTemplateWashing()
$this->startBlock( 'Template wash check' );
/* Regexp with Lookahead condition ( '{$' or '{:$' ) and Lookbehind condition '}'.
* That means: Find all words that have '{$' in the beggining and '}' as the end of this word.
* This words/strings can have all literals/numeric and symbols like '.(|)_' and space
* The regexp can find words like '{$var}', '{$}', '{$var.contentclass_attribute_name|wash}', '{$var|ezimage}', {:$item}
* But it doesn't find strings like '{$attribute.data_int|choose( '', 'checked="checked"' )}' or '{"1x1.gif"|ezimage}'
// Second regExp is used for searching strings like {$:item}
$varRegexpArray = array( '/(?<={\$)[a-zA-Z0-9.(|)_\s]+(?=})/',
'/(?<={\:\$)[a-zA-Z0-9.(|)_\s]+(?=})/' );
/* The words/strings like '{$var|ezimage}' should not be washed,
* for that we are using $washExceptionArray that contains some excepted tpl operators.
* And if we find one of those operators in matched string we should not continue checking.
$washExceptionArray = array( 'ezurl',
'autolink' );
$washOperatorArray = array( '|wash',
'|explode' );
$checkedFileArray = array();
foreach( $this->siteAccessArray() as $siteAccess)
$this->changeAccess( $siteAccess );
$this->CLI->output( "Processing SiteAccess ( washing ) : " . $this->CLI->stylize( 'emphasize', $siteAccess ) );
foreach ( $this->designList() as $design )
$this->CLI->output( " - Design : " . $this->CLI->stylize( 'emphasize', $design ) );
foreach ( $this->templateList( $design ) as $filename )
if ( in_array( $filename, $checkedFileArray ) )
$checkedFileArray[] = $filename;
$lines = eZFile::splitLines( $filename );
if ( !$lines )
$this->appendToBlock( 'Empty file : ' . $filename );
foreach( $lines as $lineCount => $line )
// Go thought regexp array
foreach ( $varRegexpArray as $varRegexp )
// Find all variables that should be washed
if ( preg_match_all( $varRegexp, $line, $matches ) )
foreach ( $matches[0] as $match )
$checkWash = true;
// Matched string can contain other operators like 'ezimage' or 'ezurl'
// so we should not check for the 'wash' in this cases
foreach( $washExceptionArray as $washException )
if ( strpos( $match, $washException ) !== false )
$checkWash = false;
// We should not continue checking
if ( !$checkWash )
$isWashed = false;
// Check if all found vars have been washed
foreach( $washOperatorArray as $washOperator )
// Find wash operator in $match variable string
$washPosition = strpos( $match, $washOperator );
if ( $washPosition !== false )
$isWashed = true;
if ( !$isWashed )
//it may be missing wash operators but it does not automatically mean that is is flawed
$this->appendToBlock( 'Missing wash operator in file [' . ( $lineCount + 1 ) . '] : ' . $filename . '; ' . $match );
} // foreach matches
} // if preg_match_all
} // foreach $varRegexpArray
} // foreach lines from tpl file
} // foreach tpl list
} // foreach designs
} // foreach siteaccesses
Check for ezinfo.php files in extensions.
function checkExtensionPHPInfo()
$this->startBlock( 'ezinfo.php in extensions' );
$this->CLI->output( 'Checking for ezinfo.php in extensions' );
$useOwnExtensionInfoMethod = true;
if ( in_array( 'extensioninfo', get_class_methods( 'eZExtension' ) ) )
$useOwnExtensionInfoMethod = false;
foreach( $this->extensionList() as $extension )
if ( $useOwnExtensionInfoMethod )
$extensionInfo = eZXNetCertify::extensionInfo( $extension );
$extensionInfo = eZExtension::extensionInfo( $extension );
if ( !$extensionInfo )
$this->appendToBlock( 'Extension ' . $extension . ' does not contain a valid ezinfo.php file.' );
$checkArray = array( 'name',
'copyright' );
foreach( $checkArray as $check )
if ( !( isset( $extensionInfo[$check] ) ||
isset( $extensionInfo[ucfirst( $check )] ) ) )
$this->appendToBlock( 'Extension ' . $extension . ', ezinfo.php does not contain a valid ' . $check );
else if ( isset( $extensionInfo[ucfirst( $check )] ) )
$this->appendToBlock( ucfirst( $check ) . ': ' . $extensionInfo[ucfirst( $check )] );
else if ( isset( $extensionInfo[$check] ) )
$this->appendToBlock( ucfirst( $check ) . ': ' . $extensionInfo[$check] );
$optionalCheckArray = array( 'info_url' );
foreach( $optionalCheckArray as $check )
if ( isset( $extensionInfo[ucfirst( $check )] ) )
$this->appendToBlock( ucfirst( $check ) . ': ' . $extensionInfo[ucfirst( $check )] );
else if ( isset( $extensionInfo[$check] ) )
$this->appendToBlock( ucfirst( $check ) . ': ' . $extensionInfo[$check] );
Check PHP files
Check <?php ?> start/end
Check license header
Check total php file name count
function checkPHPFiles()
$this->startBlock( 'PHP file check' );
$this->CLI->output( 'Checking PHP files' );
$globalINIFileList = array();
foreach( $this->extensionList() as $extension )
$classificationTools = new eZXNetExtensionClassificationTools( $extension );
// Get possible PHP file list, and remove files in exclusion list.
$phpFileList = $classificationTools->phpFileList();
$phpFileList[] = eZDir::path( array( eZExtension::baseDirectory(), $this->extension(), 'ezinfo.php' ) );
$this->appendToBlock( 'Extension ' . $extension . ' PHP file count: ' . count( $phpFileList ) );
foreach( $phpFileList as $phpFile )
$phpContent = eZFile::getContents( $phpFile );
if ( strpos( $phpContent, '<?' ) === false ||
!( strpos( $phpContent, '<?' ) < 1000 ) ||
strpos( $phpContent, '?>', strlen( $phpContent ) - 10 ) === false )
$this->appendToBlock( 'PHP file does not seem to have correct <?php ... ?> start and end, ' . $phpFile );
elseif ( !$classificationTools->havePHPHeaderLicense( $phpFile ) )
$this->appendToBlock( 'PHP file does not seem to have correct license header, ' . $phpFile );
Get list of specific site access settings in extensions.
function checkSiteAccessSetttingsList()
$this->startBlock( 'Site access settings in extensions' );
$this->CLI->output( 'Checking site access settings in extensions' );
foreach( $this->extensionList() as $extension )
$siteAccessSettingsFound = false;
$pathList = glob( eZDir::path( array( eZExtension::baseDirectory(),
'*' ) ),
foreach( $pathList as $path )
$siteAccessSettingsList = array_merge( eZDir::recursiveFind( $path, '.*\.ini\.append' ),
eZDir::recursiveFind( $path, '.*\.ini\.append\.php' ) );
if ( count( $siteAccessSettingsList ) )
$siteAccessSettingsFound = true;
$fileString = '';
foreach( $siteAccessSettingsList as $key => $siteAccessSettings )
$siteAccessSettingsList[$key] = array_pop( explode( eZSys::fileSeparator(), $siteAccessSettings ) );
$this->appendToBlock( 'Extension ' . $extension . ' has site access settings for ' .
array_pop( explode( eZSys::fileSeparator(), $path ) ) . ' ( ' .
implode( ', ', $siteAccessSettingsList ) . ' )' );
if ( !$siteAccessSettingsFound )
$this->appendToBlock( 'Extension ' . $extension . ' has no site access specific settings.' );
Check INI settings for bad configurations,
function checkBadExtensionSettings()
$this->startBlock( 'Extension development INI settings' );
$this->CLI->output( 'Checking extension for development settings' );
$searchList = array( 'TemplateCompile=disabled',
'DebugRedirection=enabled' );
foreach( $this->extensionList() as $extension )
$settingsPath = eZDir::path( array( eZExtension::baseDirectory(),
'settings' ) );
$iniFiles = array_merge( eZDir::recursiveFind( $settingsPath, '.*\.ini\.append' ),
eZDir::recursiveFind( $settingsPath, '.*.ini\.append\.php' ) );
foreach( $iniFiles as $filename )
foreach( explode( "\n", eZFile::getContents( $filename ) ) as $line )
$line = trim( $line );
foreach( $searchList as $term )
if ( strpos( $line, $term ) === 0 )
$this->appendToBlock( 'INI file: ' . $filename . ' contains illegal settings: ' . $term );
Check INI files
Check <?php ?> start/end
Check .ini.append.php filename
Check total ini file name count
function checkINIFiles()
$this->startBlock( 'INI file check' );
$this->CLI->output( 'Checking INI files' );
$globalINIFileList = array();
foreach( $this->extensionList() as $extension )
$iniFileList = array_merge( eZDir::recursiveFind( eZDir::path( array( eZExtension::baseDirectory(),
'settings' ) ),
'.*\.ini\.append' ),
eZDir::recursiveFind( eZDir::path( array( eZExtension::baseDirectory(),
'settings' ) ),
'.*\.ini\.append\.php' ) );
$globalINIFileList = array_merge( $globalINIFileList, $iniFileList );
$this->appendToBlock( 'Extension ' . $extension . ' ini file count: ' . count( $iniFileList ) );
foreach( $iniFileList as $iniFile )
if ( eZFile::suffix( $iniFile ) == 'append' )
$this->appendToBlock( 'INI file ' . $iniFile . ' does not have a .php ending.' );
$iniContent = eZFile::getContents( $iniFile );
if ( strpos( $iniContent, '<?' ) === false ||
!( strpos( $iniContent, '<?' ) < 1000 ) ||
strpos( $iniContent, '?>', strlen( $iniContent ) - 10 ) === false )
$this->appendToBlock( 'INI file does not seem to have correct <?php ... ?> start and end, ' . $iniFile );
Check custom INI settings
Check if there are extra settings/blocks
function checkCustomINISettings()
$this->startBlock( 'Custom settings check' );
$this->CLI->output( 'Checking custom INI settings' );
// This setting files allow the creation of custom settings.
$settingExceptionArray = array( 'override.ini',
foreach( $this->extensionList() as $extension )
$iniFileList = array_merge( eZDir::recursiveFind( eZDir::path( array( eZExtension::baseDirectory(),
'settings' ) ),
'.*\.ini\.append' ),
eZDir::recursiveFind( eZDir::path( array( eZExtension::baseDirectory(),
'settings' ) ),
'.*\.ini\.append\.php' ),
eZDir::recursiveFind( eZDir::path( array( eZExtension::baseDirectory(),
'settings' ) ),
'.*\.ini' ) );
$extensionRootDir = eZDir::path( array( eZExtension::baseDirectory(), $extension, 'settings' ) );
$globalError = false;
foreach( $iniFileList as $iniFile )
// Extract the file name with '.append' or '.append.php'
preg_match( '/[^\/]*$/', $iniFile, $matches );
if ( !isset( $matches[0] ) )
// We skip exception files when testing for custom settings
$checkSetting = true;
foreach ( $settingExceptionArray as $settingException )
if ( strpos( $matches[0], $settingException ) !== false )
$checkSetting = false;
// If current file is exception file we skip it
if ( !$checkSetting )
// Extract the file name without '.append' or '.append.php'
$iniFileName = array_shift( explode( '.', $matches[0] ) ) . '.ini';
// If $iniFileName is custom settings file
if ( !file_exists( eZDir::path( array( 'settings', $iniFileName ) ) ) )
$useLocalOverrides = false;
// cache these so that we can restore them after this test -
// otherwise remaining tests are corrupted
$key1 = "eZINIGlobalInstance-settings-$iniFileName-$useLocalOverrides";
$val1 = $GLOBALS[ $key1 ];
$key2 = "eZINIGlobalIsLoaded-settings-$iniFileName-$useLocalOverrides";
$val2 = $GLOBALS[ $key2 ];
// We have to clear globals cache for direct access to default settings without overrides
unset( $GLOBALS[ $key1 ] );
unset( $GLOBALS[ $key2 ] );
$ini = eZINI::instance( $iniFileName, $extensionRootDir, null, false, $useLocalOverrides, true );
$defaultINI = eZINI::instance( $iniFileName, 'settings', null, false, $useLocalOverrides, true );
$namedArray = $ini->getNamedArray();
$namedDefaultArray = $defaultINI->getNamedArray();
$blockWasNotFound = false;
foreach ( $namedArray as $nameOfBlock => $variables )
if ( !isset( $namedDefaultArray[$nameOfBlock] ) )
$this->appendToBlock( 'EXTRA configuration block was found: ' . $iniFile . ':[' . $nameOfBlock . ']' );
$blockWasNotFound = true;
$globalError = true;
if ( !$blockWasNotFound )
foreach ( $variables as $variableName => $value )
if ( !isset( $namedDefaultArray[$nameOfBlock][$variableName] ) )
$this->appendToBlock( 'EXTRA setting was found: ' . $iniFile . ':[' . $nameOfBlock . '].' . $variableName );
$globalError = true;
// restore these
$GLOBALS[ $key1 ] = $val1;
$GLOBALS[ $key2 ] = $val2;
if ( $globalError )
$this->appendToBlock( 'All custom settings has to be stored in custom INI files' );
Check number of design templates.
function checkDesignTemplateCount()
$this->startBlock( 'Design template count' );
$this->CLI->output( 'Checking template count' );
foreach( $this->extensionList() as $extension )
$this->appendToBlock( 'Extension ' . $extension . ' contains ' . count( $this->templateFileList( $extension ) ) .
' design template(s)' );
if ( !$this->extension() )
$this->appendToBlock( 'Total template count: ' . count( $this->templateFileList() ) );
Check number of datatypes.
function checkDataTypeCount()
$this->startBlock( 'Extension data type count' );
$this->CLI->output( 'Checking datatype count' );
$contentINI = eZINI::instance( 'content.ini' );
$extensionList = $contentINI->variable( 'DataTypeSettings', 'ExtensionDirectories' );
$globalDataTypeList = $this->globalDataTypeList();
foreach( $this->dataTypeExtensionList() as $extension )
if ( $this->extension() &&
$this->extension() != $extension )
$dataTypeList = glob( eZDir::path( array( eZExtension::baseDirectory(),
'*' ) ),
$newTypeList = array();
foreach( $dataTypeList as $key => $path )
$dataType = array_pop( explode( eZSys::fileSeparator(), $path ) );
if ( in_array( $dataType, $globalDataTypeList ) )
$newTypeList[] = $dataType;
if ( count( $newTypeList ) )
$this->appendToBlock( 'Extension ' . $extension . ' contains : ' . count( $dataTypeList ) . ' datatype(s). ( ' .
implode( ', ', $newTypeList ) . ' )' );
if ( !$this->extension() )
$this->appendToBlock( 'Total data type count ( including eZ Publish ) : ' . count( $globalDataTypeList ) );
Check extension type.
Extension type definition:
A - Contains settings, translations and document
B - Contains settings + template design + images
C - Contains non-template code for reading and processing data for presentation.
D - Contains non-template code for storing data.
function checkExtensionType()
$this->startBlock( 'Classifying extension type' );
$this->CLI->output( 'Checking extension types' );
foreach( $this->extensionList() as $extension )
$fileResultList = array();
$extensionType = eZXNetCertify::EXTENSION_TYPE_A;
$classificationTools = new eZXNetExtensionClassificationTools( $extension );
// Get possible PHP file list, and remove files in exclusion list.
$phpFileList = $classificationTools->phpFileList();
// Type C or D extension.
if ( $phpFileList )
$extensionType = eZXNetCertify::EXTENSION_TYPE_C;
foreach( $phpFileList as $phpFile )
$writeCodeList = $classificationTools->getPHPWriteCodeList( $phpFile );
if ( $writeCodeList )
$fileResultList[$phpFile][] = '*Detected write code:';
foreach( $writeCodeList as $writeCode )
$fileResultList[$phpFile][] = $writeCode;
if ( $this->extension() )
//write code may appear, but it does not automatically mean that it is flawed
$extensionType = eZXNetCertify::EXTENSION_TYPE_D;
if ( $extensionType == eZXNetCertify::EXTENSION_TYPE_A )
$templateFileList = $classificationTools->templateFileList( $extension );
if ( $templateFileList )
$extensionType = eZXNetCertify::EXTENSION_TYPE_B;
$this->appendToBlock( '--- Extension is of type: ' . $extensionType . ' ---' );
if ( count( $fileResultList ) )
foreach( $fileResultList as $filename => $fileResult )
$this->appendToBlock( 'Potential issue detected with file: ' . $filename );
foreach( $fileResult as $result )
$this->appendToBlock( $result );
Check extension file count. This function will check a specific function if setExtension is set.
If not, it'll check all extensions.
function checkExtensionFileCount()
$this->startBlock( 'Check extension file count' );
$this->CLI->output( 'Checking extension file count' );
foreach( $this->extensionList() as $extension )
$fileCount = count( eZDir::recursiveFind( eZDir::path( array( eZExtension::baseDirectory(),
$extension ) ),
".*" ) );
$this->appendToBlock( 'Extension file count ( ' . $extension . ' ):' .
$fileCount . ' files.' );
Check extension size. This function will check a specific function if setExtension is set.
If not, it'll check all extensions.
function checkExtensionSize()
$this->startBlock( 'Check extension size' );
$this->CLI->output( 'Checking extension sizes' );
foreach( $this->extensionList() as $extension )
$extensionSize = 0;
foreach( eZDir::recursiveFind( eZDir::path( array( eZExtension::baseDirectory(),
$extension ) ),
".*" ) as $filename )
$extensionSize += filesize( $filename );
$suffix = array( 'B',
'PB' );
$offset = 0;
while ( $extensionSize >= 1024 )
$extensionSize = $extensionSize / 1024;
$this->appendToBlock( 'Extension size ( ' . $extension . ' ):' .
number_format( $extensionSize,
( $offset ? 2 : 0)
'.' ) .
' ' . $suffix[$offset] );
Check for symlinks in extension directory ( may cause updateting and installation to crash )
function checkForSymlinks()
$this->startBlock( 'Symlink check' );
$extensionDir = eZExtension::baseDirectory();
if ( is_link( $extensionDir ) )
$this->appendToBlock( 'Symlink detected: ' . $extensionDir );
foreach( glob( $extensionDir . '/*' ) as $file )
if ( is_link( $file ) )
$this->appendToBlock( 'Symlink detected: ' . $file );
Check templates for 'attribute(show)'
function checkTemplateAttributeShow()
$this->startBlock( 'Template |attribute( check' );
$searchString = array( '|attribute(' );
$checkedFileArray = array();
foreach( $this->siteAccessArray() as $siteAccess)
$this->changeAccess( $siteAccess );
$this->CLI->output( "Processing SiteAccess ( attribute show ) : " . $this->CLI->stylize( 'emphasize', $siteAccess ) );
foreach ( $this->designList() as $design )
$this->CLI->output( " - Design : " . $this->CLI->stylize( 'emphasize', $design ) );
foreach ( $this->templateList( $design ) as $filename )
if ( in_array( $filename, $checkedFileArray ) )
$checkedFileArray[] = $filename;
foreach( eZFile::splitLines( $filename ) as $lineCount => $line )
foreach( $searchString as $needle )
$pos = strpos( $line, $needle );
if ( $pos !== false &&
! ( strpos( $line, '{*' ) < $pos &&
strpos( $line, '*}' ) > $pos ) )
$this->appendToBlock( $needle . ' operator in file [' . ( $lineCount + 1 ) . ':' . $pos . '] : ' . $filename );
Check template compilation
function checkTemplateCompilation()
$this->startBlock( 'Template validation' );
foreach( $this->siteAccessArray() as $siteAccess)
$this->changeAccess( $siteAccess );
$this->CLI->output( "Validating SiteAccess : " . $this->CLI->stylize( 'emphasize', $siteAccess ) );
foreach ( $this->designList() as $design )
$this->CLI->output( " - Design : " . $this->CLI->stylize( 'emphasize', $design ) );
foreach ( $this->templateList( $design ) as $idx => $filename )
$this->checkTemplate( $filename );
echo "\r " . $this->progressArray( $idx );
echo "\r";
Check patch command
Note that in the case of FreeBSD and Solaris, where gpatch is required,
a special case is required because "gpatch -v" returns, eg, "patch 2.5.4"
Note that eZNetUtils::checkAccessToExecutables() contains parallel behaviours.
function checkPatchCommand()
$sOSName = $this->getOSName();
$output = array();
$this->startBlock( 'System Patch command check' );
if ( 'Solaris' == $sOSName || "FreeBSD" == $sOSName )
$command = 'gpatch -v';
$cmdResult = exec( $command, $output );
$patchOK = ( preg_match( '/^patch [0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]/', $output[0], $matches ) == 1 );
if ( $patchOK === false )
$this->appendToBlock( "'gpatch' is required on " . $sOSName ); // log error message
$command = 'patch -v';
$cmdResult = exec( $command, $output );
$patchOK = ( preg_match( '/^patch [0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]/', $output[0], $matches ) == 1 );
if ( $patchOK === false )
$this->appendToBlock( "'patch' is required on " . $sOSName );
function checkDiffCommand()
$sOSName = $this->getOSName();
$output = array();
$this->startBlock( 'System Diff command check' );
$command = 'diff -v';
$cmdResult = exec( $command, $output );
if ( "FreeBSD" == $sOSName )
$diffOK = ( preg_match( '/^diff - GNU diffutils [a-zA-Z0-9_]* [0-9]\.[0-9]/', $output[0], $matches ) == 1 );
$diffOK = ( preg_match( '/^diff \(GNU diffutils\) [0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]/', $output[0], $matches ) == 1 );
if ( $diffOK === false )
$this->appendToBlock( "'GNU diff' is required on " . $sOSName );
Check image handling
function checkImageHandling()
$this->startBlock( 'Image handling' );
$success = false;
$imageINI = eZINI::instance( 'image.ini' );
// Check for gd.
if ( $imageINI->variable( 'GD', 'IsEnabled' ) == 'true' )
if ( function_exists( 'gd_info' ) )
$gdInfo = gd_info();
$success = true;
$this->appendToBlock( 'GD detected: ' . $gdInfo['GD Version'] );
$this->appendToBlock( 'GD not detected.' );
$this->appendToBlock( 'GD not enabled.' );
// Check for ImageMagick.
$imDetected = false;
if ( $imageINI->variable( 'ImageMagick', 'IsEnabled' ) == 'true' )
$convertPath = $imageINI->variable( 'ImageMagick', 'ExecutablePath' );
$executableList = array( $imageINI->variable( 'ImageMagick', 'Executable' ),
$imageINI->variable( 'ImageMagick', 'ExecutableWin32' ) );
foreach( $executableList as $executable )
$matches = array();
$command = eZDir::path( array( $convertPath, $executable ) ) . ' -version';
$output = array();
$cmdResult = exec( $command, $output );
$patchOK = ( preg_match( '/^Version: ImageMagick ([0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9])/', $output[0], $matches ) == 1 );
if ( $patchOK )
$success = true;
$imDetected = true;
$this->appendToBlock( 'ImageMagic detected: ' . $matches[1] );
if ( !$imDetected )
$this->appendToBlock( 'ImageMagic not detected.' );
$this->appendToBlock( 'ImageMagic not enabled.' );
if ( !$success )
Check monitor connection
function checkMonitorConnection()
$serverList = array( array( 'addr' => '',
'port' => 443 ),
array( 'addr' => '',
'port' => 80 )
$this->startBlock( ' monitor connection' );
foreach ( $serverList as $server )
$monitorConnected = eZXNetCertify::checkMonitorConnectionTo( $server['addr'], $server['port'] );
if ( $monitorConnected )
if ( !$monitorConnected )
$this->appendToBlock( 'Connection to soap server failed.' );
Check SOAP connection to a given server&port
function checkMonitorConnectionTo( $serverAddress, $port )
$soapClient = new eZSOAPClient( $serverAddress, '/', $port );
$request = new eZSOAPRequest( 'certifyTest', '', array() );
$soapResponse = $soapClient->send( $request );
if ( $soapResponse->faultString() != 'Method not found' )
$this->appendToBlock( 'Connection to soap server failed.' );
return true;
Check safe mode
function checkSafeMode()
$this->startBlock( 'PHP Safe mode' );
if ( ini_get( 'safe_mode' ) != 0 )
$this->appendToBlock( 'PHP seems to be running in safe mode.' );
Check PHP extensions runtime loading availability
function checkDLFunction()
$this->startBlock( 'PHP extension runtime loading' );
if ( ini_get( 'enable_dl' ) == 0 || ini_get( 'safe_mode' ) != 0 )
$this->appendToBlock( 'Runtime loading of PHP extensions is unavailable.' );
Check ini write
function checkINIWrite()
$iniSetOK = ini_set( 'memory_limit', '500M' );
$this->startBlock( 'System set INI check' );
if ( $iniSetOK === false )
Get name of logfile
function getLogFileName()
return $this->CertifyLogFile;
Proghress array
function progressArray( $idx )
return $this->ProgressArray[ $idx % count( $this->ProgressArray ) ];
Set SiteAccessArray
\param SiteAccessArray
function setSiteAccessArray( $siteAccessArray )
$this->SiteAccessArray = $siteAccessArray;
Get SiteAccessArray
\return SiteAccessArray
function siteAccessArray()
return $this->SiteAccessArray;
Get a list of all databases used by this installation of eZ publish.
This function loops through every site access, and reads DB settings.
\return array of database settings, db name as key. Empty array if none exists.
The array also caintains name of the site access.
function dbList()
$currentSiteAccess = $GLOBALS['eZCurrentAccess']['name'];
$currentDB = eZXNetCertify::dbInstance();
$dbParameterList = array();
foreach( $this->siteAccessArray() as $siteAccess )
$this->changeAccess( $siteAccess );
$emptyDB = null;
eZDB::setInstance( $emptyDB );
$siteAccessDB = eZXNetCertify::dbInstance( true );
if ( !$siteAccessDB ||
!$siteAccessDB->isConnected() )
$this->appendToBlock( 'Could not instantiate DB for site access: ' . $siteAccess );
$dbParameterList[$siteAccessDB->DB] = array( 'site_access' => $siteAccess,
'database' => $siteAccessDB->DB );
$this->changeAccess( $currentSiteAccess );
eZDB::setInstance( $currentDB );
return $dbParameterList;
Get the current DB instance.
\param if set to true, get the new instance
\return DB instance. If the DB instance fails, or the required DB extension is not loaded, return false.
function dbInstance( $newInstance = false, $databaseParameters = false )
$retVal = false;
$dbModuleNameMap = array( 'ezmysql' => array( 'mysql' ),
'ezpostgresql' => array( 'pgsql' ),
'ezoracle' => array( 'oci8', 'oracle' )
$siteINI = eZINI::instance();
$dbImplementation = trim( $siteINI->variable( 'DatabaseSettings', 'DatabaseImplementation' ) );
if ( in_array( $dbImplementation, array_keys( $dbModuleNameMap ) ) )
foreach ( $dbModuleNameMap[$dbImplementation] as $module )
if ( extension_loaded( $module ) )
if ( $newInstance )
$retVal = eZDB::instance( false, $databaseParameters, true );
$retVal = eZDB::instance();
$this->appendToBlock( 'Extension "' . $module . '" is not loaded.' );
$this->appendToBlock( 'Database implementation "' . $dbImplementation . '" not supported. Choose one of: ' . implode( ', ', array_keys( $dbModuleNameMap ) ) );
return $retVal;
Set specified extension. Setting an extension automaticly removes checksum and site name from the certify log.
\param extension name
function setExtension( $extension )
$this->Extension = $extension;
$this->IncludeChecksum = false;
$this->IncludeSiteData = false;
Get extension name. This will return false if no extension has been specified. It'll return the name
of the extension if a specific extension has been specified.
\return extension name
function extension()
return $this->Extension;
Get unique extension list
\return extension list.
function extensionList()
$extensionList = array();
foreach( $this->siteAccessArray() as $siteAccess )
$this->changeAccess( $siteAccess );
foreach( eZExtension::activeExtensions() as $extension )
if ( $this->extension() &&
$this->extension() != $extension )
$extensionList[] = $extension;
return array_unique( $extensionList );
Get unique datatype extension list
\return datatype extension list.
function dataTypeExtensionList()
$extensionList = array();
foreach( $this->siteAccessArray() as $siteAccess )
$this->changeAccess( $siteAccess );
$contentINI = eZINI::instance( 'content.ini' );
foreach( $contentINI->variable( 'DataTypeSettings', 'ExtensionDirectories' ) as $extension )
if ( $this->extension() &&
$this->extension() != $extension )
$extensionList[] = $extension;
return array_unique( $extensionList );
Get global datatype list
\return global datatype list
function globalDataTypeList()
$dataTypeList = array();
foreach( $this->siteAccessArray() as $siteAccess )
$this->changeAccess( $siteAccess );
$contentINI = eZINI::instance( 'content.ini' );
$dataTypeList = array_merge( $dataTypeList,
$contentINI->variable( 'DataTypeSettings', 'AvailableDataTypes' ) );
return array_unique( $dataTypeList );
Get list of template names.
\param extension ( if extension is defined, return only design templates from extension. If not,
return all design templates )
\return list of template names.
function templateFileList( $extension = false )
if ( $extension )
return eZDir::recursiveFind( eZDir::path( array( eZExtension::baseDirectory(),
$extension ) ),
"\.tpl" );
return array_merge( eZDir::recursiveFind( eZExtension::baseDirectory(),
"\.tpl" ),
eZDir::recursiveFind( 'design',
"\.tpl" ) );
( copied and recopied from eZNetUtils::getOSName )
Get opearting system name.
\return operating system. ( Windows, Linux ( default ) or Solaris ( also SunOS ) )
function getOSName()
if ( strtolower( substr( PHP_OS, 0, 3 ) ) == 'win' )
return 'Windows';
else if ( strtolower( substr( PHP_OS, 0, 5 ) ) == 'sunos' ||
strtolower( substr( PHP_OS, 0, 7 ) ) == 'solaris' )
return 'Solaris';
else if ( strtolower( PHP_OS ) == 'freebsd' )
return 'FreeBSD';
return 'Linux';
function extensionInfo( $extension )
$infoFileName = eZDir::path( array( eZExtension::baseDirectory(), $extension, 'ezinfo.php' ) );
if ( file_exists( $infoFileName ) )
$className = $extension . 'Info';
if ( is_callable( array( $className, 'info' ) ) )
$result = call_user_func_array( array( $className, 'info' ), array() );
if ( is_array( $result ) )
return $result;
return null;
function setIncludeEZPDesign( $flag = true )
$this->IncludeEZPDesign = $flag;
return true;
function includeEZPDesign()
return $this->IncludeEZPDesign;
/// Private variables
var $BlockStack = array();
var $BlockStackCount = 0;
var $CertyfiLogFile;
var $tpl;
var $InvalidTemplateCompileList;
var $CLI;
var $fp;
var $Log;
var $LogFileList;
var $ProgressArray = array( '-', '\\', '|', '/' );
var $SiteAccessArray;
var $InvalidSiteAccessList = array();
var $ErrorCode = 0;
/// Variables for handling specific automated extension approval
var $Extension = false;
var $IncludeChecksum = true;
var $IncludeSiteData = true;
var $IncludeEZPDesign = false;
Extension classification helper class
class eZXNetExtensionClassificationTools
\param extension name
function eZXNetExtensionClassificationTools( $extension )
$this->Extension = $extension;
Get list of template names.
\return list of template names.
function templateFileList( $extension = false )
return eZDir::recursiveFind( eZDir::path( array( eZExtension::baseDirectory(),
$this->extension() ) ),
"\.tpl" );
Get PHP file list, excluding ini files.
\return list of eZ Publish file names
function phpFileList()
$phpFileList = eZDir::recursiveFind( eZDir::path( array( eZExtension::baseDirectory(),
$this->extension() ) ),
"\.php" );
$excludeSuffixList = array( '.ini.append.php',
'ezinfo.php' );
foreach( $phpFileList as $key => $phpFile )
foreach( $excludeSuffixList as $excludeSuffix )
$offset = strlen( $phpFile ) - strlen( $excludeSuffix );
if ( strpos( $phpFile, $excludeSuffix, $offset ) !== false )
unset( $phpFileList[$key] );
return $phpFileList;
Check if a PHP file contains code for writing data to disk, eZ Publish or mysql.
\param filename
\return list of detected code, including line/column. Example:
[12:4]: fwrite( $fp, 'a' );
Return false if nothing was detected.
function getPHPWriteCodeList( $filename )
$content = eZFile::getContents( $filename );
if ( !$content )
return false;
$writeCodeList = array( 'PHP' => array( 'fwrite', 'file_put_contents',
'chgrp', 'chown', 'chmod',
'copy', 'delete', 'flock',
'fputcsv', 'fputs', 'ftruncate',
'mkdir', 'unlink', 'symlink' ),
'SQL' => array( 'insert into', 'update', 'delete' ),
'eZPublish_Dynamic' => array( 'setattribute',
'store', 'sync', 'storeObject' ),
'eZPublish_Static' => array( 'create' ) );
$resultList = array();
foreach( explode( "\n", $content ) as $idx => $originalLine )
$line = strtolower( $originalLine );
$commentStrPos = strpos( $line, '//' ) === false ? 10000 : strpos( $line, '//' );
foreach( $writeCodeList['PHP'] as $phpCode )
$strPos = strpos( $line, $phpCode . '(' );
if ( $strPos !== false )
if ( $strPos < $commentStrPos )
$resultList[] = '[' . ( $idx + 1 ) . ':' . $strPos . ']:' . $originalLine;
foreach( $writeCodeList['SQL'] as $sql )
$strPos = strpos( $line, $sql . ' ' );
if ( $strPos !== false )
if ( $strPos < $commentStrPos )
$resultList[] = '[' . ( $idx + 1 ) . ':' . $strPos . ']:' . $originalLine;
foreach( $writeCodeList['eZPublish_Dynamic'] as $eZCode )
$strPos = strpos( $line, '->' . $eZCode . '(' );
if ( $strPos !== false )
if ( $strPos < $commentStrPos )
$resultList[] = '[' . ( $idx + 1 ) . ':' . $strPos . ']:' . $originalLine;
foreach( $writeCodeList['eZPublish_Static'] as $eZCode )
$strPos = strpos( $line, '::' . $eZCode . '(' );
if ( $strPos !== false )
if ( $strPos < $commentStrPos )
$resultList[] = '[' . ( $idx + 1 ) . ':' . $strPos . ']:' . $originalLine;
return count( $resultList ) ? $resultList : false;
Check if a PHP file contains a header of commented lines
\param filename
\return list of detected lines
Return false if nothing was detected.
function havePHPHeaderLicense( $filename )
$content = eZFile::getContents( $filename );
if ( !$content )
return false;
$codeStartPos = strpos( $content, '<?' );
$codeEndPos = strpos( $content, '?>', strlen( $content ) - 10 );
if ( $codeStartPos === false ||
!( $codeStartPos < 1000 ) ||
$codeEndPos === false )
return false;
if ( $codeStartPos === strpos( $content, '<?php' ) )
$codeStartPos += 3;
$content = substr( $content, $codeStartPos + 2, $codeEndPos - $codeStartPos - 2 );
$licenseWordList = array( array( 'license', 'licence' ),
array( 'copyright' ) );
$insideComment = false;
foreach( explode( "\n", $content ) as $idx => $originalLine )
$originalLine = trim( $originalLine ); // hack to allow for Windows-style line-endings
$line = strtolower( $originalLine );
$endLine = '';
if ( $insideComment !== true )
$commentStart = strpos( $line, '//' );
$multilineCommentStart = strpos( $line, '/*' );
if ( $multilineCommentStart !== false &&
( $commentStart === false || $multilineCommentStart < $commentStart ) )
$commentStart = $multilineCommentStart;
$insideComment = true;
if ( $line !== '' )
if ( $commentStart === false ) // if header is finished
return false;
$line = substr( $line, $commentStart + 2 );
if ( $insideComment === true )
$commentEndPos = strpos( $line, '*/' );
if ( $commentEndPos !== false )
$endLine = substr( $line, $commentEndPos + 2 );
$line = substr( $line, 0, $commentEndPos );
if ( $line === false )
$line = '';
$insideComment = false;
$leftLicenseWordList = $licenseWordList;
foreach( $licenseWordList as $wordVersionIndex => $wordVersionList )
foreach ( $wordVersionList as $wordVersion )
if ( strpos( $line, $wordVersion ) )
unset( $leftLicenseWordList[$wordVersionIndex] );
if ( $leftLicenseWordList === array() ) // all the words are found at least 1 time
return true;
$licenseWordList = $leftLicenseWordList;
$line = $endLine;
while ( $endLine !== '' );
return false;
Get extension name
\return extension name
function extension()
return $this->Extension;
/// Class variables
var $Extension = null;
// Class constants
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